Moving indoors due to new county ordinance

don’t forget what Martin Luther King said… :smile:

“In a civilised society, it is the duty of all citizens to obey just laws. But at the same time it is the duty of all citizens to disobey unjust laws.”

  • Martin Luther King Jr.

I hope so too. Thanks @gordongecko :+1:t4:

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I ask myself, can I afford to continue growing outdoor an disobey this new and unjust law? lol.
But after what you mentioned yesterday about keepin em outdoors, it got me thinkin
“What would the cost be”?
They only state that it would be $1000 per plant over the 6 and $500 for any used solvents?
Yet I could grow outside if I had a “locked” greenhouse. Weird!


What about a green house? Can you buy a cheap snap.together and cover them with it? It would be consider “indoors” now right lol
Edit- just saw your last post lol, well I would do a locked greenhouse, much cheaper than indoor growing


That’s what I was thinkin too but it’s supoosed to have a locked door?!?! I seen some online but they’re wayyy too expensive for me

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You can put a lock on anything my man lol, do they specify what kind of locked door?


$1000 fine? yikes, I guess the strategy would be play dumb if you get caught and ask for a warning.

I would be tempted to get the absolute cheapest, POS flimsy greenhouse I could find & put a cheap padlock on it.


No it does not say what kind of lock. It just reads that it has to be indoors or inside an accessory structure and has to be locked. :man_shrugging:t4:


I think I’m going to do exactly that @Muleskinner.
I tried moving one yesterday and it almost tipped over with all the weight on top so Inleft it alone.
Of course it’s one that has no stakes or tomato cage holding it up


Either way I need to go buy some bamboo stakes or somethin today.
All I need is for these girls to be Fallin down because I was being lazy

I have combo livestock panels, According to the law as written, I could put a lock on the gate and be in compliance. Not that the teen boys next door couldn’t just go over or cut the wire between two panels. :slight_smile:


…just catchin up here…

i’m in that similar limbo myself but for a few years have gone with the fuckitandsee policy successfully… the fines are steep here. 500$/day after they visit. ouch.

if you have some $ to spend, then greenhouse all the way.

it can be ugly or a masterpiece. :smile:

:evergreen_tree: “speed costs money. how fast do you want to go?”

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I had thought about that too because I myself have padlocks on both gates that lead into my backyard.
If that’s the case then I’m within compliance too right? Lol.

Yes but is that a $500 visit or is there a warning the new adopted ordinance Was adopted 30 days ago and you need to put em inside now” kind of visit lol?

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I would do a little more research on what a locked greenhouse or unattached structure is in your county/city or both. All should be on the web. Here a greenhouse would be okay If I had a 100 ft setback in all directions. The structure here has to be secure, meaning a completely lockable shed, greenhouse would need fenced in( chain link ) and that being locked secures the grow. I don’t know, if I had the land I would find a mellow spot and have my few. Laws are crazy and always changing. Just secure a big dog kennel over them and lock it. Bam
Peace OG


Problem solved, you can have one for your diary too… :grinning:


it’s 500 per day after they show up & tell you you’re out of compliance… or if you appear to be doing more than you’re supposed to they chop/seize/arrest & pass you off to the govt for a @anon58740919 hahaha.

last week the local paper had 3 chinese nationals, one with very, very red eyes(LMAO), because they bypassed the meter & were using 20000 kwh 24/7.

D’oh. the power company wants their cut, fyi. :smirk:

IMO, it’s about whether you bother anyone. “complaint-based” law enforcement.
if you have laid back neighbors or anal yuppie young parents or whatnot matters. I have LEOs in the air all day every day and we’re on year 3 here.

Just don’t grow monsters/trees, keep your #s down to a 1 or 2 person limit whatever it is.

Everything @OG1969 said is right on. look up your local weed laws & make your own decisions.

Think of it like shooting a porno as an _anal_ogy… :projector: :kiss:

If your neighbors wouldn’t care if you did that kind of shit in the back yard, then you’re golden. :smile:

If they’d put you on the nightly news as a junkie’s factory because you’re an evil drug-addled-bad-person, then you might want to move :wink: or consider putting extra $ into odor control…more than normal.

I recently had a neighbor change so I’ve had to recalibrate on-the-fly… they aren’t a threat yet but I already know it’s time to alter my stank & act different than i have.


It is interesting though that their infant stops crying when I get the hash on. :smoking:

:peace: right on :baby:

:evergreen_tree: :imp:


Well if that’s the case frame up some 2x4 staple some plastic up and call it a green house then of course add a cheap door and lapse with lock and your good to go! Who’s to say how nice it’s supposed to be!


Haha I did have them in the dogs kennel for a short while but that didn’t last. It was to keep a bug net around them to try an prevent pests. But they were growing at a pretty fast rate mid to late June.
When I emailed the county they pretty much emailed me back an wrote for me seek legal advise if I wanted more answers. But I’ll keep checking thanks @OG1969

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How’d you know what I have on my gates hahaha

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