Moving indoors due to new county ordinance

I have my 6 and all are under 5’. and tryin to keep them from the neighbors eyes for the most part. I’m pretty new to the area. Second year here, first year growin outdoor. City property on one side which is a well and friendly neighbors on the opposite side. Neighbors in the back, I’ve never met. Neighbors on the same block as I are all older quiet people that keep to themselves an wave every once in a while.
The odor is not bad right now but who knows later lol.
If someone knocks on my door from the county an tells my anything then I’ll be ready. Sorta.

I did see the 3 people that got busted for the electrical an the amount of plants they had.
I’m not tryin to do anything illegal.
But there sure are a whole lot of planes going by everyday including the CHP!
I’m just going to wait an see if someone shows up at the door step.


This girl is only about 2.5 feet tall and has a great spread almost taking my whole 4x4 bed up nice flat tip not hardly noticeable from 30-40 feet away scrog outside who would of thought! Lol



Well if you’re in the same county that’s interesting. :thinking: :smirk:

If that’s the case then it sounds like as long as you look like someone who’s just doing their own thing, you should be good with LEO. If you look(your grow that is) looks like production they’ll know…and then there’s the mythical 99 plant “rule” too…

train them & prune them into flat, table-top caonopies if you can & just use up a small space to the max.

consider putting 2 or 3 in one container for a bit of stealth.

there’s some security in the “herd” where i’m at… in that people are doing all kinds of shit that’s worse, so it’s easier to be a “small fish in a big pond”.

gardening never harmed anyone(old folks pipe down, you) and even most LEOs have that figured out.



Different county as the people who were busted. Seen that on the news.
I had topped the ladies after I had taken them out of kennel due to them growing too large and possibly past the fence line before they were ready to flower.
Anyway, I don’t do anything out of the ordinary.
I work just like everyone else, I maintain my yard weekly and make sure the vegetable garden is growin great too lol. Including pumpkins


Sorry I barely seen this comment but very true @Tinytuttle.
You know what, one shop that I called, the fella had told me that he heard that as long as they were covered that I should be ok :thinking:


that’s the right idea. :slight_smile:


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Makes you good here.

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No you’re not. But you already know that.

A fence has no roof, therefore it is not a structure.


Missed that, my bad.


Sometimes it takes someone that has no stake involved in a subject to see more. Wistful thinking makes a person partially blind to the details. I had an argument about 15 years ago with my village board. I put up a basketball pole just off the street. I had looked up the ordinances and was sure I had the perfect argument, the Village Attorney, on the other hand didn’t agree and threatened jail if I continued to be in non-compliance. I looked up the ordinances again. I was just to optimistic the first time I read it and interpreted it much more loosely than it was intended. Lawyers love their word games.

I took the pole down that day. It wasn’t worth going to jail for.


a neighbor and I discussed installing our own DIY speed bumps…

he said he had done it some years before in another place…

after years of no response to complaints of speeding cars, the DIY speedbump was removed the following day by municipal workers.

:thinking: hmmm…

:evergreen_tree: time for the spike strips & aviation cable clothesline?


Duct tape in the road (sticky side up).


that’s hillarious! this is one of the obvious areas where team efforts suppress my edgier edges. :smile: :blush: :blue_car: :boom:

great idea. :bulb:


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