Mr Wizard makes another stab at it

These next 2-3 weeks are my favorite part of the whole grow. The smells coming on and changing, the flowers filling in and resin production really starts to show.

Get your yoyo’s ready :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Gorgeous buds and a healthy plant :+1: :+1:

Now they’ll start stacking and packing up juice for harvest time.

If you haven’t already, you might want to get some good optics in hand to start the Trichome Watch. I find that looking at them long and hard is my only consolation as the weeks of waiting drag on.

You’re in line for a great yield, congrats.


My only concern is the last 2 days she isnt eating much. Drinking a little but not eating.

No other visible signs of stress though. I just keep dropping the EC a bit. If it continues I will do a rez change and check my pH/EC probes.


How high are you running EC?

I hit 2.4 as a max in very late flower. Shot for 1.5 in veg, but I’m pushing those strains intentionally.

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1100-1200 ppm.
About 1.6 - 1.7 EC

I have not converted my head to EC yet, I still use ppm on the 700 scale.


My pen reads out directly in mS/m units and I have a table to convert to ppm. Pain the ass to have these multiple scales for what always boils down to EC units!


My meter reads all 3 TDS(ECx500)/PPM(ECx700)/EC I just have always used ppm and it is what I am used to.

I am slowly adapting my brain to EC as it is a more universal UOM. Took me a while to appreciate the metric system too, but now I prefer it especially for liquids.


I’d also give a 5-6 weeks for completion guess myself. She is lovely!


Stretch is peak eating time in my experience, and when it’s over the plant will (very) slowly eat less and less.

Shouldn’t be too drastic, so definitely continue to keep an eye on things as you’re doing, but usually when the EC in my rez goes up during this phase I take it as a good sign stretch is ending.


He Knows Whereof He speaks :arrow_double_up: :arrow_double_up:

I am seeing that in my grow, right now, the gal plants know it’s about over.

My Fem plants are making the Final Push right now, and nutes are the least of their worries.

IMHO, the Final Push is a weird cannabis sexual propagation thing. The Female Plants give a last burst of voluptuous libertine display. Pistils Galore, come hither Boyz. Welcome to any rando whiff of pollen. Then the winsome ladies fade away. The Amsterdam District at midnight… and in the morning.

A master grower taught me to recognize the Final Push and, once you see it, you can’t Not see it. The Final Push, is time to chop, harvest is here. No point in another week, the End Is Neigh!

Jus sayin what i know,


Been there, done that, for real!


I was 19, takin a year off college. Me and my trusty bike spent six months communing with the Amster-Dutch before heading South.

A Silly SoCal Stoner
A fat pack of AmEx Trav Cheques
A EuroRail Pass

And no deadline.

Goot Times (to be alive!)


@MrWizard Excellent stuff!!
Pulling up a chair!! Way to go brother!! :v:
:sunglasses: :hugs:


When in doubt change the rez…get your pH and nutes where you want them, then wait and monitor .02🦃


Today was actually better. Water level dropped, EC an pH stayed the same.
More in tune with what I expect, anyway.


@MrWizard. Your Killin it…

Is the new fans the 9" version… I was just looking at them today. Gonna need something for my cabinet.

The Gorilla tent your replacing? Lite Line or the heavier original? Owning both, I’ll never buy another lite line… tons of pinholes and shitty velcro.

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Nope, the 6" version. Nice fans for the tent though.

Old style heavy Gorilla tent, pinhole leaks all up the corners at the stitching, also zipper issues.

It will be converted to a drying tent when the new AC Infinity tent gets inaugurated.


28 days from flip:
DLI at 43

It looks like hundreds of bud sites! I am playing with my defol. I am leaving all the fan leaves untouched in the bottom 1/3rd and plucking large fans in the upper section. My reasoning is to remove the fans shading the bud sites, but leave as many as I can down low where I trimmed the larfy looking branches out already. Not sure if this is sound thinking or not, trying to get the best of both schools of thought.

Starting to see a little frost.

Bud sites are abundant, just hope the girl will fatten up now and not just leave me a buttload of larf.


Sound reasoning. That’s how I do it too. :+1: :+1:


Reached in to do some defol on the upper half, just about every day, I was sticky up to my elbows reaching around in there, the kind of sticky smell that laughs at soap! Yummy!!!

Happy to see the girl is chunking up a bit. Smelling awesome. I am letting the pH stay at 6.0, she seems to like it, I am guessing better phosphorus availability. All of those nutrient availability charts are a little different, never know which one to go by.

This is the one I go by

Here is another, look at the phosphorus on both charts. Other charts are just as inconsistent.


Starting to get pretty though…