Multi strain test run

Taking off for sure now! Nice

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Drank a gallon and a half in 2 days, time to start filling the res a bit more . Wondering if I should be doing some light dep early or wait another month ?

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Whatā€™s in there right now again? Strain

Green curry x snow lotus

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I thought so, personally Iā€™d probably get her going now just to be safe, but Iā€™m not really familiar with your area so take it with a grain of salt

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Have usually till end of October before freeze :cold_face:
Just seems to take for ever to flower on there own when itā€™s a photo period . Guess it depends on how big it will get will determine itā€™s fate . Donā€™t want to be trying to move a 10 ft plant inside this fall.


I hear you on that, when I got burned long ago I had three all around 11-13ft, they got two but left the third, I dug her up! The root mass was like nothing bud seen before! Put it in a giant Rubbermaid and lugged her inside, worked sort of but ya what a joke, even inside she was bent over wrapped around the hps lol a complete shitshow


The ones I just harvested from in the tin box were around 6/7 ft . Think they got flipped around the 4 ft mark but had been root bound right up till I transplanted and flipped them and they still stretched a couple feet.
In a octopot she could go nuts .


Oh ya, she definitely could!

nice but expensive


yeah such a helper would be nice! but the price :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

i think this was around 2000 bucks

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Survived another storm last night high winds hail and plenty of rain . Power flickered a couple times but stayed working.

Lots of trees down one hit my daughter in-laws suv probably 5 grand damage to it while it was parked in the yard .


Damn! Guess glad that was the only damage :confused:
Iā€™m on day 3 now with no power :see_no_evil:

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That sucks all your frozen food will be thawed people will be running out of fuel . Grocery stores will be mopping up thawed ice cream and tossing out a lot of products .

Wonder why itā€™s taking them so long to repair must of been a hell of a pile of downed lines ?


My wife runs a shoppers drug mart, they just had no power for 30 hours, which tripped something and killed their freezers, they lost like 67000$ worth of food, damn near flooded the place too, craziness happening everywhere! I keep looking up waiting for the four horsemen to be coming down from the heavens! My dad has been without for 36 hours and going now too, the world has gone to hell in a hand basket ffs


Grocery stores and whatnot are good. Just neighborhoods down. We had tornados almost 20 years ago that messed up a couple blocks. They said this storm was like that but across the entire city. Still ~10k ppl without power today. My freezer WAS good. Havenā€™t checked it today. Gotta get more ice today anyways tho.


My family owned a large grocery store years back and remember all to well when the power went out .

Took days to wash out all the freezers and clean the mess .


Thatā€™s what they are doing now in fact. I can only imagine, and the dumpsterā€¦, sitting there for days and days in the hot sun with all that meat/food etc. :nauseated_face: apparently you can smell it a block away ! @HolyAngel i can only imagine bro, man in 2023 we should not be without power for 2/3/4 days itā€™s insane. You guys good? Got food etc?


I remember we did a huge free barbecue out front of the store one time also gave away a pile of meat before it spoiled to anyone wanting it .

Better than tossing it all out once it turned bad and local people were happy to get it.


Thatā€™s an amazing idea and very very philanthropic I love it! And in todays society they would absolutely love it, wish I had heard this a few days back tbh, I would have suggested it 100%