Isnt it amazing what these pots can do ?
Thats a pounder id say
Couple of lights out pics and I started some @smokenhike joti black dosi fire x lemon skunk seeds tonight
Thanks for giving them a shot, I hope you find something nice. One of my all time favorites came out of those Lemon Skunk chucks there should be some good potential there.
They’re out of this BDF, she was a beauty.
I’ve definitely enjoyed the beans you sent my way. Grape Pie x Orange Goji was great smoke and big rosin yielder. Goji x Amneisa x Goji also very good, got some beans from it around here somewhere.
Appreciate you stopping by sorry for taking so long to get some going . Looking forward to what I find. Have a great night.
One beast of plant, very nice job on her, can’t wait to give those octos a try
Octo pots are great I had a small issue with the above plant not throwing any roots down into the res . Mostly self inflicted due to the size of clone I stuck in the pot. @Jetdro suggested that I run 30 gallons into it from the top and that solved my issue she threw roots down and took off.
That was the first and only issue I had other wise there like growing on cruise control.
Definitely would recommend them to anyone new or old at growing . Huge results with little effort on the growers part.
Just testing some of that Oaxaca after a short cure and it is tasty, smells great and potent! Can’t wait for a few more weeks of cure.
Nice little selection there sir!
Thats just “a few”
I would probably start and finsih with the Black Dominica x Black Lime Reserve
Smoked some medman x shiska really tasty and packs a punch . First half hr can’t type worth a shit smoking it. Lol
My god it looks ridiculous! Like nugs upon nugs, upon nugs! Awesome
YOU are one HELL OF A GROWER my man!!!
Thanks yes she’s a bud producer still a while to go before I chop her hoping those lowers are gonna swell some more .
Dam octopot sure can grow weed .