Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

Correct ^^^^^ I really like how I felt this morning when I woke up. :sunglasses: That’s why I’m changing my microdose to Sunday & Wed.

I bought 32 ounce Great Value Raw Honey at Walmart 10 bucks. You want runny honey so you can mix it. It wants to settle a little on top. So stir it every day for a week or so.


@Tlander that is an awesome picture! Those are some big fruits. I bet it smells great in there, I dont know why but I’m really starting to love the smell of mycelium/mushrooms.

@ColeLennon @420noob yeah! Microdosing has had an unbelievably positive effect on my overall mindset.
Even a regular trip is beneficial. I was “gone” last night lol. Had 2.5g of some melmac with a friend and we walked off into the woods behind her house. We both were in sync too which made things more intense. Walking through the trees it felt like we were walking through the board game candyland. So many colors and shapes. She had her phone in her pocket with some music playing that really added to the experience. Beautiful time we had, but it did fizzle out a bit earlier than we liked. No idea how.long it lasted or what time it was when we took them. [She made capsules]

Still feel fuzzy today still, my brain needs a recharge. :upside_down_face:


That’s awesome. I haven’t tripped with another person yet. :sunglasses:


Crazy how much more intense the penis envy varities can be isn’t it? Outdoors with beautiful weather day or night and music and good company that is the makings for a good trip good time. Shrooms have a tendency to dehydrate you especially if outside walking around so before you go to sleep drink water and some juice. Orange juice is great with shrooms the vitamin c really helps with the trip and afterwards as well. Just something I’ve found works for me at least. Thunder/lightning storms are amazing as well especially if you can be outside or on a porch.


@ColeLennon can you clarify your dosage of the honey mixture? How much honey? How much ground up shrooms? How do you measure your dosage?


Someone, please check my math. I was off until last night. Of course, I did the math while stoned. :rofl:
1 cup = 8 ounces = 48 tsp = 96 half tsp
24 grams x 4 “being 2.5 tenths of a gram” = 96
Should be 2.5 tenths of a gram per half tsp
= 1.25 tenths of a gram per ¼ tsp
I stir the new mixture well with the handle of wooden spoon. Then I just dipped the tip of butter knife in and dribbled that right into a 1/4 tsp measuring spoon until full. I’m thinking in a month once its infused. I will just scrap the 1/4 tsp or half tsp spoon along the sides of the jar and fill it. Nothing stopping someone from putting the honey in a condiment bottle or honey bear. I will probably do this in a month when its infused.


Yep, that’s correct. 24g dried, ground mushrooms in 8oz of honey = .125g avg. dosage per 1/4tsp of honey consumed. That’s a small enough dosage to not trip, but you should notice it.

That’s a great amount to do twice a week. Bon appetit and bon voyage!

:mushroom: :green_heart:


Thanks, I’m already liking it. I can tell the whole day and the next morning “man” I felt good. I’m going to do John Allen on Sundays "just for the “monday benefits” lol On Wed I will micro-dose the creeper. That way I’m not building up a huge tolerance on one strain. Next Sunday I will try 2.5 tenths of gram “half tsp”, and see if I need to go up or down. Dial it in like anything else. :sunglasses: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom:


Flush 5 is underway. :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom:


Couple John Allen cultures ddoing their thing


Going for flush 6 on creepers. I just misted the surface of tubs well, turned off fogger and misted the monotub. Upped my LED to half intensity to bring on the pins with evap.
Grain bags moving along. Florida white f+ and either John Allen or Penis Envy whichever spores take over this 3 lb grain bag.


Man you got yo’ shit dialed in perfectly. Nicely done to get 6 flushes has to be very sterile from start to finish. Come summer time I know you said no mushroom grow but you will have a whole different beast. Nice work.


Thanks, I’m not going to get 6 flushes out of these two strains. I’m going to make another 32QT just like the one I got and mist it manually to get these finished before outdoor.




oh my days, they are massive - lovely job :raised_hands:

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so then you lovely people - with all your help I have plucked up the courage to make my own agar plates then get some spores on them from the prints I made last week.
I cant remember who pointed out PhillyGoldenTEacher - think it was @Illicitmango or @ColeLennon - the chap is a legend, I have watched all his videos now and feel confident to do stuff other than buy ready made bags - I will be making my own next week.

Today I am microdosing Cambodians - so far, I feel more energy on teh microdose day than with the GT.


and here is the first batch - following the exact steps as per phillygoldenteacher

I could only find yellow food colour so it is yellow :joy:

to make this many I used:
12g Potato Powder
8g Agar Agar
4g corn syrup to 400ml of water

when filling the cups I pulled a shelf out in the oven and rested everything on there whilst the fan blew warm air outwards - when they have cooled I will be ading some spores from the prints I took last week - then its a waiting game…

so far so good :pray:


Looks good, I use the same method but with petri dishes as those little cups melt when I sterilize them.

Did you get much condensation on the inside of lids after the agar cooled :thinking:


Looking good! Wherever I make agar, I like to let them sit for a few days before I do anything with them, Just to make sure they’re clean and give time for the bad stuff to show up if they got contaminated.