Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

I’ve learned a lot from watching philly. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Those look amazing!
Did I miss what kind they are? @Illicitmango

@Zaaboot isn’t agar fun!?


I made up two creeper double prints and let them dry for 24 hrs before wrapping.


good to know @Illicitmango - I shall leave them for a few days before scraping some spores on to them. :pray:

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I did as the video, if you stack them, they do not get condensation on the lids, only the top one had a little as there was no heat source above it

@Bobgrows - loving it so far, in fact I started four new canna plants and forgot about them as I was focused on learning this…will just have to plant four more :laughing:


@Bobgrows they’re Golden Teacher.


oh wow - really cool. Is this a thing? Can we all grow them in our gardens?


3rd batch of Blue Honey
1/2 cup of runny honey
24 grams of Texas Yellow Caps
1/2 tsp = 1/2 gram


I gotta try to make some of this…:thinking:


So easy to take and stores forever. Store it someplace dark and cool. Today’s my recovery day. I worked out Tues and twice yesterday… At noon I took 10mg blackberry fire and 1/4 tsp of creeper and 30 mins ago 10 mg blackberry fire and 1/2 gram of Texas yellow caps. Vapin black garlic.


I’m an just amazed at how my body feels the morning after micro and maco dosing psilocybin. I am a partial paraplegic “a fully compensating one”. I do a hydro fit class 2’xs a week and also PT. Something is changing with how my muscles recover and respond to my “Muscle plasticity” (is defined as the ability of a given muscle to alter its structural and functional properties in accordance with the environmental conditions imposed on it). I’m stretching much easier in the morning when I do standard yoga planks. I am in awe at the complete mind-body-heart healing properties combining both cannabis oil and psilocybin. I’m so grateful. I feel so strong and SO GOOD!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That’s awesome to hear! Im quite surprised as well with how effective it’s been. Definite noticable improvement all around.


When I use you have to put a small hole on side so is doesn’t crush and wrap the top in foil and all good in pressure canner. Just make sure pp5 plastic says I’m the bottom inside the recycling arrows. That’s the only way I do it and have done many times.:+1:

Also pull out of PC got let cool then flip on lid so condensation is not on agar after 3-4 days in gone. The hole needs to be covered with mp tape


that is the best news @ColeLennon :raised_hands:


Thanks for the info, I think they must have been the wrong type of plastic, it was mainly the lids that crumpled up, now I have the petri dishes it’s not an issue :+1:


I have tiny shrooms! These have taken much longer than expected. It could be my environment, it could be the strain(?) But finally I’m starting to see little mushrooms coming up. I need to charge my phone so no pics just yet but there will be! And I’ll go a little deeper into what when and how with the pics.


These are Stargazer from sporenite. They spent too long in the colonization BRF jar so I presume they basically had to wake up after healing from being grated up and mixed with the substrate. I suck at recording when i did something so I don’t remember exactly when I set the cake to substrate but as I said I’m finally seeing fruiting bodies!


You got a little bit of mat going on there how is your fresh air exchange? Cooler temps and lack of fresh air will slow them down. That mat that happens when your substrate gets too dry. Glad you got some fruits congrats. Doesn’t that feel great? Stargazer is a penis envy varitiy I believe those take longer and are not really best for beginners. Read up on proper misting and maintaining correct moisture levels. Just what I see going on there. Nice pin set started you should see big fruits in about a week.


I was thinking it was too dry so just started misting a few days ago. Will they not grow from the mat? Should I break it up to expose fresher mycelium? It still smells mushroomy.


No don’t break up you have to run it as is not a problem. Just make you keep it properly moist. So first hold your spray bottle about 2 feet above tub and most. As long as you still see little moisture droplets on the surface so it’s not just soaking in. The moisture droplets keep water above surface that will evaporate. Evaporation will pull the mycelium to the top and fresh air induces fruiting. Also keeping fae to a minium while the substrate is colonizing once the whole top of your substrate is colonized then increase you fresh air exchange(fae) and you will get knotting and fruiting faster and a more even canopy. Just don’t soak your substrate keep moisture on top👍.

It will still smell like mushrooms since its not contaminated. The bit of yellow and orange build up might be a bit bacterial but don’t sweat it that happens with the mat. Just watch out for green that is the color of mushroom man death. Tric or the mean green will devastate your tub. You don’t have so don’t freak out.e
My 3 shoe boxes