Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

That is so amazing @ColeLennon !
I love reading such amazing testimonials on Mother Natures own medicines!
I too am a big believer! It has helped me tremendously!
Keep giving us updates. I live hearing the positive feedback! :v::mushroom:


hey all - hope you are all keeping well!

I have a question around Agar if you dont mind…so, I made up some agar pots, made some spore prints etc…after adding the spores to the agar:

Where do I put the pots, dark or light, and what temp

I am either going totally looo laa but I cannot for the life of me find out where they need to sit until ready

thanks in advance - you lot rock :raised_hands:


Sit it out at room temp, out of direct sunlight, in a spot you won’t be disturbing it.


perfect - thank you @Seamonkey84 that is what I was hoping for :pray:

What he said :point_up_2:. @Seamonkey84 is correct in a cupboard or a drawer works great. I keep my premade dishes in a drawer. Tip make 20-30 plates at a time. Once you start to do transfers to clean up a culture they can go quickly. Plus is you find a fruit you want to clone having pertris ready. How did you transfer the spores to agar? Just curious.

Check this out y’all!


hey @420noob - thanks for your input as always, it is good having people in the "know’ around when starting up a new hobby - :raised_hands:

Last time I made up about 14 plates or so, that was based on following PhillyGoldenTeacher every step of the way, so using the same amounts of everything as he did to make it up and that is what came out - I have already used those, as you say they go ever so fast - so I did plan on making some today, but I have an awful hangover today - tomorrow they will be made :joy:

I transferred in my home made SAB, with a new medical scalpel, just scraped some of the spores from the foil in to the dish then sealed it - I was hoping for more action by now, so I must assume that either the spores were poorly taken/stored. It has been about 6 days now and no sign of movement.

It’s all a learning curve, years ago I would have gone nuts about things not working - now it is keep on learning until it works smoothly and easily every time

If I can get rid of the hangover I will crack on and start making more of everything to try again - but I did make a few shoeboxes up yesterday which I am happy about as I have only ever used the ready to use from the store, this time I made up everything myself which is nice :pray:


@Zaaboot Sometimes it takes a week give or take a couple days for some spores to germinate.
Some are quick, and some are slow lol.


I’ve had spores take up to 3wks to germ. Also scaple not the best way to go either spore loop or sterile swab. Can make own spore loop with bread tie ill show pic when I get home.


Creeper flush 6 is sparse. I’m dumping these in my coco outside in the gauntlet when these are done popping. Clean the tub.

check out this one with the flash.


thats good to know at @Illicitmango - when you read up it say a few days and they all look great in a week, at least I k wo now that it could be a week - could be 3…

@420noob did not know the scalpel was not the way forwards for moving spores - I shall make one of those little things


@420noob this is from some prints you sent me. MK.
Yes I forgot to put a liner in these…:smirk:


Looking good :+1:


Sweet you got a tub with a fogger going. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: I just use tin foil to line mine. Nice :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom:


I usually have been lining them…but Like I told you…Damn squirrels
Tonight’s harvest…


Yes, I to see a lot of


So I have 6 mycoquarts I knocked up with John Allen cultures on agar. Also have my 3 tubs of pe x AA+ didn’t line so look at all the side pins.lmao oh well they work just as well. If you zoom in you should be able to see the pinset if not by Sunday you definitely will.

Check out this plate pin the mycelium couldn’t wait.


I’m not the only one with squirrels… lol


Those are gonna be so e fatty fruits. Those mckennai are nice they can grow to good size not like big blue meanies but I think they are stronger of the regular cubes lots of visuals and giggling great for outdoors especially in like the state parks where you are. Or any wooded area that isn’t farm land :rofl:. I like them.


Some pe x AA+
@Illicitmango prints and swabs landed thanks. Those swabs that you bought are perfect good packaging. Also thanks for the seeds although need some help with the names I know icc is ice cream cake one of my favs


Noob, what size tub is that?