Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

Hell of flush going there man. :100: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :peace_symbol:


6qt 5.7l. 1 mycoquart spawn 1:3 coir plus 1 qt coir top layer just chilling in my closet.
Thanks @colelennon

I try to run the k.i.s.s. style anytime possible. Plus I’m a bit lazy​:rofl::rofl:
Keep It Simple Stupid -k.i.s.s.


I need to let mine dry off like that. Do you fan with the lid?


Wow, check out that growth! :astonished:


No need I don’t click the lids in place when fruiting. Let me back up I keep the lid clicked in and lightly spray when needed about 1 every 1-2 days. Once it is completely colonized on top I just let the lids site on top and that allows enough fae for growth bence the side pins. Also the guy who made this cross really knows what he is doing and stabilized it well. Also picked big cluster phenos also with the AA+ the PE fruits faster so less chance of contams.


Very impressive pin set. :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


John Allen lc coming along nicely


hey all - thanks for your help so far:
So I made some agar plates, then added spores which I also made on foil - they have now started to grow nicely.
I have also tried to clone some Lions Mane to agar, and they seem to be taking as well.
I made up some Corn Grain jars which have been sterilised, which I will be transferring colonised agar to at some point over the weekend.
Also, I pulled a couple of fully colonised grains out of a spent/used bag of grain and that has also taken to agar - so I will spend some time today cleaning agar - taking a snip and transferring it to a new plate to ensure all plates are clean.

The last thing I have done is make some monotubs/shoeboxes up - up until now I have bought everything at shop prices, this time with thanks to OG and PhillyGoldenTeacher I am going solo - woop woop

I will get some pics up next time of the other stuff - here are the tubs for now, starting to show white



lovely jubbly :heart_eyes:


What kind of corn and how did you prepare it?


hey - it was regular popping corn, I soaked it for 24hrs in cold water until the corn was plump, dried it for half a day until there was no water on their shells - then in to the PC for 2 hours.
Once again I followed the instructions from PhillyGoldenTeacher.

I also made one of those little widgets you told me to use instead of the scalpel for moving spores from foil to agar :pray:


Did that make it a little easier for you? Let me know how popcorn works for you. I hope it treats you right. Some people have issues with popcorn but you seem to have a good method with someone who walks you through the process step by step that’s a huge help. I’ll keep watching to see your updates :+1:. Way to move forward now you are going to bulk are you gonna run shoeboxes or bigger modified tubs? Multiple smaller tubs helps in case of contams you don’t lose whole flushes. Good job can wait to see you success. Little shoebox fruit porn


Made lasagna. Florida white f+. I hope the first two flushes are big. I’m not running them more than twice. Outdoor has started indoors.
No misting surface. Lids in the monotub. No misting tub or fogger.


hey hey @420noob - I hope you are keeping well.
Yes indeed, the plan is to get a few big tubs to house a few smaller tubs - I am liking making my own grain and today I have been soaking some bird seed, and I have ordered some millet - I will find the one that works best for me. I have made up some CVG, so I do plan on that being my main way to go - get the grain started, then on to the boxes - as it stands I only have Cambodian and Lions mane to play with and have made my own spore prints with the cambodian and take clones to agar from the lion mane.
I am very pleased with my first attempt at agar - there were a few bits of contam so i threw them out, but I have some nice growing plates now from Spore prints, and from cloning - so moving towards self sufficiency :pray:


Im not sure if availability of wild bird seed where you are but you can get 20 pound bag of millet,Milo mix from Kroger for $8. Most finch mixes just read ingredients. 3% or less black oil sunflower seeds is ok just no fruit or nuts you’ll be fine. Shoot me your addy I have a few prints and swabs I can hook you up with. Lions main isn’t a cube good to grow and eat though👍 Cambodian is a good cube and will teach you the basics. Also look into making SLANTS for long storage of mycelium especially if you are going to be cloning. It’s the best way to long storage a specific clone line for lack of a better term. Prints are great but once you clone that special fruit. spore prints won’t guarentee the qualities you liked and clones has to be same tissue grown out and clones or stored mycelium in slants. It’s just some vials, agar, and a small piece of wood and you store it on a angel or slant. There is way more to it but it’s vital for self sufficiency and to hold on to those special fruits genetics so you can steadily grow many genetic identical mushrooms.


Alright so asap… I want to grow legal edible & medicinal mushrooms, that follow the exact same grow process/procedure as the cubes. So when it inevitably becomes legal, I’m ready to go.

Can someone point me to exactly what I need to get this going in the bedroom. Suggest a couple mushroom types etc :+1:

I may have asked a similar question before but I’m ready to get started now. Any helps appreciated!


I’m about ready to take this on aswell.
So I’m listening! Lol


Ok give me some time and I’ll see what I can dig up for you and @blowdout2269 I ve never tried to grow similar to cubes but I’m sure there is some I’ll see what I have also I have some edible spores not just magic mushies.


Oh, I’ve decided that I’m getting a pressure cooker for grains.Then would like to eventually try agar. I also plan on the shoebox method that most of y’all do inside a…what’s it called, monotub? I’m most curious about the reptile foggers or whatever I need to keep the environment correct and sterile. Also the light period and intensity. What’s that like?

Can you name that website that has tutorials?