Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

Go to their spondsors are trustworthy. Plus after 90 days can get lots of free spores. Iii have a print i can send u to get started also @alwaysnoob


15 psi and I depends ehat you are sterilizing. Agar 15min grain 45-60min but really depends.


Thanks brother :pray::pray:
Just like with weed, I’m gonna start with whatever resources i have available soon…
Something will always work out :wink:

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Left to right: starry night APE, mazatat, and Albino Hillbilly. The bill billy is colonizing faster because the coir was leaning towards the wet size, forgot to do the squeeze to check it, only remembered when I was packing down the pseudo casing.

Then I got a few more things going

Still waiting on one order of cordyceps LC, going to try growing a few different cultures side by side, and hopefully mix spores from them all together to start and continue my own culture


I see you like whole oats as well! Looking nice and great variety. Pseudocasing is the way to go I always put a nice layer on top. Colonizing nice you can see the colonization under the pseudo before it reaches to the top to fruit. @alwaysnoob me offering it to you is an available resource. I get it though if you live in an area with natural occuring cubes you will be alright. Once you have 1 spore print theoretically you will have spores for life if done right.


so, a few weeks ago I made up a couple of little boxes to try to move away from inject and forget bag - the first few are coming through - woop woop

and the lions mane is doing OK - I took a few slices and put it on agar but to little effect, will try again next time



Lions mane can take a little bit to start growing off a piece of fruit, it might try to continue fruiting for a bit before it goes to healthy mycelium spreading.

@420noob this is actually only my second grain run through my new PC. Still trying things out, it’s my first time with the oats, the shoeboxes were spawned with millet. The millet batch was contaminated but I spawned them anyway lol


I’d be open to trading seeds for spore syringes if anyone is interested?


Oh no, did i give the impression that i didn’t want your spore print :flushed::pleading_face:

Brother @420noob , trust me, that’s not the case…
I was over the moon, just failed at expressing it :pensive:

When first a OGer offered seed, i was really a noob but i started growing locally available landraces like a madman and fast tracked the learning process before his seeds reached me LoL

I was planning the same thing with shrooms LoL, coz of the sentiment and it’s proven to be successful :blush:

I will be honoured to grow your prints bro, I’ll send my addy once you are ready :pray::pray::pray:


Right on the whole oats are my fall back wbs seems to do well with cubes that aren’t pe were I have better results with oats with pe. @alwaysnoob I didn’t take it like that I was just giving you a little joke. I totally understand what you are trying to do. I do have a couple I can send now then I’ll have another variety in couple weeks.


Got a plin

Tonight’s dinner

and soon to come


Those jars are very ready looking good. Is that brf or grain? I ask because it kinda looks like a lot of moisture in the jar between jar and spawn. That could mean thise jars are slightly bacterial or just really consolidated. I can’t tell does it look creamy or fluffier? Either way I’m not trying to scare you. Lol it’s very possible they are fine pics can really be off and if they are obviously mycelium is holding strong so will still fruit no problem. I’m leaning towards they are good just how I see the pic.:+1:. Killing it!

Ok so these are my tubs shooting out their second flush. I didn’t soak the substrate after the first flush so I knew this flush was going to be eh. Once these are harvested will be dry enough for a soak so my third flush should be decent.

John allens after final shake this morning!


That’s very phallic :rofl: :mushroom:


Im using BRF currently, have tons made up, and the moisture is okay it’s glass that makes it look like that. It has like fruit shape etched into the glass on the outside.


Glad to hear that! That also makes sense. I asked if brf because they tend to have more moisture that forms between jar and spawn. Also brf colonizes heavier like that ime. Are you shredding the cakes down and mixing with a substrate in a tub to fruit or as cakes? When I started with cakes I wasn’t super impressed with results but once I got the hang of mushrooms I ran a batch of brf cakes and WOW they can put out crazy fruit! I was blown away I used a water tub it’s like a humidity chamber and rolled the cakes in a fine verm. By harvest time I couldnt barely see the cake it was all fruit. I like to play around and try different things.


picked teh first few that had opened, looks like plenty of pins but the bigger box has a bit of funny colour coming through so misted with H2O2 and water this morning instead of just plain water.
but happy with these pins, bigger than what I was getting in the closed bags


So you have fruited in bags and tubs? Which do you prefer? I’ve never used bags.
@Seamonkey84 how big is your new PC? Is it one that the lid has clips that screw down?


I have a 23qt presto. For this last run with the oats, I did the BOD’s pc tek and added two quarters on top of the jiggle weight so it goes up to 16-17psi, and I cooked for the full 2hrs. The millet was contamination after a 90min cook with the unmodified weight.
I’ve fruited one batch directly from the bag, it was not nearly as productive but super simple. If the spawn is very bacterial, they recommend that you don’t mix to bulk, just fruit right from the jar/bag, just increase the FAE, maybe add some coir on top of the spawn if you want.


Oh ya bodi knows his stuff. Let me know how the 2quater works. I have a couple jars of whole oats that will contam before noc’ed up. Thinking with venting and the extra 30 min and +2psi. I have producers pride whole oats not the race horse oats so not as clean. That might be my solution. Have you run Fahtsters fp+?


i think I prefer the tubs - even though it is the first run, the mushrooms are fatter and just more of them - so I think I will use jars or bags to colonise grain, then to bulk in the tubs