Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

I got my agar powder from the Asian grocery store, plain agar agar is what you want, not the pre mixed desert stuff. Telephone brand is one of the most widely sold and often used for this. It might not come out super clear, but it works just fine.


Does it matter if itā€™s glass or plastic dishes? And what size?


They both work, and size doesnt matter too much.
Iā€™ve been using 2oz plastic condiment cups w lids for agar.
I make up the agar in a glass canning jar, pressure sterilize at 15psi for 30 mins give or take,then pour it in the cups in my Still air box before it completely cools ā€˜setsā€™. Gotta be cool enough so it wont melt the plastic cups though.


I noticed last night Iā€™m getting mycelium growth on my APE LC pint jars with just whole brown rice, so that would make it 4 days from the noc

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Thatā€™s right on schedule sounds like things are going in the right direction.

The shroomery is a great resource lots of great info and knowledgeable people on the threads. Also 90 days after you sign up you can get into the marketplace where people give away prints and swabs all the time. So itā€™s a good place to get genetics. Agree with @Seamonkey84 any asian supermarket will have it. Make sure the only ingredient is agar agar if there is sugar in it itā€™s for deserts and not what you want it. For simple pertri dishes or agar on shroomery is crackatoaā€™s no pour condiment cup Tek(every process is mycology seems to be a Tek) which you pour your agar then sterilize. Or there is the hot pour where you work in a still air box or in front of a flowhood and pour the hot sterilized liquid agar into sterilized petri dish. So thatā€™s personal preference what ever works for you. Any plastic container going into PC has to be pp5 plastic. If you look for the 3 recycling arrows it will say pp5 in them if it is. Hope that helps donā€™t hesitate to ask.


Thanks for the info. Itā€™s really just thoughts at the moment. Anyone grow morels?

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@Seamonkey84 I believe does. Thatā€™s also where shroomery helps.


I got a culture and got it colonized on rice, but never got around to preparing an outdoor bed for it :roll_eyes:. Couldnā€™t find much success stories growing them indoors, just a failed patent and only real success is with the Swedish morel project that has everything under lock and key.

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Iā€™ve heard their almost impossible to grow. I gather them up in the spring. Pretty tasty. Thought it would be cool to grow some but Iā€™ll direct my efforts elsewhere. :grin::green_heart:


I have a 10x60 ft area of those in the yard every year quite rare indian pipes we call emā€¦


My APE LC pint jars are colonizing quickly I should be about 50%-60% colonized and ready for a break and shake before the weekend. I bet by Monday or Tuesday they will be ready to spawn!


Iā€™m pretty happy with the way things are going so far, I donā€™t see any contamination in any of the jars, not sure if its beginners luck or just proper procedure but Iā€™m not complaining lol


Good glad it going well! You still using grain or did you go pf Tek? Iā€™m guessing is shaking must be


Just steam sterilized whole long grain brown rice buddy, nocced in an unmodified still air box.


Have noticed the growth is better towards the higher end of the acceptable 70-80F


Thatā€™s right sorry forgot. So even though itā€™s not a shelled grain you can still shake it.:thinking: This is something I gonna read more about for sure. Donā€™t know if Iā€™m gonna try but love to learn new stuff! Glad you are getting faster colonization.


Iā€™ve been lurking in here occasionally and decided to finally get my act together and grow some shrooms. Been wanting to grow some gourmet varieties for a long time now and figured why not try a few cubensis as well.

So far they are looking good (to me) just need to get a few fruiting blocks together and then I think Iā€™ll try pf tek with the B+ and GT.

Iā€™m usually outta likes when I get to this thread but thanks to all that contribute to it. Lots of great info and pics.


So I was reading more and it seems the best method is to put in into a freezer bag once colonized and break it by hand instead of break and shake like normal grain spawn, so this is what I will do.


Awesome glad you are taking the plunge. I have some John Allen spore prints I can send. I know you arenā€™t there yet but not far behind. Also they store well. Just shoot me a dm @deeez99


Thank you @420noob I will follow up with you on that generous offer. I have everything ready for agar plates so that is going to be the next phase. I assume the prints are heat sensitive though and might travel better when it cools off a bit yea?