Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

I’m not going to do mushy’s this winter. I am going to set up a gorilla 3x3 with my HLG blackbird and UVA 30.

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You got enough over the winter I take it good for you! I saw you made blue honey how long does that stay stable?

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Keep it someplace dark and cool. Many many years. I have 3 strains of blue honey. Going to make a fourth with the Florida White. I rotate when I micro dose and macro dose. I do the same with THC and edibles. Keeps my tolerance guessing and low.


Ha was just gonna ask I made some infused oil. Now I keep in fridge does heating and cooling break down thc/cannabinoids?

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Heating does. Cooling I think not.

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Hey everyone, I have a question…
I dumped all my used substrate under my plants. Mixed in compost, mixed all my bins. I was traveling to much to take care of them. I got at least 1-3 flushes from each.
I come home to find this!

My question is… are they OK to use in capsule form? Or should I not use them?


To me, if you’re going to rotate between what you’re growing, it makes more sense to grow weed fall through spring, and mushrooms over the summer. Works better for temp and humidity control for both. But I’m going to try to keep both going more steadily this year.


If they’re cubes and they’re not buggy/rotting, then they’re fine.


They where perfect!
Thank you for the response! :pray:


That is a very common practice for people with proper environment. You could do that with all “spent” substrates and can very easily pull quite a few more! Well done so much easier when nature does the work for you right!


I kept the ones that grew under your 90’s Kush outside.


Man, seeing all the mushies makes me want to start my journey too…

I bought the autoclave and sourced some 4 varieties of spores which is sleeping dormant in my fridge for the past couple of months…

But I’m very sure that it’ll get contaminated somehow, hell even the MJ seeds are sometimes catching contaminations and coming down with black fungus​:sob::sob::sob:

I just don’t have clean space as of now, maybe in the future I’m thinking about buying a car air conditioner and convert closet or shelf into portable mushie grow room…


Most people over think it, myself included. A “clean environment” isn’t as important as clean technique and starting materials. a Still Air Box (SAB) is all most seasoned growers use, cheap and effective. Make one out of a big tote, get half pint wide mouth jars, some brown rice flour, vermiculite (PF tek) and call it good. All can be had with one trip to Walmart. Oh, you’ll also need some coco coir, and plastic shoeboxes or a medium tote for fruiting.
Put some those spores into a few BRF jars, as long as they don’t mold, you’ll get more than you and a few friends can use. Or you can try Ben tek with the 90sec microwave rice packs, not as forgiving, but almost no prep work. You can coat the BRF pucks with the coir, burry the puck completely in a shoebox. Or treat it like colonized grain, same if you did the Ben tek, break it up and mix it with coir in a shoebox.
Again, technique and attention to details is more important than fancy equipment and “clean rooms”.


For the first few years I grew mushies I used the basic PFTek and had an ample supply for myself and my friends. All it took was a shoebox filled with inoculated PFTek jars in a shoe box on the top shelf of my closet. With some basic clean room techniques PFTek jars can be inoculated in an open room. If you use, for example, a quart jar only filled 1/4 of the way with media, the headroom in the jar will allow you to also grow fruits in those same jars…without opening/transfers and without risk of contamination.


Thank you brothers @Seamonkey84 , @herojuana.tom , that’s reassuring… ,:pray::pray::pray:

I guess I better start my journey soon as I have most of the equipment needed already with me except for the shoe box…

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You can get shoeboxes from dollar store or Walmart for less than $2. Ya sterile environment is just for some work the rest not an issue. I grow in a dirty ass closet in a room with a bunch of plants in it. As for the spores they should be fine in the fridge, but if contaminated(lot of prints are) that is what agar is for!

I have none running right now don’t know why though🤔 anyways once mixed with substrate you are pretty much good. I mean you can still get contams or tric but clean not so much. @bobgrows just pulled shrooms that she mixed in dirt outside not sterile even a little. The only time you need clean is working with agar or noc’ing up jars or making spore prints transfers to lc but not so much the growing. Get on with it you’ll love it.


Yes! To anybody contemplating getting into growing mushies, do it! It sounds harder and more intimidating than it is. Plus, its really fun and kinda fast compared to growing cannabis. Waiting for a jar to colonize takes a little bit of time but with all the different methods, it can be done quick too. I got turned onto SSLC [semi solid liquid culture] and it really cuts down on colonization times.


Those are great right! Another great one is rinsing colonized grains pulling out the mycelium water bam jars colonize like wild fire. Sslc are super cool and just the idea of it is like :exploding_head:


You guys are killing me. So where do yall get your supplies for agar? I’m guessing Shroomery is the best place to research?:grin::green_heart:


You can buy agar agar powder from Amazon. The recipe is pretty simple.
I can post it when i get home