Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

They are safe in mail for short periods I drop off in post office. Then store in cool cupboard so can wait or now.


oooo lovely selection, I struggle a lot with magics, but seem to be doing well with gourmet and functional - good luck on your grows :partying_face:


I usually use latex gloves and break it up as it’s coming out of the jar. Will you be doing a tub? Shoebox’s?


Shoeboxes, I’m open to any suggestions :pray:


Should I let them recolonize or just go ahead and spawn them after breaking up

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After your jar is fully colonized, I would just empty it into the shoebox along with your coco coir or whatever you’re going to use.

I tried going beyond 1:1 but I would get contaminated. So I just stuck to 1 part coir to 1 part colonized rice. Only I used horse feed instead of rice. But that is irrelevant.

Sorry, I’m not sure what the proper terminology is anymore for mushrooms.

Are you following a specific tech?


Not really just following one of 90 Sec Mycology’s videos, so I’ll do 1qt of Spawn to 1qt of Coir, gonna pasteurize it tomorrow using bucket tek

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I’ll spawn them Saturday as Temps are going to be really high later on today

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Found some thank you whom where all involved.!!!

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Sorry I missed this I’d put in a big ziplock 2 gal (they are food sterile until opened) break up grain with fingers through the bag then add your field capacity substrate and shake the hell out of it. I usually run minimum 2:1 coir:spawn 2 qts CV 1 qt spawn then a thin layer of of sub on top. Don’t have to wait for grains to recolonize at this point you want your substrate to colonize then introduce fresh air exchange for evaporation to encourage fruiting. So ya now you have to wait for the shoebox to do what the grain jar just did basically. This ends with harvest not more work lol. Congrats on getting to this point.:+1:


My Eco Earth Coco Coir is Pasteurizing now in a 5 gallon bucket with boiling water. 1 brick of Coco Coir to 1 Gallon of Boiling Water. Gonna let it sit wrapped in blankets for 5hrs then get the spawn broken in freezer bags. I’ll probably just mix it together in the shoeboxes, instead of shaking. I’m pretty proud, I’ll definitely rely on the method ive used in the future. :pray::pray:


Good that is really all that matters is that you find a way you are comfortable with. The right way is the way that works best for you. Mushrooms can be very fickle and controlled by microclimate so everyones is different.


You’re likely going to need to squeeze out excess water. Just do it a handful at a time, draining the water into another bucket. Squeeze firmly until you’re only getting a few drops, need it moist but not saturated.

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Definitely look up field capacity for coir that will make a huge difference.

Is a great way to make sure isn’t water logged.


Getting ready to spawn to bulk in a couple minutes, here’s my supplies.

5x Freezer Bags (2 Pint Jars Broken Up in Each)
1x Mask
1x Pair of Gloves
1x Tablespoon
1x Rag
1x Iso Spray Bottle


I Spawned all Pint Jars, 2 Jars per 7qt Sterlite Shoebox. I used a 1:1 Ratio of Spawn to Substrate, 1qt each. Then used the Coco Coir to put a Thin Casing Layer on Top. I wrung each handful of Coco Coir by Hand to ensure Proper Field Capacity. Shoeboxes are now on top of my grow tent for now until I find a spot for them.


A shelf in a closet works great. Now you are on your way. Just remember to let it do its thing could be 2wks min before you see growth on top. Idk if you used a liner or not but if you didn’t toucan watch the mycelium start to colonize and spread to top from clear side. It’s pretty cool to watch.

So I have wasn’t gonna do any runs July and August cause of the heat. I made sure not made up agar, no spores on agar but have a clean jar of John Allen lc so

got sterilized yesterday noced up today!


That’s where I keep mine anyway, they don’t need any extra lighting, honestly.


Totally agreed my closet has no light whatever slips in from door being opened for a couple hours. Mushrooms don’t photosynthesize so light isn’t nearly important.


Hey all here’s a chance to when some free spores