Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

My shoeboxes are colonizing pretty well along the sides, I didn’t use a liner for this very reason. I’m guessing about 2 more weeks until fruiting can begin. We will see how that time estimate plays out lol.


Peace All. Have been trying to get the grain right to be able to colonize some spores and I am having trouble with the popcorn tek. I have not seemed to get the system right and it never seems wet enuff or too wet maybe. Need some better cheap options for the grain since I cant get the popcorn right but I have a few bags of it so any suggestions on how to do it right are welcome. I have used the method that the kid on YouTube made a video about. HOME MYCOLOGY is the name of the person. Thanks for any assist. Peace.:fist:t5::v:t5:


Too wet is usually going to give you problems down the line.
What you want is the grain to cooked through (but still firm)
Then dry grains in colander/or on a clean towel till outside is dry then load into your jars and cook 90-120mins @15-18psi.

Wild bird seed is readily available and a cheap alternative in most countries but really most grains can be used.
Just need to take the time getting prep right.


Brown rice flour with vermiculite works great. I’m sure oats,millet,milo etc are better but brf/verm has worked great for me every time ive used it, and is really easy.


Horse feed oats from tractor supply worked well for me


Putting spores straight to any grain has a insanely high contam rates. Try pf Tek or start agar work


Oh yes. If using a syringe, def try pf tek. I was assuming agar was being used.

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Whole Long Grain Brown Rice, rinse well before cooking, 10 mins on Med-High heat. Pour on a cookie sheet/tray, even it out and let it dry for 20mins. Fill jars then steam sterilize for 3hrs if you don’t have a PC, I just used this method and had fast growth rates and zero contam! I’m pretty happy since it’s my first time!


Are you putting spores to grain? Glad you have had good luck that means quality sterile syringes. That is the biggest reason they say shouldn’t put spores to grain because it’s so easy to contaminate while making syringes. Good job bud. Got my 5 jars of whole oats noc’ed up 2 days ago with John Allen lc I made so hopefully growth my tomorrow or next day.


Yeah I had problems with being too wet, but I started drying on a towel and it worked wonders. Also just spreading on a metal pan can work too


I found popcorn to collinate slower for me. Rye grain is my favorite.
I strain on a screen with a pillow case over it until dry


I’m a huge fan of wbs. Just make sure no fruit or nuts or cracked corn cause it can turn to glue in your jar bad clumping.

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I’ve had great success with chicken scratch grains from our local feed store. 40lbs for $15. 24hr soak, 25 minute boil, and 30 minute drying session before PC.

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I’m a huge fan of wbs. Just make sure no fruit or nuts or cracked corn cause it can turn to glue in your jar bad clumping.

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1st Grain spawn Tidal wave


That is a healthy looking jar ready to go nice!


Does look healthy great job. :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom:


So I had an open invitation to ask my for some John Allen prints but I’ve given all away even my source no worries though I had some lc and noc’ed up some jars.

if you look at the points of the grain you’ll see little mycelium poofs got 5 jars so here in 4-6 wks I’ll have more John Allen prints available!


I still have the JA print you sent me a while back if you ever need it brother @420noob


Thanks I actually found 2 Unless this grow goes terribly wrong somehow and 5 five jars/tubs go to hell. Knock on wood.