Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

Yes. The grainery in the next town.
Farmersā€¦ what can I sayā€¦ :laughing:


@hooddirt there is a few studies that show levels in shrooms you just got to search a bit. Double blind has good info but those studies are on professionally grown shrooms in ideal conditions. Also there is a lot of variance between individual strains so the numbers would still be tentative to those specific mushrooms. Hope you find some good info.


This is good information.

I have seen a few kits coming out that you can use to test and approximate levels in your samples. Not sure on price.

I just saw a cool spectrophotometer for psilo this morning!


I have multiple strains ready to inject in grain or ?
But my question is could either of u recommend a good book to guide me as I start


Honestly your best bet is to join a forum. is solid. Books are generally older info with decriminalization (in some places) advances growing techniques and practices that you canā€™t get from a book. Also same principle of OG where you can ask specific questions and get answers. Mushrooms are finicky and microclimate control the grow so itā€™s different for all. For your first run I would suggest pf Tek. I would also advise you to look into agar work as itā€™s vital for multiple successful grows. You can grow without agar but it really is a toss up if not using. Feel free took ask questions here if wanted.


Iā€™m going to keep watching an reading
Soon I will take the leap :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
And join the other group
About to pop some beans tho something I do understand :joy:


before i had the internet in my pocket i had Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms there might be better books by staments if cubes are your only goal but. That shit is gold.


There is a lot of information available online, noob might be able to add more specific information.

But look into small scale farmers, a lot of them will put out videos on how to do each step of the process. Just search what step youā€™re on and what to do, watch a few videos to see how its done and whats different. Just like with growing pot, there is a ton of ways people do things and all with varying degrees of success. So see and try what works for you, but some steps of the process have specific best practices that you should def follow.

My grain/substrate/agar partner aPlusGrain has some videos on youtube I believe that show how to inject, shake, etc. And if you ever need any of those items you can use code mushroommanmycology for 10% off your order with aPlusGrain

Good luck!


Yes Iā€™m doing my best to absorb info on YouTube on here almost feeling ready


Just a fyi Walmart sells ready to go mushroom kits only they arenā€™t shrooms just edible or gourmet. It will give you a bit of an idea how it goes but honestly until you are doing it you really donā€™t realize the questions that come up. Read, watch, and ask lots of questions these things will help you.

Nocā€™ed up February 26 I think final shake should be ready in a week or so.


Ready for coir! Been 17 days since nocā€™ed up probably could have put into shoeboxes yesterday but tomorrow it is since I donā€™t have enough coir lol.


Iā€™m guessing I can take the substrate from a wall mart Mushroom grow kit and grow it in the garden, if I prepare a proper place. What if there are other types of mycelium in the same place I try to inoculate with the kit. Is it just the stronger wins in the end or can they grow together?
I have been reading, but Iā€™m excited to throw something together haha.


As long as proper conditions and food they will usually grow together. Ive mixed nocā€™ed up grain with different strains and just got 2 strains growing didnt flush well but they grew.


Awesome! Loving the idea of growing mushrooms. :v:


I just used the popcorn and gypsum method and it worked. Also the brown rice flour x vermiculite spawn worked. Both with no contamination on the first spawn. Will see how the fruiting goes. I was super careful to be as sterile as possible but not as insane as some videos you see. Go for it. Now my place smells like weed and mushrooms ahhaha. Lucky I make mushroom pizza often


I have wood smoker pellets, lots of bark and wood chips, pine needles and fresh chicken poop. Hoping I can figure out a method with that., im sure there are plenty of other things around to tho.


This is the pf Tek. This is what I recommend to all first timers. You can go from spore syringe or even make your own off a print with decent success. It is the most forgiving but will still help you learn the basics and what to expect in a grow. Most of all you can see almost all progress so makes it easier to understand how these wonderful things grow! They are different the donā€™t use photosynthesis so light is needed but usually not supplemental. Give it a try, play around and google. Join a forum Iā€™ve seen people use dog food, an AA big blue book(seriously), a dish rag, underwearā€¦ You see it is very versatile once you get the the basics you are gold.


Whatā€™s your general philosophy for the fruiting stage? Whatā€™s the goal and things to avoid?


I would like to clone something and I am interested in this:
Are the mushrooms in the same cluster the same genetics, i.e., can I pick one mushroom, examine it and eat it, and thereby assess the potency and structure of the others in the cluster?

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Goal is to grow a even full flush. Do keep misted since evaporation triggers pinning. Do not let it dry out or overwater. Mushrooms donā€™t photosynthesis so light isnā€™t as important as other plants. They need light but usually indirect light is fine especially for small grows ie shoeboxes or pf Tek. Donā€™t spray the tops of mushrooms close to harvest as water on them can cause some rotting. Hereā€™s a pic of a shoebox I mixed up Saturday so 4 days ago and already see mycelium growing!

@Pannonian when people take clones to isolate good clustering is something that a lot of people choose to go for from what Iā€™ve read. Iā€™ve never isolated a strain to get the exact same results everytime. They should be very close to the same with small variables that can slightly change such as growing conditions, amount of nutrition available, temps, moisture all can have some effect. Someone else can probably jump in and explain better for sure.