Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

Luckily had a guiding hand to minimize the failures so they have been minimal. But I did almost set myself/house on fire with the SAB once. LMAO


You can tell im a little stoned lmao ā€œminimize failures so they have been minimalā€

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When I started researching in 1999/2000 there werenā€™t alot of resources, I spent alot of time in the library reading. Then on mycotopia and shroomery as a lurker, always reading. Then finally hands on ten years ago, first with a homestead kit so I could have a successful first try, then on my own by buying premade grains and substrate from outgrow, to eventually making all my own stuff. One step and then the next, before you know it your at your goal. But you gotta keep on going.

When I stopped buying pre-made anything, I probably spent $400 without getting any fruits, then finally everything started to click together and I figured out a system that works great. To the point where I have gone and set up for 3 different people, as long as they follow what I wrote down they have consistant results. Winter is the hardest up here because it gets soooo dry. I basically can only run for march-november. Because Iā€™m chasing the humidity constantly otherwise, I really need to set up my own tent instead of just a shelf in a spare bedroom, but I only grow for myself and for a few friends who canā€™t. So really itā€™s moot, as I can produce all I need in those months, once I have my outdoor patches of woodlovers set I wonā€™t even need to do that.


Thats all i need to do. Is grow for myself and my brothers. I successfully colonized jars i bought off insta gram. I got 6 jars premade and sterilized for 40 bucks. Theybwere BFR jars. And then i got lazy and forgot about the jars and the pinned and grew muchrooms and then molded. Im about to start the whole process over again. So, What should have been my next step with the BFR jars after they filled with mycellium? I was planning a shotgun fruiting chamber. But, Now im thinking about trying the.unkle bens tek. Im just under knowledgeable on the subject. I guess i need to spend some time on shroomery.

You would spawn your colonized grain to a pasteurized mix of vermiculite and coir for uncle ben tek, which is just a simple bulk spawn tek. Id say try it before anything else. And if you do try it, I found the Aldi plain brown rice packs to work best!

I sell grain bags for the same 6 quarts /$40 shipped. I think the packs work as good as any spawn bag your going to buy, for less money though, which is why I only make them if someone asks me (like, of course Iā€™ll take your money if you insist, but there are cheaper, equally good routes).


I truly appreciate you taking the time to respond and the honesty as well. I think i will try the unkle bens method first just to get my feet wet. First questionā€¦after the rice bags are colonized. Do I need to sterilize the coir and verm before adding the spawn?

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Yeah, just simple pasteurization works. Get a bucket with a tight sealing lid, measure out your mix and put it in there, add about 1 quart boiling water per gallon of substrate, mix it up with a utensil of some type, put the lid on and wrap with a towel. When its room temp its ready. Then just mix about 4 quarts of that to 2 bags normal or 1 family size of rice.

Check this place out. I love it there, Reddit - Dive into anything


Thanks again!


Finally looking like the clones that they are!!
Big thank to @anon93244739 for the flush advice!
Huge chonkers! pokemon card for reference.

Wanted to add in here that I actually began the hobby by preparing my own WBS and substrate, I found it extremely fulfilling and it definitely forced me to gain more knowledge quickly! It also helps you understand possible reasons for contam and solutions!


Ive grown and consumed a lot of shrooms, but I think @anon93244739 has now become my go to dude for shroom info. Glad he is here on OG and willing to share his knowledge. :pray: :+1: :smiley:


Trueā€¦ fuck ub tek


Single UB flush. I make and sell grains and substrate and still say its the easiest way to start. A little over 2oz dry.

I do agree that making your own stuff is overall the best course of action to truly develop a connection with your fungi. Then stepping up to agar work and isolating your own something special from multi spore.

Any way a person gets to the destination is just another path. I never, ever had luck with pf tek, but give me a jar of corn and I can fruit that thing in vitro.


I need to buy and prep oat grains but I just received the goods for my first grow!


B+ was my first shroom grow too! You will be happy! Good luck!


UB the tek? or the variety

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Question. With the ā€œlegalizationā€ of shroo.s in some us jurisdictions, have the Dutch companies set up shop yet? They have the slip on the marketā€¦any gas station shrooms yet? :smirk:

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Iā€™m in ann arbor and washtenaw County constantly and no, not there at least

The tek. 2 packs of uncle bens brown rice, 1 gallon of 3:1 coir:vermiculite, no casing layer


Hereā€™s an experiment Iā€™m working onā€¦

Psylocybe Ovoideocystidiata from multi spore, grown on hardwood chips, hardwood sawdust, straw and rice hulls for 1 year. I crumbled that onto a thin layer of lightly composted woodchips that had been steam sterilized then mixed with used garden soil. I then topped it with another layer of the same mix and planted cover crop plants.

The goal is to simulate a colony of them that have grown onto a piece of buried wood. They like to fruit in the spring after multiple days of rain. I have small drain holes in the bottom and I have already been keeping it outside for the last week. Hopefully I start seeing some fruits by the end of April.

If this works Iā€™ll expand this colony and the other bag I have of them into a much larger tub over the next year, and have a mobile bed of them I put outside in spring to fruit.

They are on par with APE on strength, and a woodlover which makes their energyā€¦ buzzy? Staticy? Iā€™m not sure how to phrase it, in my experience.


Use popcorn. Quick 25 min pc, drain and dry 25 mins jar and pc. Fuck soaking grains


Someone used I recognize that labelā€¦