Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

Thanks for the knowledge, I was wondering what those ovoids were like. I like the idea of a mobile bed, thatā€™s smart. I was thinking of trying a bed of azzies in my yard cause Iā€™ve heard you can keep em in zone 5 if you give em an extra this layer of straw or mulch for winter but a mobile bed might be a good option toošŸ¤”


I have a couple other species that Iā€™m going to try the same process on.

It was agar day today.

Another batch cooking and corn in bags in the pc.


Are you using those over petri dishes? That would save me some cash for sure.

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Oh hell yeah. They come sterilized in the pack. Just make sure to open it cup down. Meijer has the lids in a seperate bag in the package. Its $4 for 50 of them.


More experiments, just so I can show a side by side for everyone here, and generate some unique content for OG.

All are 100g of solution total, 4% sugar. 2 have 10% coffee as well. Using corn syrup, light malt extract, honey and molasses for sugars. The lids are pp5 and have a silicon gasket, butyl rubber self healing injection ports with .22 micron syringe filters attached with clear silicon caulk. I make them for sale if anyone is interested. I ran the solutions for 15 minutes at 15 psi, then allowed them to cool in the cooker.

I will innoculate in my still air box with 1cc each of lizard king, its an older syringe that I want to use up, and it honestly had amazing effect when grown on a dung based sub with 10% hardwood sawdust added by volume, noticeably different than when grown on only dung based.

Little history

Its a rare cube that was found growing on a woodchip mix. Normally people grow it like a regular cube, but I decided to try with the wood added and wow. Bigger, gnarlier mushrooms with a very different energy.

Anywho, this will be a race to the cloudiest mix quickest. Iā€™ll add pics when I innoculate later.


I know Iā€™m probably preaching to the choir here but I wanted to share this study I was checking out on Psilocybin and depression.

They had a really low N (only 19 patients) but the main crazy awesome thing I found from it was their MRI scans. They showed this massive reduction in Cerebral Blood Flow - which they linked references to that shows high CBF is heavily related to depression and/or brain energy usage in general.

Hereā€™s a link to the journal article for anyone curious

I ended up for my personal setup on going with wild bird seed based on a lot of reading. Iā€™m drilling jar lids this weekend and I have filter disks, which Iā€™m going to use RTV silicone to paste down for a GE and the ā€œself healingā€ injection ports.


Hit me up with any questions you have, I love to help


I like these glued in with silicone caulk.

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Oh man thanks again for your offer of guidance and that link, those seem like such a clean option compared to a big wad of RTV!

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Hereā€™s how they turn out. 7mm hole for both. Oh, I do add more caulk around the bottom of the syringe filter too

Iā€™ll just copy my amazon cart for you lol

Get 2 packs of lids and you can make 48 lc or grain jar lids.

The filters are for gas exchange.


Hey everyone, wanted to post an update/breakdown on my first successful LC inoculation!
Some important facts/context:

  1. NO SAB! (Still Air Box) SABā€™s can be extremely time consuming, tedious and uncomfortable. Makes everything I do much more annoying. To avoid needing one I did the following
    ā€“Ozium (air disinfectant) the entire area
    ā€“Winix Air Purifier at full blast for at least a couple of hours before job
    ā€“Flame Sterilize EVERY TIME
    ā€“Denatured alcohol anything that is going to touch a jar.
    ā€“Turn off your AC
    It was so much more comfortable without one!
    This PE LC was made at least 5-6 months ago, and the jar was inoculated on 3/18/2021
    Only 12 days after 12cc of LC were introduced and im seeing some extremely fast growth! For more context I also prepare my WBS, sub, and LC myself.

On a side note, and maybe @anon93244739 can help, im wondering what process to use in order to use my spent cakes as compost for some plants. Do I just break it up by hand?


Well there are multiple ways to use them. If its a cake, or grainspawn I like to let it compost before I use it. I usually have a big tub of contam and spent grain that I mix with mycco innoculants and used soil, Iā€™ll let that cook during my whole grow and use it the next one mixed with fresh used soil, then refill with more of the freshly used soil and spent/contam stuff. I did run into a ph lockout this run, I think I had to high of a composted used substrate ratio in my soil (more than 50%) and with all the calcium in it, it was pulling my run off ph close to 7.5. That shouldnā€™t be a problem if your just running cakes though. I fixed it with two 5.0 ph flushes, now my run off comes out the same as it goes in.

There is a possibility of it colonizing and fruiting in your tub during composting, so check it once a week for pins, or just mix it regularly. And again its possible to have some sprout from your soil after planting, but its going to be rare.


So even with no mold, just throw them in a general compost pile for the most part? Tub you mean like plastic? Keep that outside? Where im at its extremely hot and humid which is why I ask.

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Also when you ā€œallow it to compostā€ how long is that process? 6 months-year? Less?

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A grow, so like 12ish weeks. Yeah, I use like a 54ish qt black with yellow lid tub, basically im just composting in a container. I keep it an outbuilding which is semi finished, and i dont quite seal it tight. You might want to be lid off where your at, or if you have a compost pile exactly that, just mix it in. You can bake your spent cakes to kill anything before you compost them if your nervous about fruits sprouting up. Let them get fairly dry and 350 for an hour will kill anything in em.


Just wanted to note that thereā€™s a lot of evidence that thereā€™s little to no benefit of having SABs outfitted with gloves, so just use a 3 or 4" hole saw to cut thru a clear tote. Stick your arms thru that and use lots of alcohol sprayed in the inside, then use a fresh needle for every noc session, and you should be fine. No need for flames and the air inside the SAB moves around less than without the gloves anyway.


Almost blew myself up with a still air box once hahahah newbie days just tryin to get something to growā€¦

My stuff as of today

Theyā€™re midgeys but I expected as much with the amount of spawn I used to make those twoā€¦ About a half qt each mixed with about a qt cocoā€¦

Next, however, will be 3lbs spawn to 5lbs pooā€¦ Waiting to pick this and soak and let it start round 2 before I make the tub


Lol almost blew myself up too; as well as cause a serious fire


Yeah i dont use gloves, but even with just holes its extremely difficult to work with quart sized mason jars all inside the box.
Its also much more difficult to see. It would have taken me an hour or more in the SAB, I knocked up like 15 jars in 25-30 minutes taking my time smoking and shit outside of the box super comfortable on my counter.
The HEPA air filter really helps and if you turn your AC off as well, with some ozium the air is as clean as it gets. Flame sterilizing takes about 3 seconds too, I used the same needle for all the jars
@anon93244739 Thanks bro! So dark bin, outside 12 weeks, even in the FL heat that should be ok? Should I break it up by hand? Also read that you can use the spent substrate fresh.
This article was super enlightening. Let me know what you think; unfortunately dont have 12 weeks to wait