Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

Looking damn good Phil, what are your temps at?

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My whole house is at 74…so when this turns all white I’ll put this in my plastic clear shoe box and mist it a couple times a day…


im curious it has to be in an inclosed space or can it be anywhere heard some spores are bad to inhale in such proximity is that true?

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No spores are “good”, but these shouldn’t hurt you.

It’s so that you can control the environment easier. Mushrooms are very finicky if you want to control them and not rely on luck.


For all you Mushroom :mushroom: lovers.

Can you identify this Mushroom :mushroom:? Is It magical? Edible? It’s in my No Till Garden soil and I didn’t use Mushroom Compost :upside_down_face:


Coprinus or Parasola plicatilis


The underside is Black


I’d say it came from spores on your wood chips, I wouldn’t eat it

Good sign your soil is working though


Store bought smoked wood chips.

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Looks closer to the Ink caps online.


Hell no I won’t eat it lol just curious about it.
Glad the soil is working ,)

Thanks guys. :blush: I’ll let it grow. Meh


It’s in the same family. They pop up on woodchips and straw constantly for me


Hello, I hope I am coming to the right place for this. I am trying to get into growing mushrooms, but I have been having nothing but trouble and I am about ready to give up so any help would be great. So far I have been using either liquid spores, liquid cultures, and spore prints all came from different sources. For the spawn I have been using all in one grow bags that I bought on-line. Every time I inject a bag nothing happens, I wipe everything down with 70% alcohol, flame heat the needle, keep it in a dark area after injection. What am I doing wrong?


How long are you waiting, what temps?

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I leave them alone for 2-3 weeks and as far as temps I was just going with the information I was given with the grow bags. Keep it in a dark area between 75-85 degrees F.


That is really weird. You should see something by then at those temps. Do they have an odor? Like sour or feet? Try dropping your temps to 68-72 and trying again, at higher temps sometimes bacteria can be an issue.

Are you using a still air box?


No odor no nothing. After 2-3 weeks the bags look like brand new, no growth no nothing. Sometimes the inside of the bag might start to get misty but thats its. I dont use a still air box, I just turn the A/C off and do it in the kitchen after I cleaned the area with alcohol.

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Are the growing bags always from the same supplier? No one is so unlucky to always get dead spores

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Grow bags and all spores came from different sources. I wanted to rule out the possibility of a bad source.

Is this jar a toss? I innoculated it on may 1st and when I say that maybe a speck of mycelium started to grow about 3 weeks after that and then stalled up until now, that’s what I mean. I always noticed a weird tinge to the substrate as time progressed but I just considered it a dud since I have other things going smoother. Looks grey to me.

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