Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)


I got this swab of Penis Envy from a pal and have been working sections…looks like I’m pretty close to a mono now…will be taking sections again tomorrow for prolly whats most likely the last time on this mycelium…then to a slant for deep storage. I only pressed the swab once so still have tons of genetics on the swab, its in cold storage with the rest of my LC / Spore syringes and prints. The second plate came from another pal, he was nice enough to send a print of Albino A+ that had a bit left to take…its got a ways to go till it is a mono… :wink:

Penis Envy Mycelium

Albino A+ Mycelium


So the pitcher part is the flower? What does the seed pod look like?

Wish I had friend that would send me prints. Just don’t know any scientists…lol


These are carnivorous plants, the pitchers are the traps. The flowers show in spring and once pollinated they form seed pods that split when the winter comes to disperse the fresh seeds.


Thought they had actual flowers just never seen one. Thanks for the pictures. They are beautiful. The one of the close up has been cut correct.


Yes just one of the 4 outer petals removed and a small section to reveal the inner structure, the flower has a really neat structure…but stinks something awful lol


We’ve got wild Jack-in-the-Pulpits, that are pollinated by fungus gnats. The smell is supposed to be similar, but I’ve gotta admit, I’ve yet to sniff one to be sure lmao


Right now cleaning up the PE, also have some AA+ to clean up too…Red Boy is in the fridge for long term storage and got an email today, my LC of Wavy Caps will arrive tomorrow prolly. I will grow them in the fridge since they like best in the PNW…cold and wet lol. :peace:


Every time i come on this thread i start smiling uncontrollably. :grin:


Me and the old cat gardening, I’m settin Pablano Pepper’s and Purple Heirloom Tomatoes to seed. The old cat is sitting for photo ops…or treats My Kung Fu [which is strong] is just old time farmin techniques my Grandpa taught me when I was a kid. I hope to pass on the love of the land and the ability to feed your family down to my nephews. I checked on my Lions Mane Mushrooms and the first fruits of this flush are forming now…be about two maybe three weeks, and should have a few pounds of Lions Mane to sample. If this isolate it good then I’ll start a production run on at least 200 pounds of LM for sale this spring…it sure pares well with a lot of spring dishes.


Super potent Penis Envy Mushroom mycelium that I am doing section isolation’s on now…these are extensively well worked cultures of bred mutants that have freakishly strong amounts of medicine in them…think like good top shelf bud verses clean decent Mexican Brick-weed …both will be medicine, but one is just head and shoulders above the other.

Shiitake Mushroom

Lions Mane Mushrooms I have a test block running now and I am pleased with the performance so I will be cloning the biggest most aggressive fruit when it gets harvested this week from the block. I also have 6 quarts going of the same mono-culture and they will be cloned too if I see something I like…

This is how it looks in the wild when its done…these will look like this in a few days to a week.


Ok so tossed and turned for a bit in bed and just couldn’t bear the dreaded Black Mold…I tossed the two offending samples under 250x mag to get a much better look and I’m not sure what I see, it does have me perplexed…they both have been quarantined fosure till I get some time to sort this out in the morning…grumble…six weeks of progressive isolation’s and to get a contam this late in the game on proven potent PE mycelium I’m trying really hard to get to a mono culture … so here are four pictures each of two separate plates taken from the initial spot of transfer 48 hrs ago [that was done properly in a Still Air Box I might add…I will be picking up the Laminar Flow Hood / Bench next Monday so I’m finally going to get some elbow room to get my groove on] to the outer most edge of the growing mycelium…

Suspect plate one - this one looks farther along than the other, the entire perimeter of the culture appears entirely clean.

Suspect plate two - this one doesn’t look as far along than the other, the entire perimeter of the culture appears entirely clean also.


One is made for paving dirt roads with.

Dude, This is amazing. I am psyched it is all on here for folks to continue the craft.




Lions Mane is starting to beard so its finally starting to get ripe, sure is a tasty treat. Peace


Be sure to post finished results.

I know nothing of this beast.



Hopefully she will finish like this if I have it dialed in close enough to nature…


Psychodelic Cauliflower.



It is edible - medicinal that mushroom for what I have been reading online, in Chinese culture for centuries that use it.


Yes I have been eating them for my whole life, they taste very similar to fried seafood [shrimp / lobster / scallops] with the same meaty texture. I just got tired of paying $20.00 a pound US, and I’m good at mycology so I decided to grow and sell them myself. There is not a local gourmet mushroom business so it made sense to make money while eating really well…I grow Trumpet [King Oyster] Lions Mane and Shiitake all edible plus some medicinal I like to grow such as Turkey Tail and Rishi. :mushroom:


Well me and :princess: went through the seed list and made our picks for this years garden, hope to pull off a banner year and have great healthy food all year. This is all the starts I planted and will have them ready by 15 march and the new moon hits on the 18th so that’s the date this year for starts. Here is our list:

Eggplant - Black Beauty
Squash - Yellow Crookneck Dixie Hybrid
Watermelon - Bush Sugar Baby
Cucumber - Tendergreen Burpless
Squash - Black Beauty Zucchini
Okra - Louisiana Green Velvet
Tomatillo - Green
Bean - Burpees’s Tenderpod
Tomato - Roma
Tomato - Purple Heirloom [probable Cherokee Purple]
Peppers - Red [Chili]
Peppers - Pablano [Chili]