Mutant Madness?

@crunkyeah Thanks for the warm welcome :hugs:

I found your posts on mutants a few months ago (here and Crunky’s corner), and was immediately a fan of your work. Now that cannabis cultivation is legal in Germany, I thought I would give it a go. I’m actually not a weed smoker anymore for decades, but might be tempted to partake if it’s a good grow I did myself. As far as growing more than a few plants, I have the immediate issue of both the law and space. In the area I live in, having a 1/4 acre block like the regular Aussie style garden is simply unaffordable for the middle class.

I think I found a nice loophole though to get over the three plant limit. Here in Germany, you can form a Cannabis Club, for the non-profit production of flowers solely to club members.

With a small group of members, we could start a breeding program of unlimited plants, so long as we don’t supply more than 50 gram per member per month. Another benefit is that you can legally pass on seeds and cuttings to other members.

If that idea works, I want to run another idea by you, on the topic of mutants:

I ofter see pictures posted of ‘frosty’ buds, with pretty extreme frosting on the sugar leaves. To me, this makes me think that fan leaves also have to potential to produce a lot of trichomes. I assume that the plant hormone levels during flowering trigger the development of trichomes on leaves near the buds, as the hormone levels there are high.

If thats the case, then maybe we could find a mutation where leaves are either super sensitive to the hormone or just grow as if the hormone is already there (as is the case for auto flowering plants with the florigen hormone).

Do you think it might be feasible to breed for frosty tan leaf plants in the vegetative stage?

I’m imagining growing plants like tea, where you could continuously crop mother plants in veg, and process them for bubble hash.

New thread on the Frosty leaves topic!