Mutants Walk Among Us

I’ll definitely let ye know when I am, they’re just too cool to not have haha, definitely want some in my greenhouse next summer! I hate ordering with bank transfer so I want to try sort out another way to order off him first if I can!


Also found this site looks janky but it’s legit and the amount of mutant breeding this person has been working on is crazy if anyone is interested

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You should see his YouTube channel!


Oh word? Link?

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Thank you :pray:t4:

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Fun note! The plants have normalized after coming out of re-veg! Thanks again @zephyr for your suggestions and input :smiley:

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I’ve his AD17#Vanilluna growing here at the moment, I’ll get some pictures of the foliage up tomorrow or Monday, they’re freaky looking plants! I’ve four of the Skinny Purple here too and have been trying to germinate the Hops seeds for a few months now, the first seed coat has finally worn away and they’ve swollen so hopefully we see progress soon :slight_smile:


Best shot I could get of an AD17 since topping. Haven’t gotten a chance to take any pictures during the day but I’ll get some better photos of them all up soon.

On another note ABC is a fucker to germinate, after three months soaking and a 750ppm wash in Ga3 for 48 hours I finally have two more popping out now.


Yeah, the ABC is a bit rough to work with, hearing reports of high male counts. I’ve only gotten one out of maybe 5 to germinate and live, but it was a male of course.

Beautiful plant though. Will defiantly be popping more.

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Yeah the male to female ratio has me a bit worried haha, I have a few seeds of an ABC x Frisian Duck cross so hopefully I at least get a usable female from them for making a few seeds. I do love just having them there to look at though, they are amazing looking!


Maybe this counts.



Yeah, I’m 2/7 females.


They really are bastards aren’t they haha


AD17 starting to show some variegation!

These things are very fucking stealthy.

Bastards are very bushy, and very neglected!


Those are soooooo pretty!!

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Those look amazing !
Where can I get the AD17 beans ?!
They look just like a wild grass that grows where I live. I would live to have some of these.
Please keep me updated. I cant even imagine what she will look like in flower :confused:

I love how the bastard looks like a miniature. Either one of those would be fantastic to have outdoors.


Don’t know if I’d call it a mutation as fascinating as some of these but I have one that out of the blue throws these half yellow bastards every now and then.From seed it had like this half a deleted leaf thing here and there as well.There’s a branch on it where only half a stem formed like it was cut with a butter knife.It reminded me of that scene in Willy wonka goes in that back room before he calls Charlie a loser and all that shit is sliced in half all over the place.


AD17 It’s from, he’s got a lot of Mutants. :dizzy_face:


They’re really cool looking plants, I definitely need to take some better pictures during the day next time haha. Yeah they’re from Kalyseeds, his only run of them was in 2019 though and I bought the last of them, they were just being sold as a singular generation of another project he’s been working on.

I’m in the middle of moving house right now but I’ll be making seeds with them the moment I move so I’ll remember you for then, definitely want to get these spread around!

Haha Yeah the bastards are tiny! :joy: I’m gonna be vegging them for a long time I think! Part of me wants to flower them small though just to see what they look like haha.