Mutants Walk Among Us

Not sure if it’s been mentioned and I missed it, but 7 East Genetics had some Freakshow open pollination last I checked

I also have a ducksfoot x coljam F1 that I really want to see in action


I Should not have read this through this thread when totally out of likes… so please y’all just know that everything above gets a :heart: from me; the weirdos are so beautiful!!!

Not sure if this counts as a “Mutant”, but my Mother plants are producing me “Palm Trees” so my seed run round will be interesting as this is what all the plants look like:

Anyone see this before? I’m going for it regardless but wouldn’t want to spread beans around that’ll upset folks. The noding is so tight I can’t see the trait being passed down as a bad thing; but again never seen this before. :laughing:


That’s a good one @Gpaw, I love the Juicy Ass too!!
You ever try the Juicy Ass?


No, haven’t tried that one - and I like IPA’s too :sunglasses: :call_me_hand:


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all those nodes are failed new growth points that died back. That’s either a really unhealthy plant, or a very undesirable mutation. That plant is unable to produce any shoots or growth points other than the apical growth.

That is very undesirable, not a trait that you would want to propagate into the gene pool at large.

I have occasionally seen a similar mutation in poor quality feminized seeds. I would never let a plant like that drop pollen or allow it to produce seeds.

If this was a useful trait you would see healthy branching at every node, not dead new growth.


Interesting and thanks for the information!

Those nodes didn’t fail, I cut off all the branching at the time of taking the cuts off the mother plants for cloning as I was concerned about leaving so much vegatation.

I forgot to mention before that I didn’t lux meter my mother tent due to other stresses and the light was to close for a while resulting (what I assumed was) a very tight growth pattern… BUT if i am mistaken then again thank you for making mention of the issue. (this is how we learn :smiley: :thought_balloon: )

I’m planning on making some clones of the lower growth of my Kosher Kush outdoors which shows no sign of the growth structure we see above; so safe bet is if these nubbies don’t grow right I’ll have a backup :smiley:

(*edit: “If this was a useful trait you would see healthy branching at every node, not dead new growth.” ; is what seems to be happening now that the roots are establishing in soil; but again time will tell all)

((*edit2: And IF the growth seems normalish but tight and I do end up pollinating, I’ll run a few as testers before sending anything out into the world; at least that way there’s a disclaimer! :laughing: ))


cool, thanks for the details. Sounds like this look is just the result of your taking so many of the branches for clones, and the stress of defoliation. Like you said, hopefully the growth will normalize and start branching again.

Usually the “palm tree” look with dead nodes is an expression of extreme stress. Keep an eye on it, and probably wait for the growth to normalize before you flower them, breed, or take more clones.

sometimes it appears as an undesirable mutation in seedlings, and in that case they are unlikely to recover.


Thank you @zephyr , very good to know what I should be looking for before I get them flowering.


Whats up guys it’s been a while! I’ve a shitty situation moving house soon so the plants have been getting neglected but I finally got some out into the garden, moving with them will be dodgy in a month or two so I planted multiple per small planter to save space and hopefully throw off the look of them even more while driving.
The weirdest of them are still indoors at the moment, they have totally smooth foliage and the leaves grow in loops around themselves until they snap their own midrib, I’ll post pictures of them soon along with the ABC! Still no progress with the “Hops”. Here’s pictures of the most standard AD17 now after getting topped.


Check out these weird fuckers


My favorite. They are getting quite popular.

Damn, you weren’t kidding about them growing in loops around themselves. Looks like it’s giving itself a hug.

Best of luck with the move, I dread ever having to do it again. Hope you can get lots of help moving.

That’s shitty there was no progress with the hops, not even 1 tap popped out? Man I was really excited to see those ones pop. I knew you said it took forever, did you try cracking any of them? They looked tough as hell, built like a brick shithouse by the looks of em.


Anyone ever heard of Moon Duck? It’s by some IG grower and he has some other variegated duck foot x abc crosses and whatnot


They have the squiggliest leaves I’ve ever seen haha, they’re also the slowest growing plants I’ve ever seen! I’m definitely gonna breed them if I can get them to make it that far though.

Thanks man! Haha yeah it never gets easier, I’m hoping this is the last one I have to do. I’m moving back into the house I was in two moves ago, I should’ve stayed and done it up instead, glad I got to take advantage of having a huge garden for a few years though, it’ll be sad to see it go!

Yeah the wait is fucking killing me now, not one so far! Yesterday I put them in a ga3 solution at 750 ppm, did the same with the other 6 ABC seeds too, I’m really hoping that gets something to happen!


Are these clones going thru a reveg

Haha man the color of that is brilliant, I have an ABC here that has the same bulbous single fingered foliage as those first pictures. I was actually going to get seeds for the two strains that were used for that cross in the last picture, a few different people have the same cross going on at the moment, sickened I didn’t in the end, it’d be cool to have some consistently variegated strains on the go around here, definitely with the next order though.

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Nope they’re just the craziest offspring from a weird genetic line, the other pictures I posted above it are the most normal ones from the same batch of seeds. All the leaves come out single fingered and varying in smoothness, lack of serrations and warped growth. Very slow growers though!

is that straight out of porn??

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The name or the photo? Lol

The picture is one I took before I drank the beer. The idea for the name though :thinking: I don’t know how they came up with it :joy:

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If your ordering a variagated strain, I’ll take a pack too.

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