Mutants Walk Among Us

Hey man, big thanks for all the input you put up on here. Super great to see the photos. Wanted to check in and ask if you are finally settled into the new place and how some of your freaks are coming along, really is a privilege to have a look in your garden. Thanks again.


Little 3 node “Krull” like mutant seedling.


Hey dude, thank you very much! Finally moved in and got most of the house set up, its just the grow rooms and garden left to finish off, its been taking so long haha. I’ll be posting a lot more from now on now that most of the work is out of the way! :grin:
Sadly my AD17 female couldn’t handle the cold so well, seed production went to shit haha. I have it revegging now though along with the best males so I’ll be getting more pictures up soon once they recover. My ABC are revegging now too, both turned out male so I’m hoping to find a good female amongst my ABC x Frisian Duck F4’s. I finally germinated 6 Skinny Purple and 5 Freakshow too, lots of freaky madness happening around here! I’ll get some pictures up as soon as everything recovers and settles in again, barely able to get online the last few weeks at all!


A very uncommon type in the Subterfuge 1 X freakshow F2 looking like predator!


Triploidity I think someone just called this it’s like having 3 sets of chromosomes I think they said.

Now that’s freaking sweet.Mantis weed.That freak show looks awesome I like how you guys treat her that has to be an awesome cultivar to grow she looks fun and what a oddity

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Hey, you have amazing plants! I’ve never seen such small abc plants :smiley: they are real dwarfs. How is your growroom going? Did everthing work out for you?

I can’t wait to see an update of your ad17, are they ok? do you know the video by kalyseeds in which he introduces the ad17vanilluna?


Hey dude, thank you! :smiley: Sadly the AD17’s are dead, they couldn’t handle the late reveg, I should’ve saved the seeds for this year. Serious problems for my plants the last while between moving, weather and pest attacks, lost a shit load of my ethnobotanical collection over the last few months! Shits stabilized now but fuck there’s been many losses and dead plants this winter haha.

I got a new phone and lost Mani’s number, need to get in contact with him and see when he’ll have more, I definitely want to grow it again! The ones I had were the AD17#vanilluna too, very fun plants to grow and literally nobody had a clue what they were, extremely stealthy fuckers! :grin:

My tiny ABC’s are still flowering, they wont reveg at all and the pollen is fucking everywhere hahaha, im very excited to use them for breeding, they’d make a fantastic ornamental line! :rofl: I’d say if they were female during flower it’d look like someone dropped a half ounce of Vietnamese landrace on the ground haha.

I’ll get some pictures up of the Skinny Purple soon, very cool looking webbed leaves! Here’s a picture of the varying intensity of the Freakshow mutation and a comparison shot between ABC x Frisian Duck F4, Freakshow and White Widow to keep the thread going! Thank you’s very much @Oldtimerunderground and @curiouscat for the Freakshow and White Widow seeds!


Triploids are very very rare while whorled plants are more common , they are often mistaken as triploids when it’s realy whorled phylotaxi.
This is where the industry is going and how breeders will start protecting there lines , right out of the traditional big agriculture play book.


This boy has been called ‘Horrorshow’ he’s an F2 gen of Subterfuge 1 (ABC hybrid) X Freakshow.

Definitely the weirdest plant I’ve ever seen


Whoah… this is so wild. A true weed, is this two pheno’s in this photo? Or is this one plant in the four shots?

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Wow!! These look gorgeous in veg!!! Would love to try.


One plant 4 shots. Only time I’ve ever seen ‘bastard’ foliage and non bastard foliage on the same plant.

This plant has some extremely strange growth habits. It’ll be used for to make the F3.


That’s a crazy F2 you have there! Horror show looks like a good name for him. Too bad it turned into a boy. Maybe he’ll pass on some good genes. Fingers crossed. Excited to see those F3s.

I wanted to hop in the mutant post!

I have 4 Duckweb IBL (2 just showed female preflowers)
11 Drunken Bastard (Subt1 ABC hybrid)
15 Supafreak
And one very special BerryFreak lady. BerryFreak will be my mother for the Freakshow crosses I plan on making.

I can give some pictures if OG’ers would like. I’m also up to collaborating with the community with what I have going and making new stuff.


Cool beans (pun intended)!

Did you guys just figure you’d leave me out?

EDIT boy I’m late… figures!

Still, I’ll put it out there if anyone’s looking (seems to be the right thread) and I’m hoping that what comes of the gear I entrusted him with (along with the other landraces and tropical varieties he’s collecting) will be featured in some of these threads someday soon.

Legitimo by Kalyseeds is a transgenic hybrid (H. Japonicus x C. Sativa) that the Chef has up on Strainly. He’s also got some other interesting hybrids he’s playing with that can make for decent starting point for those looking to stock up & explore some different mutations.

Kalyseeds-Legitimo (Medicinal Hops) 7pk reg. - Strainly

He’s got plenty going on so, he might need some time and coaxing; but if you holler at him for seed, let him know that Marola said that me & the OGs are waiting for him to come on over.


I saw those. Working on an order. Just waiting to hear if they are sterile or not.


ABC site 4 X Freakshow F2 looking slender!



Subterfuge 1 X Freakshow F3

One of the ‘Horrorshow’ offspring. Smelling of sweet Berry/Fruit.


Looks like it wants to turn purple. :grinning: