Mutants Walk Among Us

An ABC individual that grows fast! Actually bigger than all the non mutants the same age.

It’s a combination of ECSD, Zamal, ABC site 4, Subterfuge#1 and Peanut Butter Breath. Curious to see how this one goes


Those leaves look extra wide and large. Interesting!

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Varigation or…?

Strain: Rockstar


Giant ABC hybrid leaf


Hey man, needed to check in again here. Had you any luck finishing these hops hybrids?

Looks like some good folks here are having a go, love to hear how far you got with yours.


Blue Tara F3, out of three one is normal hearty indica, one is a healthy runt, and the third one is freaky! Whorled phyllotaxy in early growth that mostly stopped and now it’s throwing out enormous dinosaur fan leaves with what I think is variegation (besides the deficiencies) and mutant growth:


This one is really interesting to me, I’m gonna break down and get it one of these days for science and share some to see what we find. It’s one of the freakiest breeding projects I’ve seen and it’s from my area so I’m trying to see if I can dig up more but there’s almost nothing on the internet about it before people started doing grows of it in the last few years since Hoku released it:

“Genetics :The genetic heritage comes from thailand australia japanese hops and ruderalis, the plant displays a unique leaf trait very similar to a maple leaf in flower, the true leaf trait will be displayed at the fifth internode, each leaf trait will be different, the flowering time can go between 11-16 weeks”

From Reddit:

"–]kreed320 5 points 1 month ago
I grew Acer1 which is a ducksfoot cross. Got nearly nine ounces and not one seed. Very resistant to any kind of stress and I live in a super harsh environment. The high is amazing guessing around 15% or so

[–]SecureCap6661 2 points 24 days ago
I second this… I also grew outdoors, and our plants were very different sizes. It’s a strain that will grow as big as you let it. Aka, the size of your pot can control its growth. Kreed has to keep his low profile, and just used smaller pots, his were what appears about 2-3 feet. I personally got 100gal pots, and they got about 6-8 feet.

Haven’t had it tested, but this strain is super relaxing seems indica leaning, very useful for my herniated disc pain. Meanwhile my son in his 20s tends to take a nap everytime he eats the edibles, and tends to be super stoned off the smoke. I have gotten high enough off it once or twice to be like… Fuuuckkkkk this in not work weed. :joy:"

“[–]SecureCap6661 1 point 17 days ago
Blueberry Muffin, Berry Lights, Acer1 and SyrianV. I ran the Acer and SyrianV this year. They were easy plants to tend. Very good medicinal strain in the Acer1. The SyrianV is like weed that pounded an energy drink for breakfast and stole your kids Adderall. It’s very clear and energetic.”

2258165322 2258133203


Acer 1? @Misterbee was kind enough to give me that one and others from Hoku seeds. They have some really unique stuff and the prices are super reasonable. Sounds like Acer 1 could work well for pain and other maladies. If you plan on making beans to share . perhaps Misterbee wouldn’t mind if i shared it with you when or if you are ready to grow it. …
Syrian V will be the first one i try. My inflammation lately has gotten out of control. Can hardly move at times.


With all the RESPECT I have for you, it’s YOUR decision, my friend!!! That’s OG of you for asking, keeping with your integrity. I have a few more, just in case you ever require any. “Mi Stash es Su Stash!!” HAPPY NEW YEAR, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It looks like a strawberry plant, with the flowers arosing in the middle


Thanks buddy. You’re the best! Acer 1 sounds super unique and super medicinal and i want to try it out. That Syrian V has that Doug Varin thcv strain or cutting mixed in with the Syrian from rsc they lightly pheno hunted, eliminating the inferior plants only. . I’m thinking thcv is a crucial part of what i need and its size will be easy to handle.
Do you know the HOKU seeds crew? They have perhaps the most unique line up I’ve ever seen. Every strain they have is interesting and geared towards uncommon cannabinoids, but they have potent thc strains too. Many of their flowering times are geared for the North outdoors.
That Kentucky landrace sounds like a fantastic breeding tool or cbd strain. Another’s interesting find I’ve only seen at Hoku.
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you as well my friend!


Cut of a cut of a cut. I miss these terps. Maybe in a month or so we’ll go again


You make note of what in their Inventory interest you, I’ll see what I can do (wink-wink) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I found a few interviews with Floyd from Hoku: @ 4:40:00



Hey there, welcome to OG. You should drop that in the oddities page :wink:

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Hey , I am new member and just want introduce myself, I’ve been growing this strain for a couple runs and every time they grow like this


Hi @Strainger welcome to OG

Welcome to OG. I must be missing it but I am not seeing what you are pointing out. I did just wake up and haven’t made it through my cup of coffee. What is mutant about it and what am i missing?

Ditto, can’t see the mutation myself.