My 30 gal. One plant Blue Dream Adventure

Can’t get a pic I’m not on my phone. But I got me a nice pack of BOG goodness today. Thanks @corey & @Indoornesian


No problem @BigMike55!

@mods @Northern_Loki would you please close this for me? Thank you! @LemonadeJoe


Hello everyone!! First and foremost, I’d like to say, a huge thanks to corey, to whom I feel deeply sorry he is no longer part of our community. A gentle, crazy, intense person!!! Not very different from me, who has gifted me tons of beans!!! Ogenerously in every single way!!! For that, hats off to you Corey!!! You’re simply amazing!!! I love you brother!!!

Now, to the winner…! It happens to be @Indoornesian!!! I was the lucky one to get the heart shaped BOG Fire mix from @Indoornesian through @corey. Hi dear friend, the so called polyembryony seed is with me, as you can see below…


Although I ended up with this gem, yet, I do not feel worthy of mistreating it (nowadays I’m about to let go of the killing plants stage and move on! Soon I hope!!). Therefore, @Indoornesian, you only need to say yes, and that you’ll be popping it! Any time you may choose, and it’ll be yours again, the maker himself!!!
Imho, looks more like a butt than a heart!!! :flushed: :laughing: :man_facepalming: :hugs:

Awaiting your reply bud!!!
Overgrow the world!!!


Totally awesome to see you got the bean I remember when it was sent out during the big fire mix ! !
Me and Corey were just talking about that a month ago so cool !


@Rabeats2093 Yep! We now have to wait for @Indoornesian to show up!! It is a strange seed, I must say!!
Honestly, by intuition, it might mean more problems than solutions! LOL! One never knows!!


I would be most grateful :pray:t5:
Once I get back to Vegas I’d pop it and see what we get! I’d definitely pop that ass…


Hi! @Indoornesian, so PM your addy and it’ll be traveling back north to you brother!!
And thanks for your amazing contribution to our community!! :hugs:

LOL and OG pushes me to learn yet again. I figured the poly seed would produce two plants, and have often read that twins will be a clone of mom, and a cross… Do you know which is which?

Apparently, you CAN tell! Came across this in my search

“Poly-embryonic seeds produce a number of shoots, one of which originates from fertilisation. The fertilised seedling is often weak and stunted and should be discarded. The other seedlings are clones of the mother tree.” Found here

So, the weaker one is the cross. I wonder if this applies to cannabis like it does to Mangos…


Thanks @Nagel420!! We’ll just have to wait a bit when @Indoornesian drops this baby into a pot!! Good morning OGers!!

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I have twins right now, not from a poly seed though, it looked totally normal and surprised me… Ghost Rose x Mi5 from @Jinglepot. And I can clearly see the weaker one. Guess I’ll be asking @Jinglepot who looks more like mom in a month or two :wink: LOL See if his guess matches which is the stronger of the two…


Does @Jinglepot know the kids are indeed his daughters!? :flushed: :sweat_smile:
“She says I am the one, but the kid is not my…!” :joy: :hugs:

@Nagel420, I’m curious, they grew apart from the start or you got them separated!? Intriguing!!!


I popped 2 seeds on some worm castings (The @JohnnyPotseed method), 2 days later there’s 3 sets of cotyledons and I’m confused, still looked like two, but one was rather twisted together. Was able to separate the seedlings before planting with minimal contact (they were twisted together, but not fused), a little teasing with a toothpick and they separated into two viable sprouts. One has been noticeably smaller than the other, but both are growing! And the stronger one kinda matches the size of the non-twin seed that was sprouted alongside it (which should be the result of the cross / pollination) so I might see a difference between those two if the stronger twin is a clone of mom…


Nature is amazing :star_struck:


Haha I’m not falling for that trap!! I’m fixed!! :laughing::laughing::laughing: I can tell ya right now though, the mi5 had a wonderful light citrus smell and the ghost rose was sweet like cotton candy :yum:


A buddy of mine has a system of doubling the nutes once the plant gets 2 feet tall. In the last days of veg, he also adds time-release fertilizer.

How was the effect? Is Blue Dream more indica or sativa?


He got banned, not killed. Lol