My aquaponic adventures

Random, but timely :blush:


@THCeed this one made me think of you :joy::metal:

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Looking green and healthy, man.

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Thanks :metal:

We had a power outage today that has knocked all of my smart lights and plugs out, so I’m feverishly trying to set them back up to keep everything moving 🤦😂

The fun never ends

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The power outage has screwed up multiple smart plugs and lights, 1 of the being my main light :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. It didn’t turn on at midnight, I had to manually turn it on at 7 this morning, and it didn’t turn off at 7 tonight, so another manual intervention… I don’t like this.

However, the plants all seem to be very happy, other than the leaves, it’s hard to tell Oats x Rolling Thunder#2, Blueberry and mystery apart at the front.

The back right, purple nurple is looking great, and the back left is GSC, looking almost bushy :grin:


Get your smart plugs back on track, a day won’t matter in the whole of the grow… your garden does look much better than a month or so ago…

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Thanks :+1:. I’ve been waiting for that purple nurple to grow in and had to do a bunch of LST on all the other plants, now that’s definitely paying off :grin:


How are the clones doing?? Any pics??

I’ll get some pics in the morning, more eyes than mine would be good on this… I think oats x rolling thunder #2 is male :sob:

So, right off the bat… Oats x Rolling Thunder#2… Any votes on sex? I’m pretty sure male :sob:

But, I think my mystery plant is female

Afghan auto is looking nice

Purple Nurple is chugging along now… I’m noticing she’s really stretching towards the light, and GSC on the other side is as well. I’m thinking I might need a second light so I have one over both ends… Should have grabbed one on 4/20 🤦

Drunken cherry fog dog #1 is looking sickly as ever, but still smelling amazing, easily the best smelling plant in the tent 🤷

Drunken cherry fog dog #2 is ok, she very dark and doesn’t have the same sweet candy smell, but she’s still got bud! :grin:

GSC… Interestingly, the leaves on the very bottom have come up more than the set just above the super cropping

Oats x Rolling Thunder #2… Such a nice looking plant, I really hope I’m wrong about it being male

Blueberry is an absolute bush… I haven’t had a plant quote this bushy, it’ll be interesting to see how she goes

And finally, my mystery plant. Another beast of a bush.

In this setup, I wasn’t expecting the roots to go through the bags the way they have. My initial plan was to be able to move plants around as males were culled. I’ll be able to do that a bit, but I don’t think newrly asuch as I was hoping. I really need to get Blueberry and mystery plant separated somehow.

My seedling area has water running :grin:. I’m not completely happy with the drainage, it’s not draining the way I expected… I’m hoping with hydroton in there nothing will overflow. I initially built this to house 4 plants, just to get them going, but I think I m going to add another set of water outlets and up it to 2 on each side and a small auto constantly running in the middle :grin:


Crystals shot on Afghani auto

Crystals on drunken cherry fog dog

Another shot of what I think are balls forming on oats x rolling thunder #2

Mystery plant after a hair cut

Blueberry after a hair cut

Purple Nurple got a couple fan leaves removed, but pretty much left alone

GSC after her hair cut

My garden

If oats x rolling thunder#2 is in fact a male, I’ll be culling him and Blueberry is going to get a bit of a move, she needs more space :grin:


Condolences, you’re correct, those are male flowers. The first set of pics looked like male, but couldn’t be sure. This one is for sure. I can see a whole little cluster at one of nodes.

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Crap, thank you for the second set of eyes… I was pretty sure, but… Crap.

I’ll pull him out today, at least Blueberry will be happy, she’ll get loads more room :grin:

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RIP Oats x Rolling Thunder#2

He was a good looking plant…

Awesome structure after the super cropping, I’m really happy with that.

Blueberry and mystery should like that extra space :grin:


Sometimes, growing in water sucks :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

“FUUUUUUUUUUUUDDGGGGGGGGGE, only I didn’t say fudge”


2 floods in 12 hours (I’m sooo lucky my Mrs hasn’t put an end to me growing inside, lol)… 1 because I was careless and didn’t notice a filter return wasn’t fully returning into the biofilter garbage can, and 1 because the new front seedling area overflowed and for some reason didn’t drain. So, the front is shut off until I can get some better plumbing figured out, or maybe they’ll become sip boxes up front and I won’t worry about the plumbing at all… 🤷 That’s probably what I’ll do.

Afghani auto is chugging along… She’s shot a couple little branches up to the light that are full of bud, I’m thinking it has to do with readjusting her a couple weeks ago

Mystery plant is looking great, lots of tiny pistils are showing up all over the place :grin:

Blueberry is loving her extra room. She has a couple pistils showing up, but not much yet

GSC is filling out nicely. She did have some stretch, but I’m not sure she has much left 🤷

Drunken cherry fog dog #2 is still filling out… Still no real smell to her

Oats x Rolling Thunder#1 is back! Lol. SHE is doing pretty well. I don’t expect anything from her this round now, but I have a couple cuttings for next round :crossed_fingers:. She’s definitely a girl though :metal:

Drunken cherry fog dog #1 is sickly as ever, but still stacking kn the bud weight :metal:. She’s lost her really sweet candy smell, but she definitely smells up the tent, lol… I can’t quite place it, I’ll have to keep thinking about it.

Last but not least, purple nurple is doing her thing, whatever that thing may be, lol.


Well, I’m kinda bored watching the plants right now…

So, here we have 3 critical purple x pineapple from @RainToday… I was looking for something that would stay a little smaller for the front foot of my tent, and she knew I’m dealing with some back nerve issues and was nice enough to fire them over! Thank you!!

I checked these (:crossed_fingers:) ladies yesterday and only 1 had a tiny bit of a tap root showing, something tells me these girls are going to be a little vigorous :grin::metal:


Well, today’s update… the multiple floodings doesn’t seem to have hampered the plants at all, there’s so much good stuff in this water, it’s almost scary (I REALLY need more plants! haha).

Blueberry has been stretching!!

But she got a little LST today to try and spread her back out a bit

My mystery plant is doing great! She’s already starting to show bud production, there should be a ton of bud sites!

GSC is chugging along, she has really fat leaves :slight_smile:

Purple Nurple is definitely stretching!! She’s reaching for the sky more and more every day, I wonder when it’s going to end? They’ve been in 12/12 for 2 weeks today

Another shot of some buds starting to show up :slight_smile:

Drunken cherry fog dog #2 is doing well, waiting for her tric’s to start turning

Drunken cherry fog dog #1 is still sickly, bud has great crystal production! Every leaf on her is sticky :smiley:

Finally, Afghani is fattening up… it seems every time I look at her she’s a little fatter :smiley: . I don’t know what to look for in terms of bud-rot… My tent is 58-60%RH (lowering that to 53-55% tonight) and 21-24C.

The girls :slight_smile:

I also have 3 Critical Purple x Pineapple cracked, man they’re looking good already!


That’s awesome! Thanks for growing them, and giving me a heads up :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
… though I’m just nitpicky enough to say it can’t quite be pure pineapple, I have only been able to get that in fem, so it’s got to be a pineapple cross of some sort :wink::green_heart:

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@RainToday good to know! I have a note that if they don’t go into flower by week 4 to flip them to 12/12 because I’m going to have something awesome, haha.

I have everything setup and waiting for them to get a little bigger :grin:

Also, if anyone else wants to make a bad decision, I have one of these and just ordered another, I love it (and so do my plants)! It only pulls 180watt at full load and has a lux value of 27000-28000 from about 20" away (I measured the lux, not the distance :person_facepalming::joy:) )

Limited-time deal: AGLEX K2000 LED Grow Light, Full Spectrum Grow Light with UV IR, LED Plant Grow Lights for Seeding Starting Veg Flower Hanging Growing Lamps 4X5 FT Coverage with Daisy Chain & Dimmable

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