My aquaponic adventures

So, based on the growth of purple nurple

I figure I have about a week until I can flip to flower…

A before pic…

So today, oats x rolling thunder


And mystery plant

all got a good hair cut in prep for flower :grin::grin:

GSC has popped up nicely from her supercropping

And both drunken fog dogs beside her and budding nicely, #1 has the craziest fruity smell as of yesterday!

And my Afghani is still trucking along

The damage

I’m expecting a bit of an growth spirt here, I just redosed the water with blood meal (N), bone meal ( P) and a couple tbsp of potassium bicarbonate (K), and a little pH down as adding those popped it up to 8.3 :joy:🤦. Chemistry is fun :grin:






Some pics from yesterday I forgot to post…

Mystery plant has a hell of a stem!

Afghani bud is thickening up… At day 27 from budding, She’s fatter than a mid-size exacto-knife. And she still has 36 days to go. Lol, she’s only halfway through her budding :grin::grin::grin:

When I get up today I’ll take and post some more pics, including a couple screenshots of my new strain/seed organizer app I’m building :grin:


Some better pics, and some much better LST if I do say so myself :grin:

Oats x Rolling Thunder#2

Another shot… I was able to really spread her out, pretty happy with where she’s going to be for budding… Man I hope she’s a she.

Blueberry is spread out nicely now as well. I’m going to continue spreading her as her branches grow so there’s some room in the middle… I’m really hoping she produces :crossed_fingers:

Another shot


The start of my app to track seeds, and eventually grows :grin:


Getting close to flip day, I’m stoked :grin::grin:

Drunken fog dog #1 is still looking sickly, but stacking bud 🤷. She’s never really looked healthy, but has grown way better than the other one.

Drunk fog dog #2, leaves look better than #1, but her bud is way smaller and doesn’t have that super fruity smell… Still, she’s growing bud and is only halfway through :metal:

My hold out… Purple Nurple is looking great. I topped her in 2 spots, hopefully she’ll be good as the tent is flipping on Monday.

Afghani is going to be an 18" long bud :grin:.

Mystery is going to be a monster :grin:

Blueberry is thick and definitely ready to be flipped

Oats x Rolling Thunder #2 is ready to go… After all this, with the monstrous comeback, I really hope it’s a female :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

GSC bottom leaves haven’t popped up nearly as much as I hoped they would, she’s going to be a top heavy supercropped plant 🤷 doh

Flip in 2 days :+1::grin:


(edit: fixed the image so it was in the right order)

Pretty cool difference in 2 days


LSTing the mystery plant today…



She should stand up nicely with a bunch of classy kolas :grin:

I pulled back the stem on Afghani and GSC, both stems were leaning back into the top, so holding it back with some pipe cleaners should fix that :metal::crossed_fingers:


Has anyone ever heard of these raising pH? They’re the only different physical thing in my system, and I’m having a hell of a time keeping my pH below 8.1… Something is buffering the water insanely and I can’t think of anything else it could be at this point… 🤷

Nice job, man!

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This is her today, 20 hours after her training… I’d say she’s kinda happy :grin::grin::grin:

GSC got some more training today as well

And man oh man, the crystals are stacking up on drunken fog dog #1 :grin::grin:

My garden today :grin:


been a minute since i said hey in here! just wanted to peek in and say i’m absolutely amazed at how wonderful your garden has come over the last 6 weeks. it’s really inspiring and your updates help steer me towards my own pursuit of this growing method. well done, but keep going. the era of dank has just begun in luxton’s world :grin:

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Thanks man, I really appreciate that! It’s slowly coming together here :grin::metal:

I picked up some stuff that should help lower and buffer the pH, I’ve gone through almost a kg of pH down in the last month, and I can’t get this kind anymore 🤷🤦

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Due to being an idjit, flowering started today 🤦😂

:drooling_face: :duncecap:

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Second “day” of flower… Obviously not expecting anything from the plants, but still wanted to keep a log of where they’re at :grin:

Oats x Rolling Thunder #2, I’m hoping my new light is powerful enough to get through what this canopy is going to be, or I’m going to have a lot of leaves for my composter :grin:

Blueberry is a little monster… I hope this translates into lots of bud too

Mystery plant has a ton of bud sites and is thickening up, she should be fun

Afghani auto

Purple Nurple… Little worried with how bright her new grow is, gonna have to watch that

Drunken fog dog #1 smells soooo good, sweet candy

Drunken fog dog #2

GSC, she’s really bushed up too

2 am, couldn’t sleep, so I took the pups out and kept the with me :grin:. Harley enjoyed being out with Dad, but…

Angus however just wanted to go back to bed :joy::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Seedling/small auto area is almost ready! I had the poles all installed the other way, so the shelf was quite a bit higher, but it meant there was very little room for plants to grow. Now with it flipped, there’s about 2 and a half feet below, and about 3 from the shelf to the light, so all in all, everything should be more even between the top and bottom.

Need to plumb in some return lines and pick up more hydroton and she’ll be ready to go! :grin::grin:. Spaced to get 4 going in here on top, and hopefully the moms will be good below :grin::metal:


Photo dump of another kind


Ok, it’s been a couple days…

Afghani is looking great, she’s crazy thick from the top too

Purple Nurple looks great, she’s growing really well, should be a few more days (at least) before bud stretch starts, so until then, grow-baby-grow!

Drunken Cherry Fog Dog #1 (finally got the name right there) looks sickly, but she always has. She’s at day 36 from showing, so she should have another few weeks yet

Drunken Cherry FogDog #2 is kinda doing her own thing too, at least she’s FULL of crystals :smiley:

GSC really didn’t thicken up closer to the bend like I was hoping, but her top end is going pretty good :slight_smile:

Oats x Rolling Thunder is just a bush, lol. In a few weeks I’ll go through her and clear her out a bit

Blueberry has filled back in really nicely, she’s a pretty little bush

Mystery plant has also filled back in from the last defol. really well, lots and lots of bud sights, she’ll be getting a pretty serious defol. in a couple weeks as well

My garden :slight_smile:

I also have 2 cuts of Oats x Rolling Thunder #2 that have rooted in my cloner, and have 2 cuts of blueberry in as of tonight. I wouldn’t mind keeping a blueberry around as a mom, for sure, and in case OxRT#2 ends up being awesome, I’ll have more :smiley: . I just have NO idea what I’m going to do with them once they’re ready to leave the cloner, lol… I really need that front zone done :smiley: