My aquaponic adventures

Oh yeah, the critical purple crosses!

And the lower area, that will eventually be my mom area, but is currently hosting my cloner with a couple Blueberry snips :grin::metal:


What I see looks like the damage from thrips. They lay their eggs inside the leaves, larvae hatch and eat and leave, and those trails of damage are left after. The adults are extremely difficult to spot. Hopefully I’m wrong!


Unfortunately, after some… Back and forth, in the help thread (🤦🤷), I was able to confirm the lil assholes are indeed there… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:) ? &! */’() _! $)’ (:&!!!

Thank you :blush::blush:

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Yellow hanging traps will be here Wednesday.

-Blue small in-pot traps (I can’t find hanging blue traps…? Weird),
-wifi microscope,
-and neem oil
will be here tomorrow.

A day of inactivity, knowing those lil aasholes are eating my plants, is now going to kill me :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::joy::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I need to smoke a joint.

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I should never be on Amazon while pissed off…

Also on Wednesday, a camera filter arrives that should help fix the brutal white-out problem my webcam in the tent is having.

Because, this isn’t acceptable

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@luxton what brand camera is it? I use the wyze v3 cameras and they work great. Got 3 right now each in a seperate tent and they shoot up to 2k and allow timelapse recording (which I still haven’t figured out lol). I really like the wyze cameras but they do run about $45 a pop

Oh man, yeah, wyze cams are the shit, for sure… I think I have 6 of them around the house, lol.

I wrote me own program to take pics, create a time lapse gif, etc… So I need an actual USB webcam, unfortunately…


Dude that’s awesome tho! Yeah I use reolink for my home cameras but wyze for the tents. Really like both brands but the wyze was a smaller and cheaper option while having good quality as well. I wish I could find out how to do the timelapse on my wyze cameras… one day lol

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Ahh, sweet! I have an older 4 cam lorex full security cam system I really want to install, but I don’t fit in the corners of the attic, lol.

I found the wyze cams had the best security after purchase, bonus for being in a grow tent :joy::ok_hand:

That time lapse thing is a bit of a rabbit hole, eh?? I just started looking into it and wow, it’s definitely not straight forward, and there aren’t a ton of help articles on it.

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Sorry about the thrips :frowning:
The key takeaway I got from all my reading is that they build immunity very quickly to insecticides so the best is to plan to rotate what you’re using with every application.

Also I found the ladybugs ate them very effectively.

I’ve never been able to get rid of them but I get fine crops anyway. Mostly they appear to live on / in the non-sticky leaves, so if you can keep the population under control a little bit of leaf damage is not a big deal.
General principle seems to be about 20% or less leaf area loss isn’t going to damage your crop significantly.


Good to know, and thanks for the kind words.

I really want to try lady bugs, but my Mrs isn’t a huge fan of the chance of any larva (holy crap, lady bug larva are ugly, scary lil critters, lol) in the house.

I really want to boil all my grow medium, that’ll take a full day at least, and I’ll lose all the beneficial bacteria in there that’s breaking down the fish poop… Ugh.

So, they build immunity quickly… I guess I’m looking for more than neem oil. I’m planning on hand washing each leaf in the tent, so I hope I get the majority of them at least. I need to release critters in the hydroton that feed on the eggs, lol


If you have thrips and want to deal with them without killing off beneficial bacteria try using predatory mites.


Inside? I have no idea about them, but are they ok to release in a tent in the living room? Lol

I’d love to get rid of them, and if whatever eats them ends up dying, the worms in the media will just break down the bug bodies too, lol.


Should not be an issue the predatory mites will all die off when the food source aka thrips are gone. Only downside I know about using them is cost.


Wow, yeah, big bags from Amazon are $80+, damn… I picked one of these up, it arrives tomorrow… :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:




Thanks man, I do really, really appreciate your help!


Lmao that last one had me rolling with Ralph! What’s your budget? A lot of people including myself would much rather take the organic approach for pests and fight them with beneficial pests but of course this can be costly so I will order them as a last case scenario. Had an issue with spidermites and heard horror stories about how they are called the borg so I ordered 2 types of beneficials from arbico organics and shut down for a whole month no plants inside at all. The predatory mites is probably what you’d want because I got the assassin bugs and minute pirate bugs they were flying around my house for a bit but they never bothered me because I knew they were doing what I couldn’t. Ever since then I rotate 4 IPMs weekly and got 2 canna foggers for spraying IPM. Check out this link there is good info on it even if you can’t afford the beneficials


Wow, that’s a wicked link, thank you!!

For thrips, that site says beneficial nematodes are the way to go… If this ball thing doesn’t work, I’ve found the nematodes on Amazon as well, so they’ll be ordered next (they’re waiting in my cart, hahan)

Thanks again, truly. I’d rather not spray anything, as everything it seems that kills these bugs is also super deadly to fish, so any spray that washes off the media will end back in the tank, I’ll be forever paranoid.


My high ass posted the link for aphids not thrips lmfao I’ll swap it