My best strain for your best strain.......let's trade

This is an idea that has been going round and round in my head for the last few days. It’s a chance to show off your best strain or strains and maybe do a little trading along the way. I’m thinking these should be strains that you have an abundance of seeds you can talk about and describe. I’ll start this off and do hope you guys will join in.

My best strain currently is Cap Junky. I had one of the original clones and when I saw the seeds were no longer available to purchase anywhere I decided to do a seed run and make a bunch of S1 seeds.

I chose this strain because it checks all the boxes, and I know that’s cliche but it’s true. The plant grows beautifully, handles any and all training you wish to put it through. It is an above average yielding plant with hard, dense (heavy) nuggets that are covered in trichromes.This photo is from a Cap Junky plant.

The finished flowers taste as good as they look with a long lasting high that is euphoric but not couch locking unless you smoke extra. As stock dries up these will become more and more prized.

So what seeds have you guys made that you’re proud of and consider to be your best or one of your best?


Good looking plant, is it an auto regular?


No, it is a fem photo, Cap Junky


Sorry, going by your name :grin:. Up for trading?


I think he’s up for trading! What’s your best?
If I read it correctly

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Awesome thread. Wish I wasn’t such a noob!

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What’s your best strain currently @Tejas ? Show us what you’ve got!

I’m a seed-a-holic, always up for trading.


BOG’s Sour Strawberry


I love all the beans sticking out all over the place. BOG is a breeder new to me since joining this site. His strains seem well liked here on OG. What makes this one special?


Its loud sour smell. My sense of smell is limited, but as shucked the seeds I got a strong sour smell.


I just this past weekend trimmed up a Mephisto Sour Crack auto that had a really nice sour fragrance as I trimmed up the dry buds. I liked it quite a lot as I had before that never grown a plant with sour terpenes. I pollinated that Sour Crack with Grappa pollen and made some auto fem seeds.


May I ask where you acquired the CapJunky? I don’t see your username on the site of the direct source.

My favorite plant of 2022 was Crystal Skull Kush from Heart & Soil Seeds. It’s the tall dark green plant in the center of the following picture.

This is a clone of the same plant I have going indoor right now for a fem seed run of reversed Blue Dream crosses. It’s the front center plant.

From the outdoor I have the following reg photo crosses from the CSK plant I can share…
CSK x Doc’s OG
CSK x Bubblegum Kush

The CSKxBD® fem seeds will be ready to share in about 2 months from now.

There were other nice plants in the 2022 garden that I made seeds with. CSK was my personal favorite for structure, vigour, aroma. You can see the Tracker’s garden thread and ask me questions for more info.

Please DM if we can trade.

Peace :v:


Nor have I, but I am looking forward to running it seedless.


I purchased a Cap Junky clone several months ago.


I’m not sure if it’s my best since I never had anyone compare my strains, but i think my black snow is my best strain. I’m running very low on seeds but i figure a trade or two wouldn’t hurt. Here is my tester thread:

Black Snow (black triangle x solo stash)
[Bodhi Seeds x Bodhi Seeds]


I would like to try some of that cap junky, but I don’t have a strain that I’ve made a bunch of beans on. I’d say the one I did make seeds on would be gg4 fem seeds. The taste was great which I like most, high is there and it is one of my prized possessions right now. Don’t have much of it left because I donated a bunch and handed out most.


PM me your information. I’ll send you a few Cap Junky.


I’ve got a load of Wedding Cake/Fem, if you’re interested. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’ve had that on my list and have not found any yet. Send me a PM and let’s work something out.


@DGCloud send me a PM with your mailing info and I’ll send you a few Cap Junky. Pay it forward sometime.