My Entire 16 Plant Grow pollinated

So you made seeds… I call that a reason to party, dude.

And you don’t even need to make hash, just decarb at 100 degr. C for 3 hours and eat by the teaspoon. :+1:
Any remaining seeds will go bang like popcorn.


You may still find some buds not so seeded. Just have to look. I’ve had a couple of very seeded plants I grew recently that still gave surprisingly good smoke. Normally it’s much more harsh with less taste and terpenes.

I’d say either of those two male plants would most definitely be capable of creating nice outcrosses. You may have to grow a lot out to find the best of the best, but I’d say you have a lot of fire in the seeds of all 5-6 top strains like that. Some may be real dogs but usually you’ll at least get good frosty buds. Some of the most popular strains were found in bag seed or happy accidents.

I’d chill and when they’re all finished and dried, separate them out and label them and you’ll have tons of seeds to trade with others. Just always pass the real truth to peeps so they know they weren’t selected crosses. You’ll find lots of people that will trade with you. Have fun, peace


I have 1 of 3 drying after checking the rest of the plants growing 2 are auto’s and the rest do have massive signs of seeds, shit I had 10 just in the black tray…

The only seeds I would auction would be the blueberry x skunk #1 lol

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So, the question remains, did you have hermaphrodites or were they just regular males?

I am not sure from your story if you accused the seed bank of sending you unstable genetics? Or did you just not recognise a male plant?

If it was a regular stable male you just made a successful pollen chuck! If they were herms I would toss the seeds and make hash :slightly_smiling_face:

my phone camera sucks it makes shit look like more shit…

2 months ago I removed 2 4 ft male plants , time went on no signs of my plants changing and plants get reviewed daily each one height , size, leave colors etc until tonight, The hairs on 2 plants were strong orange trichs milky white sugar coated BAM… WTF Is this,& This & This , They must have had been exposed go the 2 males pollen sacks , I had not noticed any sacks burst with my eye’s but shit now several strains crossed now even 1989 seeds lol

3 Blueberry x Skunk #1 have what I call Infestation of Brown Dark leopard stiped black seeds…

the buds are so sticky it took me 25 minutes to unstick my fingers with gloves on…

The Tallest plant pictured is the tallest of the 3 blueberry x skunk #1 from 33 years ago lol


So I took the 2 plants and placed them on my floating steel rack on the Left side of my double wide tent, after dried I would estimate around 6 ounces & 9 pounds of seeds.

What are these seeds from each plant that are Identified ? F-1’s F-2’s that is what I mean?

Do certain strains seeds have more value than others ?

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So there were no herms at all, then I would change the topic title to: “FREE excellent F1 seeds for everyone on Overgrow!”

On a more serious note though, read up on cannabis biology and get to know the jargon so we can help you better :slightly_smiling_face:


I have to say with all do respect , I aint no shoe horn…

I would think they would be F1 Hybrids


Correct. To be fully accurate, technically they’re F1 polyhybrids as opposed to F1 true hybrids, but they’re F1 either way. F1 true hybrids are from breeding two true-breeding (highly inbred or landrace) strains together, and all F1 true hybrids of that crossing should come out almost identical. F1 polyhybrids have variation in the first generation because their parents aren’t true-breeding and don’t always pass on the same genes. Most F1s in cannabis breeding are polyhybrids, at this point.

It definitely sounds more like you had males and didn’t get them out in time for full sensi, rather than herms; if they were herms, aside from seeing bananas, the seeds likely wouldn’t be fully ready yet. If you removed the males ~8 weeks ago, the timeline fits quite well for them to be mature.

As far as any of them having more value than others, I would say no since they’re all polyhybrids; but value, as beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Ask a hundred people what a “bored ape” is worth to them, and you’ll get a whole range of answers. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’d buy that bored ape for $100k if it’s Gorilla Glue on a boat!


DIBS :us: …lol


I just pulled the 5 so far Infested with seeds , shit some are really large compared to so many others the larger seeds stand out…

I put each plant hanging upside down for 10 days before trimming and I guess sitting down and removing seeds :sob:

So far these strains are seed Infected

purple urckle
bruce banner
blueberry x skunk #1
blueberry cherry pie


So like $40 to ship em here…lol

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I will hazard a guess that all those seeds will be female, stoners lore is that hermi’s make more hermies but this is a myth, hermies that pollinate females will produce female seeds.

I used to believe anything hermi was evil, but after reading a research paper on it; and testing myself; I’ve learned to stop worrying and love the hermies… Seeded weed is shitfull but there will be a motza of good beans so all is no lost.


Hello @slain

I do agree myself after reading and reading about females that are pollenated and produce seeds are 99.4% repeat female seeds.

Shit it also explains the thc high is lower and gives a less cerebral high but who cares if it is not for resale lol

I have some nice crosses now lol The only true gems I’m gleaming about are the blueberry x skunk #1 from 1998 pollenated by either the purple urckle or the Gorilla Glue #4


I did a cross of two CBD strains. I have a range of plants come up and a few are ho hum in terms of frost and buds, some are more frosted and some plants that are sticky as hell but are just too leafy. I am not that all interested in the last one as it is just too much work to trim. So, the same parents and yet different characteristics. In a way they are mutts. Out of the mutts I found four or five that I want to do another grow with and see if I can come up with a stable plant. I pollinated the lot with different males and have been shucking seeds today. Sucks with a green plant but I can’t leave them to dry for other reasons. Moral of the story? You might have some winners in there, seems like some good parents. Also we used to buy weed with seeds back in the day and got pretty wasted on the stuff.


You are so correct lol


F1 crosses of parents that are heterozygous will always result in a big spectrum of phenos, it’s only at about F4 and with careful selection that things start to settle down a bit, but you will still get outliers up until about f12, by which time other issues like inbreeding suppression can start to be a major problem🤷‍♂️.

If the aim is to develop your own particular variety then lots of variation is a good thing and allows for the selection of a broader range of traits that may improve the variety you are working on, and by F4 imho it’s possible to significantly narrow down the variation to a usable level without running into inbreeding issue too much.


I am just doing it for fun, I do not expect to outdo the pros. It is one thing to read about the theory online but another to actually see it, or not it, as the case may be. There is a lone one that I want to see develop over a few generations as it is unique compared to the rest.

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My Intent the last 10 years was to start my vey own seedbank and purchase from breeders around the world and learn myself how to produce top quality female seeds…

I myself have a very rough Idea on how this works and reading about turning female plants to produce female pollen was some good read and how Colloidal silver works…

I have a small start up of seeds of these listed Infected plants / strains and the 2 fathers / pimps are nice strains , right now I have 3 short fat cola plants of the purple urckle and only one gorilla glue #4 and 1 black cherry pie , 3 blueberry x skunk #1

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