My first attempt at pollination…

Do these look like they have seeds growing in them? I pollinated one branch, it spread to multiple branches which I’m okay with. This is GDP that I hit with some Syrian x BB Lebanese I got from @lefthandseeds. Hit the Peanut Butter C99 Gelato cross as well and it’s showing zero signs of pollination but on the GDP I see what appear to be tiny seeds forming.


Looks as if you got beans.


you got some beans… when did you dust and how far along are you now?


Dusted twice. First when I saw hairs then two weeks later. I’m on day 42 from when I saw hairs so they were pollinated the last time about 28 days ago.


that should do it… looks like you’re on your way! I’ve pollinated a few times now. Most seeds definitely come from leaving a male in for the first 5 weeks and pull. I’ve literally got thousands of F2s now from that. Last one I dusted with a cotton swab and pollinated multiple branches on accident as well but i was cool with it like you lol. Much less return on seeds but I guess that makes most sense for us home growers. Growing out those crosses you make is pretty cool though! Good on you dude!


Looks like seeds to me!


Cool stuff. I got some of his pollen. I’ll be dropping on a few also.

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Looking like the Gelato got pollinated aswell it’s just growing seeds differently. The bud on the right got dusted and appears to be doing some weird stuff lol