Making beans 1st time!

So excited to take part in making my first batch of beans ever!!! One mother two pollens!!! :flushed::grimacing::flushed:
My mother plant is (Red Thai x Assam Hashplant) x donor pollen is One Eyed Mule (Durban x Congo x Transkei)
And the other donor pollen is Nigerian Yoruba Bantu.
I have no idea what to expect but I am excited to give this a go!!! I plan to mark the branches that will receive the assigned pollens. I’m told the one eyed mule pollen is a year old so that one is experimental but the Nigerian Yoruba Bantu is fresh from February 2021. Got my fingers crossed!
Here is Mama Red Thai


Are you covering up all the branches while you pollenate? That magic dust goes everywhere with the slightest air movement! I recently did my first pollination, 3 pollens on each of 3 plants. I only uncovered one branch at a time while I was dusting with a cotton swab, then covered it back up when I moved to the next branch with a different pollen.

Then I let it sit a few hours before spraying them all down with water and uncovering one branch at a time while I’m spraying


Have fun. Once you start making seeds, it will be something to enjoy with each new crop!


Perfect! I was just about to ask for tips or suggestions regarding making seeds. Luckily all my plants will be harvested within the coming week so I should be a too worried right?? The Thai plant will be in there by herself and I expect her to do 15 weeks. What’s a good week to do the pollination or should it be done as soon as hairs start showing???
Thank you :pray:


That protocol worked perfectly for me! :sunglasses: :+1:
Waiting 2 hours and misting everything down seems to have eliminated cross pollination with my control plants (I’ll know for sure when I smoke them)



Most strains are hit weeks 2-3 into flower. Waiting till there’s more buds formed will give more seeds, but over seeding can cause lots of smaller or incomplete seeds. But with that long of a maturing time that may be ok. Oh, from what I’ve read, use grow nutrients, not bloom


Now if I actually wanna reserve the top for smoking but bottom portion for seeds. Is this possible or I should decide fully on either making buds or making seeds?

I would hope to be able to enjoy some of this plants flowers! But also wanted to have some seeds. Is this one of those situations where I can have my cake and ice cream???

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Yea, you need to cover every branch you don’t want pollinated with that pollen that your working with at that moment. That way you can keep the different sets separate and not cross contaminate and get a mixed batch of seeds. The yield of the unseeded buds will likely still be less, the plant is going to focus on growing those seeds instead of more flowers.


Best of Luck & Success!!! the parents does sound good too.


Thank you I agree!!! Thai, Indian and African!!! Hoping for something good!!!

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That is the way I went… gotta have something for the smoke test or you cannot quantify the females fully! :wink:
You could grow a clone out but it seemed more efficient just to reserve the tops.

The green tape is marking the reserved buds.

Raincoats on to control the pollen
Seems to have worked out OK, I’ve beans growing!
