My first successful reversal

After further inspection I did find some receding pistils . Nagel ty that’s exactly what I wanted . A little assurance . I don’t know if the bulb power will make much seed but I’m willing to grow her out .

With the 10-11 week c&c I imagine i could pollinate as late as week 5 or 6 ? I’m after established flowers correct ?I think there about 4 weeks 12/12


Yes, 5 to 6 weeks back count from harvest date, longer you can let the seeds go the better. I let my seeded go longer than I would pull for smoke, the Tropicana poison f2 x black cream I am just about to cut is 80%+ amber, I woulda pulled at 25-30% for smoke… but it’s LOADED with seeds…

I like a little pompom of pistils to paint with my pollination brush. If ya wait till big nugs, it’s gonna push it or be too late… seed making will diminish some bud weight but yer after seeds not bud… also a little more N in your nutes than you would for flower also helps seed production from what I’ve read…


I should have added question marks to the title. Grrr its not working . Flowerless.

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I wonder if I sprayed too much or should have sprayed longer this is like 35 days after flip.
But I am getting red hairs on some of the flowers I put the bananas on a couple days ago (pic3)some were put on today 1 and 2


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Any ideas what my best move is ? I am actually considering putting this in the 4x4

Would i be better off waiting still he’s at day 35 the ladies 21ish . But the death Bubba in the tent is around day 35 . If im going to do something it should happen very soon

Looks like my Dark Devil when I reversed that. She grew pistils, then balls, then had both. Looks like you have a few open flowers in the second pic of the first post.

My DD took forever to drop pollen compared to the black cream… And it seemed moist and clumpy compared to the fine dust of the BC. Perhaps thats it?

I did this with a few flowers. The 1st batch was all the early stuff I saved . Yeilded nada . 2nd batch I got something? maybe? I dusted a few flowers I guess ill see . I did find the newest growth to have some white yellowish substance while looking under the 40x loupe. So ill give it a week and try again.



Well I went for it.!!! I hope i don’t regret this decision. I put the reversed c&c under the cookies and cream plants. Its not like its dropping much. Who knows with the fan in the 4x4 I may get a wack of s1’s

Does anyone have any idea what will happen to the death Bubba at 41 and 36 days . It can easily go 84 or even 100 days . Is it going f to be full of premature seeds ya think ? I don’t mind seeds but the white small ones suck is there a chance some finish ?

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4-6 weeks is what ya need for seed maturation. for the most part…

Well over the last 2 weeks I’ve pulled male parts and put them on the flowers. I see some browning on some of the pistols. You can see why I want to share this gal.



She’s def a keeper!

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Death Bubba seems unaffected.

I will try and reverse c&c 1 more time . It almost looks like it got light burn so perhaps I’ll just try a stem in the flowering tent. Maybe ill try and reverse all my cuts before winter is over who knows.

I hope I get a few seeds to trade folks.


The sts injections might be an option . Maybe ill seek help . I’m sure other have ran into reversals that don’t produce pollen

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I think I feel a few beans in these things or maybe just really hard calyx


Should I try and get these bananas off my flowers now or just leave them ? I am debating myself here . I could use a paint brush to get rid of them or just wait till harvest


I’ve sprayed females
And they grew pollen sacks with nothing in them,this is one of the reasons to spray most of the plant I use CS spray don’t know if this happens with sts,then I just binntje whole plant after collecting the pollen,you could let the plant go and self itself

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I use sts found cs to be too much commitment with the daily spraying

Ok well don’t do what I did . I’ve found maybe 10 seeds from the crop . 0 from cookies . Lol

Here’s a bunch of pics this is my worst batch of cookies and cream. She really didn’t like the molesting of her flowers the whole grow . Let’s start with the D.B