Vbz’s outdoor log 2023

Afternoon OG folks. Kind of new here and decided to show you all my outdoor roster for the season. I’ll be keeping up to date with everything from start to finish and hope to get a crowd gathered for the show. Thank you all to who follows up.

Here I have are 1 half pack of cement shoes bx fems from universally seeded ( 2 bottom larger plants. ) the top 4 are a few of my chucks including 1 sphin gar ( tora bora ) that is in the same cup as one of my chucks (( chocolate Thai x (dosi/gelato)) x unkown broadleaf male ) <—- I think that’s the right way to write it.


Nice! Welcome my friend, I’m down for the show! Still haven’t tried cement shoes myself but it’s been on my radar for years now. Positive vibes :facepunch:t2:


Outdoor grow? I’ll just pull up a chair and watch your garden grow!


Thank you all I’m just as excited as everyone else !


I do have a pack of cement shoes as well but I’m saving those for an indoor grow. Hopefully that’s soon to come.

4 or so days later and they’ve taken off. I moved a few of my chucks across town to a few growmies and stayed with the cement shoes Bx and 1 of my own.

Also found this volunteer in one of my reused pots from last year… looks like it’s meant to be with the placement lol.

I’ve been watering the pots little by little with recharge and some roots organic dry amendments. Also added a mulch layer that I wasn’t able to do last year so that will help out a lot.


Another note / error I wanted to fix from last years grow was the lack of either calcium or boron I believe. I’ve read in a few posts from slownickel ( a well known agronomist ) that a hollow stem is definitely a lack of either of the 2 or some other that I’m not aware of.

Also this is the mother of my cross I’m growing out currently. Very sativa , motivating , uplifting smoke. Leans toward the chocolate Thai for sure and smelled like orange tic tacs , tootsie rolls and sharp skunk at the end of cure. Needed zero support and faded out beautifully with no signs of purple ( even with the cookie genetics in there ) you wouldn’t even think twice that it comes from that background.


Good late afternoon folks ( wherever the reader may be ) slight update on things. Left with my 2 cement shoes bx and they’re doing just great. rip to the chuck I decided to keep … due to rabbits lol… transplanted both plants into reused / pre amended pots before all the storms hit.

Everything took off right after I up potted… I used great white myco inoculant and just watered with some recharge before dark hit. Both plants are looking real different from each other so I’m excited to see what pheno’s I come across… and of course the most squat of the 2 ends up in the largest pot … haha oh well.

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So far so great! Both C.S bx’s are doing phenomenal and looking a lot different from each other. One is quick and easy looking to grow while the other is growing slow as a rock , didn’t like me topping her , looks slightly finicky and squat structure with tight node spacing. The stem rub on her is also very unique… almost like sweet cherry cough syrup.


Now that it is daytime I can see how finicky this girl is by comparing the shade of green. The shorter one is slightly lighter in color and I’m not sure if the soil is too hot for her or it’s needing something… if anyone has any insights that will be much appreciated … im going to add some recharge and give a slight topdress tonight to give them a boost until end of this month and see how she does.


Slight update on the ladies. Things are going absolutely great now since I’ve upped my feedings for my finicky girl. She’s taken off and Looks to be competing with her sister on this one and it makes me happy. I’ve given them both a feeding of recharge + worm castings in water and the slow growing pheno just reacted well and took off. My faster grower I had topped her one last time to catch up with her sis. ( panned out better than I expected )

stem rubs on my finicky girl have gotten way stronger and actually give off this greasy / sticky feeling on my fingers already… nothing like the fast grower in terms of growth / smell / leaf pattern. Gave them both a slight lollipop to get even growth and will be doing the same again mid flower. Or until further notice lol.

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One week later and here we are. My runt had surpassed the other in a heartbeat. I topped the darker pheno on both sites so that slowed everything down for a bit. I’m expecting the plants to start flowering in a few weeks or so but that’s up for debate.

It’s also looking like the finicky pheno here is taking the cake as for vigor , growth , heat resilience and almost everything in general.
As for the other it’s slowed down a lot after I topped it and wilts to the beaming sun as the other prays. Drinks a ton of water too lol. She might be the finicky one after all haha

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Last update before flower and the 2 are thriving in this mild weather. From mid 90’s to low 80’s high 70’s and the plants are at their best. Side by side each other the thinner leafed pheno is starting to catch up in height but not width like the broad leafer is. I’m fairly impressed yet again with the mixture of feeds I’ve given them… hopefully no funny business during flower like deficiencies, burns or pests… keeping a huge eye on everything but so far they’re happy with it.

My bigger plant looks to be transitioning into flower showing pistils with new growth bunching together. As for the thinner leaf pheno she’s not showing any signs as of right now.

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Here we are about week 4 or 5 ish of flower … unsure but somewhere in that range. Judging harvest and ripeness by looks basically at this point and everything has been going smooth so far. Temps have dropped a fair amount to mid to high 70’s and low 50s at night. Plants don’t seem to mind it besides one of the phenos leaf stems all purpled out…Might be lacking something.

I’ve been feeding roots organic bloom tea more and adding more recharge , aminos , rock dust and a good foliar first few weeks in of flower. Might just give them a small feed right now.

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Slight update and story time I guess lol… so both my cement shoes bx’s are slightly seeded… yep. And I know exactly how. So one of the other plants I grew of the stock ( shown in first few pictures above) I had from the ((chocolate Thai) x (dosi / gelato)) x unknown afghani) turned out to be a kickass , vigorous male that looked identical to the mother.
( shown here ) ( his picture and words )

I had given it away to a friend that’s new to the grow scene before we discovered it was male and once we found out… he didn’t have the guts to kill it and just gave it away a few blocks down… after I told him plenty of times what the outcome would be and still didn’t… Mind you it’s about a 10 min drive from mine to his but even me being around the block of it my clothes definitely caught pollen.

Honestly it has gotten me pretty upset after I thought about the pain it could be breaking down some bud to the crumb checking for seeds and the time technically wasted for seedless and semi perfect herb … not what I’m looking forward to but I can’t be mad at him… only myself to blame since I’m the one who gave him the exact plant in the first place haha.
So pretty much the male I found last year has 2 gens of offspring to be grown and has shown to look distinct in most of the seeds I popped. That looking like the father in leaves and structure of the mom. If anyone’s interested in some beans I can send out 3 packs to each individual just cover shipping which is about 10 or so bucks ( U.S.A. only ). I’ll send out
1.) choc Thai x dosi gelato x unknown afghan
2.) 2 phenos of cement shoes bx X ^ strain above ( when dried and ready )
3.) (face mints (cresco labs) x black cheese )(hazeman) <—— personal strain I made PURPOSELY

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So after giving a brief inspection of my 2 plants right now it turns out my broad leaf pheno hermed out on a small branch… so i don’t believe it was my friends fault after seeing this. The sacs were fully opened and dispersed pollen when I plucked it… rip !!! So these seeds aren’t going out to anyone if interested. The other 2 yes but looks like these plants aren’t very stable possibly the cookies rubbing off from the cement shoes.

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Quick update on the girls. A nice fade is starting to settle in and they don’t seem to be too bad with seeds. Unlike last crop I was finding them all over the plants. Seems like not much was pollinated here but I might keep a few to grow out on my own terms.

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Plants are looking good. My thinner leaf pheno is starting to black out on me currently. The other is just fading yellow with some dark purple spots here and there. The weather is gonna get kind of bad with rain for a good 3-4 days and I’m not sure if I should just let the girls go another week or so. What would the OG community do??


So since I believe you’re the only one who follows up … what would @mota do ?? Keep them going in the rain or chop em down as they are ?? Idk if they’ll keep swelling in size with no sun and pure rain… pm is my biggest issue here in the Midwest. I just took one branch off just earlier today from bud rot so I like to say that’s the least of my worries.

Outta likes.

Rain really scares me when plants are in flower, the deeper into flower the more scared I get. On the other hand, it doesn’t look like there’s much amber in those flowers, which is something I definitely prefer.

If it were me and the rain was coming on hard, sadly I’d probably chop. If, on the other hand, the rain isn’t serious or extended, I’d likely wait and let them bulk up more.

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