My first time growing

The room wasn’t fully set up, only reason why they’re not in it rn.
And I’m going to see if the couple that started to sprout will survive.
I’ve one purple seed after these. That will be my last hope for a grow until I can find good seeds around me.

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if you need beans i might have some i can spare:)


Another update:
After letting them recover, from 9 we’re down to 5 survivors. And of the 5 only 2 look healthy.

This is what they look like now, the one you can’t see is the one that is without a doubt dead.

Sorry for the bad luck.:disappointed:

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As @lotus710 advices ya, ya waited too much… Probably, plants will have no grow force durin first week, if ya dont loose any…

Waited to long to plant them from germination?
and one looks healthy while 3 look stalled. The others don’t look like they’ll recover

But the good news is that my gf busted 3 seeds out of some purple kush we had.
So not all hope is lost imo

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Yea after you get a tail during germination 1/4" is plenty good to go