My first time troubles

Check your soil pH and your ventilation, many problems and deficiencies start there :shushing_face::grin:

How you checking ur soil ph? ventilation is good, 4350m3/s out and 3400ms3/s in :slight_smile: lights is about 1.5meters above canopy

4350 m3/s ??
3400 m3/s ??
Looks like a f22 afterburner more than a fan…


sorry, hour not second :smiley: :smiley: my bad

On your first image, you had older leaves suffering necrosis and edge burn. That suggests a potassium deficiency.

They look like clones and you always get some leaf issues with new clones as they use those nutrients to make their first roots. I only bother about deficiencies once the clones start to show real growth, which tells me they have real roots.

Later, it was older leaves again, suffering chlorosis which was interveinal or blotchy which suggests magnesium.

Looking at the chart for soil, it might be that your PH is too low. Maybe some dolomite lime or epsom salts? any soil growers with more knowledge?

What is the PH of your runoff?


Im going to measure ph of runoff tomorrow. But edges of leaves arent burnt, they just curled.

so you saying that low ph can cause this? im watering plnts now with 5,6ph

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Sorry, I posted about your older clones at first.

If you look at the bottom chart I posted, you will see that at 5.6 magnesium is locked out (red) and so is hard for the plant to absorb at that PH which would explain your symptoms.

If you check the top flowchart you will see that cupping can also be caused by a sulphur deficiency, which is also close to being locked out at a PH of 5.6

Try having a PH of 5.8 or 5.9 for a few feeds and see if they look any better.

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Thank you, i gonna try!

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i measured ph of runoff and it was 6.0-6.1, i dried fully the pots, and then watered with 5,8 ph food. and now they looks even worse, the leaves hanged more now :confused: any ideas?

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Stop messing with the water ph. Your in soil. No need to ph anything as the soil will buffer the water for you.
Your plants look heat stressed and over watered.
What temperature is the grow area??
If you can get a picture with the lights off so we can see the natural colour of the leaves will make diagnosis a little easier. The look really “green” in that picture. Maybe your over feeding with nitrogen.
It it was me I’d feed plain tap water for the next week or so and give the plant plenty of LITFA.


when lights on temp is about 27-28C when lights off its about 22-24C , lamps is hps 600w , im hanged about 90-100cm above canopy top.

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Soil on the top turning a little bit green in the corners near pot edges, so i think it should be overwatering :?

7 hps lamps in the room , dimmed to 400-500watts, and 4 plants under every lamp.

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They look a little overly green. Cut your nutrients for a while and just feed regular water and I’d also be feeding less often until they bounce back. You can show them too much love and attention and that can create more problems. :+1: