My first time

So if I breed autos, will they loose amount of THC? It is still smokable right? I just wanna create many seeds so I won’t be depended on importing seeds all the way to China.

And this is my first year here, so I guess photo seeds wouldn’t work here anyway because if it rains here, it rains like cats and dogs. Tent would attract attention of people, and humidity is too high, so I don’t think tent would work for me. But I think I could use autos during the dry season, just have a lot of them, so can have a nice amount of harvest.


You can grow an auto and use STS foliar spray to reverse a branch or two and make it produce male pollen sacks. You can use the pollen to pollinate the same plant (or other plants) and you’ll get feminized auto seeds.

If you can master reversal and self-pollination, you could theoretically have an unending supply of any strain of auto that you can get even one seed of to flower.

This also works with feminized photo plants too, and you’ll get feminized photo seeds.


Idk what is STS spray is, but I will learn about it. If this plant works fine for me, I will def do it. Coz guys have been sending me seeds a couple of times, and non of them arrived, so I believe it’s being stopped somewhere. Pity those guys lost their seeds for nothing. Better to do it myself all the time.

I will need a clear instruction on it, so will get in touch with you after a couple of months. If you can recommend me any Brand of them please do.


I’ve never personally done it (though I plan to soon), but a quick online search shows how it’s done:

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Well anytime you are making seeds the bud is still smokeable but from what I understand the bud will ha e lower thc because of all the energy that was put into maki g the seeds. But hey man I’m no expert nor am I a breeder(yet) @lefthandseeds @SamwellBB amongst others would have a much better answer for you brah


Most of the time, I don’t pollinate a full plant. Everything that doesn’t get pollinated is still good smoke. For seeded bud, I usually pull all the seeds and chuck whats leftover in the trim bag.


Very informative! Thank you.


Definitely alive

Day 13


The plant looks little pale, but we had rain last night so it has moisture yet. Should I feed it anyway or wait to get it drier?


If your soil is wet let it dry out a bit, it shouldn’t take long in the little cup.


Yeah, slow and easy. If it droops it needs water. If tips get brown it’s at the limit for nutes. If it gets real pale it needs a little fertilizer. Once it’s bigger you can feed it once a week depending on what you use. It looks perfectly happy atm. Nice color and the dirt looks moist. You can learn when to water by lifting the pot after watering so you have an idea of how heavy it is and later if you lift the pot and it’s very lightweight, you know you can water.

Nice job!


Interesting how is it possible.
As far as I know, you keep the male plant next to female plant, so how do you control what part of the plant gets pollinated while the other part doesn’t get pollinated.


by selective pollination. By adding the pollin by hand to selected buds by isolating buds of the female


You can separate a male to another place and carefully collect some of the pollen as it’s forming. Then at another time, as long as the pollen was kept dry and stored properly you can use a paintbrush or salt shaker type of device to pollinate only buds you want to or whole limbs by tying a bag with pollen inside around the limb to isolate just that limb.

Then you can have the best of both worlds. You can smoke sensimilla bud from the non pollinated part of the plant and still create a small amount of seeds to work with.

I make it sound simple, and it is, but doing it without pollinating the whole plant or worse yet every plant you have, takes some planning and finesse.

I’m still in the messy part of learning how to do it, as in I get much more than I bargained for, lol.


@Joboo and @GMan are both right. Main thing is not to keep the male plant next to the female.

You don’t need very many male flowers to make a lot of seeds. If you pollinate 1 lower branch, you will usually get at least 100 seeds. @DiggySoze has a good method of taking a cutting of a flowering male a week or two before it starts dropping pollen. Then put the stem in a cup of water and continue flowering separately.


Very interesting.

I’ve never seen pollen in my life so can’t imagine how I will do it. But this is definitely something that I am gonna try.

One more question. As I am growing on the rooftop, can I keep one male and female separately 20 feet away from all other females? Or pollens will find their way to the other females too? How far should be distance too keep other females safe.

And one more question, if parents are autoflowers, does it mean that seeds will be autos too?


It’s just like a fine powder. It floats in the air easily.

The farther you can keep them the better. It will still pollinate the females from that distance, though not as thoroughly. If you can even put a curtain next to the male that would block wind pushing pollen directly from your male to the females, it will help.

But in your situation, if you check the male every day, you can probably kill it before it releases too much pollen. If you pluck a few open male flowers with tweezers, put them in a little cup, you can carry them over to the females and rub them on some pistils, you will get some seeds and be done. You can kill the male after that and keep it from doing too much unwanted pollination.

If both parents are autos, then the seeds will be autos.


Yeah, pollen can float from one side of the property to the other and find a female that is ready. I already think my mother clones from last year got pollinated this week from the males I was keeping and trying to harvest early. Now I’m gonna flower them on out for the seeds I already see forming. They had gone into flower a long time ago for some reason. I didn’t think they were ripe to get pregnant. Wrong. Luckily all others that are flowering are only one week into it. Week three is prime to to get pregnant.

I’m not there with my timing yet. I got close but waited and got lazy. peace


Hi All,
I was wondering why people who grow outside in their gardens still grow in bit pots instead of just re planting the seed into the natural soil?

I am thinking about planting the seedling near the ocean so it can have a lot of air, and branches would be stronger and harvest would be bigger relatively bigger.

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drainage mostly. big plants need lots of space for roots, and lots of drainage, so you can feed/water more without drounding anybody. My outside stuff would twice the size if I had done that. Always next year. Yes, you can overwater a weed without proper drainage.

by the ocean will be salty as shit. And while breeze will help ur stalks, it’ll bust them once they have buds weighing them down.