Lots of good info on this site. I don’t agree with everything on this site but its a good resource.
If your using the nerf darts and you cut your clones at 3.5" and clean the stem so you just have leaves on top you will have 1’ - 1.25" hanging out the bottom. Have your water level about an inch below the end of the stem.
Thanks, that site really helped. Only thing is they use 5-8" cutting and put in straight into rockwool cubs. This is in all the video/articles I have seen. I need the distant from plant to water.
Im not sure what you mean about the rockwool. I have used rockwool in the past but Im not a fan. Holds to much water for my liking. Like I said there’s good info on that site but I dont agree with everything on it.
They put the clone straight into a rockwool cube. You put the clone right into the nerf/pipe insulation and the cool bubble cloner right?
I can only keep 12 plants. No room for Mothers. I am going to try cloning.
Welcome to OG @2horriblecreatures
Yes that’s right
Not me or my pics-
I gather the stem is a couple inches above the water at it’s end and the bubbles from the cloner pop and keep it wet. The bottom of the stem needs to be exposed a couple inches.
Yep. Same as mine or others like mine.
My aero cloner. 27 gal Home Depot HDX tough tote. 1/2" cpvc piping threaded into a small 250gph pump. The pipe comes up vertically from the pump to a tee and then horizontally in both directions elbows away from the center then elbows back to go parallel with the main. Caps at either end. Then I drilled holes and put sprayers.
Works great.
Im sure it works great. Same thing really but a bit more work to put yours together. I had what I needed to make mine at home except for the air pump and air stones.
how many rounds do you get out of an air stone? Back in the day it never lasted more than 1 grow cycle.
Yeah its same theory. Splash water and air at the roots.
I’ve been using those same 2 stones for 2 - 3 years and there still making bubbles.
ohh with just plain tap water? Cause I was using them to run DWC they got all crusty when you cleaned em they’d crumble. But they were just those lame blue stones.
Yep, plain tap water.
lol that’s the beauty of tap water, no salt crusts.
This is one I made a few years back and only used a couple times. Really don’t want it too warm or root rot results. 70F is fine.
I cut down a 12" airstone to fit. Covered the lid in pucks and poked down through the middle of each to know where to drill my 5/8" holes with a wood drill, Then I used my CO2 generating alcohol lamp to melt the holes around the edges to make them smooth.
I changed the design a bit by moving the 3-way connector outside the tub so both air lines can feed the one stone. Will change again and put 2 stones in there next time I use it.
I had one of those plastic cake covers that fits pretty good on top to keep the RH really high.
Bit of root rot starting on those but put into pots of ProMix HP they grew fine. Not good for a hydro system tho.
Hey @LabRat looks good. I like the 3.5" round air stones better. My humidity is 35 - 40 in the room where the cloner is in the winter and I have never had a cover over it. Its not needed in my opinion. Although a cover would keep my cats from eating the cuts.