My ladies outside in Ncal sun. Rabbit poo they love it

Hi, thanks, actually most of them ring in around 14 to 18 per


thankyou spain, next year I will come to spanibis with a booth and extraction mechines



yes my mix, I use a base mix of Rabbit poo infested with earthworms, 50% soil, bone meal, blood meal, oakleaf mulch, and superb soil alive with eco system, and I feed them all season with more and scratch in ash near flowering time and keep them watered. I do ad minerals and add plant vitamins natural and organic only. I try to keep it natural, I do also play music for them daily and sing to them.
they then reward my care with the flowers in abundance.


Nice work, all the better to know it’s 100% organic! As they say, if it’s not orgainc it’s like plastic grapes - looks real good, until you bite into it. Where do you find the large quantities of rabbit-do?

I read a study recently comparing simple leaf litter compost to kelp meal. The leaf litter compost had all the exotic micro-nutrients present in the kelp. The researchers were trying to make the point that spending a lot of money on high-end organic fertilizer is not necessary. They were saying kelp farming is not environmentally friendly.

I’ve also read that oak leaves mulch is the best for keeping away many types of insect pests.


the mulch is food for the earthworms and keeps crawling bugs that do bad away for the most part., I can’t tell you where I get the rabbit poo, it is becoming rare and harder to get these days, so you will have to search out on your own, my source is my treasure now a days. but if one is diligent, one can find it still, The best is from rabbit meat farms where the farmer also grows the earth worms in the poo under the cages. we ad ash when time is right, we add love all day long and they love us back and give us flowers to prove their love.


Do you do notill indra? Or atleast lowtill? I notice you said you scratch some stuff into the surface. Best place to get rabbit poop is to get some rabbits. That way you can feed them kelp, malted barley, alfalfa, clover, yarrow etc. To make their poop :ok_hand: perfect!

well to be honest I dig the hole out add my mix and put in back in or I use a pot or a grow bag, still have to scratch goodies in on all of them. I have done No til in S Cal years ago, hidden grow which was amazing, I found a 350 year old wagon trail on property that tested super and did the grow on the old road using oak trees on both sides tied together at tops to keep it from helicopter cops.
had 56 plants that we drove down from N cal in a hertz suntop small truck. at the end too many folks wanted some and it got sold many times after we sold it and even a friend who is now passed called me with what he said was the best bud in the world and he had 3 ft long colas. wanted 3k for a pound, He came to the house with a long cola and lo and behold it was our that we grew and sold.


Thanks for sharing. I remember hearing about the split stalk technique you use, it is nice to see the results.

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Beautiful tree’s @Indra. Wish I had a place to try and grow monsters like those!:alien:

just keep telling yourself how you want your life to go and soon enough, it will happen.


Welcome back Indra. I hope all is well where you are.

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we are all safe as bug in a rug, I feel for subcool tho, he lost all, seeds, money, house,memories


That is sad about Sub, i heard about it on the fundraiser. It is good to hear you are safe though.

Never heard about this, can you provide any further info please?

a bit too tired at the moment but I will post some self explanatory pics later


@Indra, you do amazing work my friend. I understand it isn’t easy as it once was for you to do this stuff so kudos for doing a superb job. I’m sure we’d all love to see what you have going on this year and more about that split stock! Much love!


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We think we know what Trim Jail is, Ha!

One of those plants could take me more than a day to hand trim. :fearful: :scissors: :scales:

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When I was 16 some friends and I stumbled upon roughly 100 seeded plants while scouting for rifles season so this was like early November, anyways, we didn’t even take half of them due to rot and molds. I still took 3 of us 2 days to get that stuff cleaned up… We had a 4x4 coffee table covered with ounces.

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