I dont know man, it is weird… it is like with your first mindblowers, it looked done at pics, but when you showed dry bud, it looked not done… you shouldnt put N out…

I cant get rid of impression that you grow it like indica… this is not indica, so you dont have to worry about that it will loose something when it is maturing. more later the better… it seems to me you want to push it to finish quickly somehow, but it is not good idea imo, with these… you will loose quality in the end… but it is up to you.

I already told you…
you know me I dont give a fuck about colour of trichs at thai hybrids. it doesnt look done to me at all, I see fresh pistils. and yellow leafs in this stage of flowering is mistake to me…

I told you these are thai hybrids :smiley: I told you already, so I dont know what to say hehehehe. no way it is 70 days variety, no way… it is like with sour diesel, chop it at 70 days it is average weed, beasters, take it 80 plus and it is high grade… and choc funk is much more sativa than sour diesel…

I am glad you enjoy it though.