My Morning Bhang

Taking a break from coffee and having a little bhang for breakfast. Tastes like a buttery milky chai.


Had to look it up, sounds interesting. Does it get you high?


It sure does. You are basically doing a short decarb in the butter.

A very mild and functional edible high.

If it has one downside it’s that the butter separates and creates a top layer which is a bit strange to drink.


Sounds great, but I’d probably end up going back to bed after lol


I spoke a little too soon when I said it was mild.

I just eyeballed a gram per serving but you could go higher or lower.

If you like chai you will enjoy it. If not you will think it’s disgusting.


Do you mean 1 gram of buds per person for reasonable effects?

I prefer to use hash and add some chocolate / cocoa for better taste… :slight_smile: Usually effects are very mild… Am I correct that the dosage must be much higher than when smoked? I’ve considered it waste of material but I’m not sure I’ve decarbed it properly…


Correct, 1 gram per person. It was an arbitrary number but worked quite well.

I hear you on the better hash taste. I made some hash Blondies with extra light yellow sugar and the hash flavour came through so well.

I hesitate to speculate on dosing because everyone’s mileage would vary. But 1 gram is a good place to start.

Decarbing doesn’t have to be a pain. I sometimes pour boiling water in an insulated tea mug and throw in a little hash. the water will stay 200f for 20 minutes and then you can enjoy.