My place for preservation seed runs 2022-24

@Nagel420 Brilliant!!

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Meh. I just tried that a few days ago with one of my seedlings… any ideas on a fix for being too clumsy and killing them when you try to help them? :stuck_out_tongue:


Sadly, if you damage the Cotyledon leaves, its a rough start if at all because a lot of energy is in the Cotyledons. If there’s at least some of the coty leaf left ya got a chance, if ya broke it off, its almost certain doom…

Take yer time teasing it, if its not moving with just ONE toothpick (I aint crushing or using the toothpicks like chopsticks), put another drop of water and wait another 15 mins. Maybe wait another day sometimes if it seems particularly stuck on…


man how did i miss that idea! ive been using needle nose to do the necessary, it never dawned on my to just use my vise grips.
ugh and brilliant, and thnx!!


Sometimes the vice grips cracking the shell is enough and they pop right off. Be careful for a little jolt as you release em:) Other times, they stay pretty well stuck to those baby cotyledon leaves, then i hold the helmet w the vice grips and at the same time try to pry off a piece from an edge w/ a second pair of needle-nose pliars (or tweezers). It’s a delicate move.


thnx! good info to have! ive taken off a few heads in my time for sure!

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48 hour update! The 2 that haven’t done anything sill haven’t.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Checked this morning and they all seemed to have survived the surgery.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Todays update! The kids are growing like, well, weeds. The helmets removed. I only tore one Cotyledon a little.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Come on babies. Come on babies…


My experience with surgery is that it is usually successful if you: act early enough, and keep from ripping root hairs pulling to hard.

But if you pull/push too hard and it dislodges from the soil it’s over, no sliding back in or replanting can save it :frowning_face:

Planting my seeds deeper in soil (1-2”) than I used to has helped mostly eliminate helmet head!


Pardon my ignorance, wouldn’t we be granting these little creatures more of a job to be done by letting them crack the helmets by themselves!? Thus getting them to gather energy and kick them helmets out!? Thanks! You’re getting me itchy @G-paS!! Clones can’t give you the same fun as popping beans!!! The new is always about to hit us with every little seed! Congrats dear! Great job! :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs:

Confession: every time I get close to a seedling, the possibility of an accident is almost 100% certainty! :flushed:


nice job!!!
they are looking super!
such cute little things so full of potential


If they can. These were so hard they couldn’t. It wasn’t just me all the rest have the same issue. Some are around the neck and will strangle the seedling. Believe me if they could have I would have left it.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Just started reading through. Hoping for the best for you @G-paS gonna hang out in the back and watch everything go down :v:t2::v:t2:

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i know you’ve already removed the helmets, but i figured id share that i had luck with a pair of tweezers my last run. i squeezed them together and slid it into the opening on the shell and gradually worked them open and it popped off with no trouble. figured id share in case it helps anybody else.


Last time I tried that, the head popped off with no trouble. :frowning: I think I’m too clumsy for seedling surgery.


You could try to FLICK THEM LIKE A PAPER FOOTBALL. Or pull them off after a couple of days.


@G-paS I use this bags regularly. Let me know your reviews.
I like how the roots grow through seems to make them a bit stronger.
Would really like to know your thoughts.:thinking:


The five I had in Rapids rooters had to go into cups today. I have a single T5 for seedlings, right at the dome. They were stretching so, into the cups they go and the stretch was buried. I lost some seedling in my winter grow because the steams could hold them up.

#1 thru 5

In the cups they go! :cup_with_straw:

The other four are still in their bags. I just added more soil to them. I thought I had a photo but lost it.

:green_heart: :seedling: