My Second Grow. Planet of the Grapes and Crescendo (ethos)

guess it depends on how hard you look for feedback i guess. i only go by what i seen but havent dug deep into it but i also dont buy much any more and prefer to trade for my beans.

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In this case, I wasnā€™t even researching, dude has a lot of people that canā€™t stand him and are happy to let others know to not deal with him or their gear. Iā€™ve seen other highly respected breeders speak very candidly about what a PoS he is, and thatā€™s not even related to the manslaughter, animal cruelty, and many other charges on his 3 page long record. Criminals donā€™t bother me so much, narcissistic DBā€™s that abuse animals and people do.

Anyway, interested to see how these two turn out! I should have kept my mouth shut, but at the same time Iā€™m irritated that I gave them some of my money and then found out about all this stuff after the fact :joy: Tons of breeders to try out, so Ethos and green point are off my list.

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Lol do you have a personal vendetta against ethos? Youā€™ve been thread to thread bitching about them. As far as I know Collin isnā€™t even a breeder, just basically a hype man for them.
I believe your the guy that posted the court paperwork saying it was him abusing the dog but his name wasnā€™t even mentioned in the paperwork. No need to start rumours without evidence.
Iā€™m not saying heā€™s a great guy because I never met him but using hear say to slander someone is pretty shady itself


I enjoy growing Ethos seeds and the product speaks for itself. They are budget friendly and the plants have alot more vigor then others breeders gear that grow in my garden. I always keep a 10 Planet Ethos running in my garden (highly recommend). The terps on Planet of the Graps are amazing but the plant requires a lot training. So I am not going to fuck with it anymore. I got one drying now.
I enjoyed listening to his interview and he is one of more impressive breeders I heard interviewed.


Heā€™s not the one who posted that, actually. This is why Iā€™m curious whether thereā€™s any actual evidence for this one; the guy clearly has enemies, but I havenā€™t heard anything other than vague innuendo and rumor. Iā€™ve also heard that Trump is a Russian spy and Biden is a Chinese spy, and that theyā€™re both lizard people who sexually abuse children and then, once theyā€™re done with them, drink their blood for their immortality potions. I have a hunch that not everything I hear is true.

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Lol I know what ya mean. I like their gear 100% but I donā€™t really want to support trash people, at the same time I donā€™t plan on cutting them loose because of all this hear say thatā€™s been floating around. Iā€™d like to see actual proof. Iā€™ve learned in life never to judge a person by what someone else says about them. Lmaoā€¦. Lizard people, I havenā€™t heard that one but it wouldnā€™t surprise me itā€™s floating around

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No, not that guy, and until a months ago had no idea who Colin even was. I ordered a few of their packs, and was going to pick up a multipack and then uncovered what a PoS this guy seems to be on various forums. The animal abuse stuff was all I needed to feel stupid for sending them my money :man_shrugging:

Itā€™s not hearsay, itā€™s a matter of public record. Iā€™ve posted in two threads, so letā€™s not be dramatic. The only thing Iā€™m irritated about is that I sent some of my money their way. Perhaps youā€™re the one that should be explaining why youā€™re so defensive of someone you donā€™t know anything about?

@Reefer Not defending anyone, I just donā€™t plan on missing out on pretty decent genetics because of a bunch of internet babble.
Like I said in the post directly above yours.

I havenā€™t seen anything to back up what you say. And 96% of whatā€™s on google is bullshit made up rumours. Lol I could photoshop me with an alien and say I found ET and ppl on there would believe it. Even if it was true Collins not even a breeder, heā€™s pretty much a hype man for the company. Thatā€™s like saying you will never eat at McDonaldā€™s again because they hired someone that was a criminal.

All Iā€™m saying is I would never slander someoneā€™s name or company from something I think I seen on google.


@Kushking902 What part of open records do you not understand? Knock yourself out if you doubt whatā€™s been corroborated time and time again by people that know the guy and are in the industry. I donā€™t have any stake in the game, I just donā€™t want to give the DB my money, would return his poacks if I could, but was interested in the genetics.

Heā€™s the founder and head breeder as far as I know. Heā€™s not taking orders at the drive thru. So just like I could care less about the mediocre food and wonā€™t buy Chic-fil-a again, nor spend my money at Walmart, I wonā€™t be buying any ethos. Hereā€™s the thing, all I said is I wonā€™t spend my money on Ethos but was curious about the grow and genetics. Youā€™re the one that got defensive and started questioning things Iā€™d said. If you donā€™t think Iā€™m right, then provide some evidence. Thatā€™s how arguments and debates work. If youā€™d like to continue this captivating discussion over someone you know even less than I do, but seem to want to defend, feel free to message meā€¦

On with the growā€¦

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@Reefer I have no evidence the same as you have no evidence lol
Iā€™d just like to know these things 100% before making the decision to avoid them.
I mistakenly thought you were the guy that posted that same thing in 2 other ethos threads, thatā€™s the only reason I responded to your post earlier but was informed you werenā€™t the same person.
I wasnā€™t looking for a debate, just some clarity brother

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@Kushking902 Itā€™s out there dude, again, these are public recordsā€¦ Theres a lot of easily accessible proof, not just evidence. I didnā€™t need much more than animal cruelty charges to be done with them so I didnā€™t dig any further.

When highly respected people in the same industry as you will call you a PoS openly, itā€™s a pretty big red flag. Usually people stay professional, stay out of the drama if they can. It usually takes being bad for the industry and culture for people to start calling you out.

Iā€™m sure the dude had a really good lawyer, and he still served time according to some.

If this is all some elaborate scheme, I donā€™t know if it really matters, because either way he clearly has a lot of people that do not like him and is a DB anyway :joy:

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Ok well anyway. :sweat_smile:

After I posted last night I cleared up the bottom, and when I got home from work and checked on them they were almost a full inch taller than yesterday.

I will top them tomorrow I didnt get a chance to tonight, Iā€™m worried they will get to tall my giant light wont fit past the exhaust fan. Pic with my giant light.


As far as all the drama, I donā€™t know what is up with all that. I bought 10 seeds and got 10 freebies, I am not going to throw them out or anything. All that mess aside I was probably going to try different breeders out anyway. Always looking for recommendations on where to get good beans so far my entire collection is the 16 seeds left from ethos!


@Goat feel free to send me a pm, and Iā€™ll hook you up :+1::smiley:


Hey yā€™all. Update day 46. I toped them yesterday and they didnā€™t even skip a beat. I think I did a better job topping than in my last run. I have been slacking on getting the screen up, need to do that soon. I hope to go 12/12 by monday so I need to start training soon. I hope with the recent toping the lower branches catch up soon. I really dig the structure of the plants. I need to get some better lower branch shots next post, they are finally starting to bush out.


i have several diff ETHOS gear and dig his work, lots of ppl do worse shit then that and we dont hold it over their heads forever and records from years back arent going to stop me from growing his stuff man. its quality IMO.

people screw up and they learn (hopefully) from their mistakesā€¦ its humanā€¦

if there is nothing new in the last 10 years i sureā€™d like to stop hearing about it and just enjoy my grow.

and hey @Goatā€¦ those are looking great man, keep up the good work!


I have grown three ethos strains, early lemon berry, banana hammock and planet of the grapes, all were fantastic.


Nice!! About to flip my Ethos - Orange Kush Cake for my first grow!


@matos420 awesome, good news! What was the stretch like on the planet of the grapes?


@Habibi congratulations, good luck!