My Second Grow. Planet of the Grapes and Crescendo (ethos)

Hey guys day 49. Rapid growth continues! They seem to be growing out of the twisty leaves things whatever that was. LITFA ftw. Anyway got my screen up finally :smiley:


Average stretch


Definitely top multiple times, especially with the scrog. :sunglasses:


are you topping from a certain node to make them bushier or just from top and bending them ? still a ways to go to get those side branches up might wanna start training soon


Well so far topped at the 7th node but trimmed off the bottom 2 nodes. I was thinking the side branches might catch up once I topped it but we will see. Last grow I just topped once and lots of bending, guess I was just going to see what happens.


those sure are pretty and with great color my man!


Whats up! Day 54. Itching to flip. I think I may flip tomorrow. I may give them a feed too. The one on the far right has that twisty leaf thing again. I searched around about it and still not really sure what it is. If you look hard enough you can link to almost anything haha. Most likely a watering thing or lack of watering thing. I dont know. It dried to the point it got all floppy a few days ago and then perked back up when I watered and now the twisty leaf thing is happening again.

Anyway they are filling out and like getting tall. Left side is the two planet of the grapes and the Crescendo are on the right. The one on the right closest to the middle is the “runt” She is real pretty now. Awesome structure like almost perfect symmetry. Hope she gives some dank buds!

This is one the grapes, look at how the two tops have grown so much in like a few days. My plan is to put the tops in different screens like spread way out and let the rest of the plant catch up even more.

Thanks for riding along everyone!


Hello quick update, I gave them a haircut and started training a bit. Still have not flipped to flower. I think I might let them recover a day or three. I accidentally broke off one of the two tops on one of the planet of the grapes plants when trying to stick it under the screen, so I topped the one that was left.


Big giant huge thanks to @Oldtimerunderground ! Got this in the mail today :smiley:

Future growroom diary material!


I’m happy to see they made it @Goat :grin:


Ok. Day 60. Last day of veg. The light turned off about 30 minutes ago for the first 12 hours of darkness! I promise I did not plan this but first day of flower will be 4/20 :crazy_face:

They have responded nicely since the pruning and the screen training is working out as well. I am worried they are going to be a little big. I just gave them there first real feeding. I feel they have pretty much depleted the nutrients available in the medium and are showing a magnesium deficiency. I do not have a fancy ph tester, I just have the paper strips, and ph looks dead on 7 maybe 6.8-6.9 so I do not think it is lock out. I am going to up the calmag to 2.5 ml per gallon. I threw in some pics, in addition to the rust spots, one crescendo is kind of yellowing. If you think it is something else please chime in! I think I will head over to sick plants and post there as well. Pics

These pictures are of the deficiency. One of the grapes I noticed has signs but this one it is more noticeable. It’s the crescendo “runt” and its a very pretty plant.

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Looks like the first signs of a magnesium deficiency to me too. Maybe give that one a foliar spray when she wakes up for a quick magnesium breakfast boost, lol, although I’m sure it’ll be fine with the calmag. Be prepared to pull them out and flush if you have to though, incase things start going downhill. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst is my grow motto haha. All my grows have plenty of “Oh shit! :hushed:” and “Awww fuck! :tired_face:” moments :joy:

Better that than worrying if they’re too small before flipping to flower :rofl: just keep training them with the screen over the next couple weeks and you’ll be good. If you’re worried about snapping anymore branches you can always bend a branch and wire/tie it to the screen.


Hi. Day 3 Flower :smiley: happy to finally be in 12/12. Everything is going a little to well at the moment and I fear the jungle will soon be over run. I got some good advice in sick plants and I just have been probably underwatering the whole time. I soaked them pretty thoroughly and went full go on the nutes (around 1000 ppm). It was 2 tsp growbig 1 tsp big bloom and 1 tsp tiger bloom. and 2.5 ml calmag per gallon. It took 2 gallons to see some decent run off in all 4 plants. I have been rewarded with rapidly growing plants :astonished: some of it is probably the start of the stretch but its going to get dicey in here. They are kind of droopy right now since I just fed and its like 5 mins to lights out but you can still see the screen is pretty full and its only day 3 flower!

I just feed them again and raised the light. This pic shows the limited space I have left lol. Only about another 6-7 inches left till the light hits the fan. I guess I could move the fan outside the tent but the wifey might object. She kind of low key complains about the giant carbon filter sitting on a shelf in the closet anyway :rofl:

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Day 4. Haircut day. I didn’t really defoliate as much as should of last grow. I told myself not to make the same mistake so I did some more light pruning at the bottom and a massive defoliation. I might just do a little up keep if needed and have another go at them before week 3.

before and after pics. I forgot to take a pic before a started so there is a little trimming done in the before :sweat_smile:


love that nice defoliation pic. your gonna have a nice healthy canopy just keep tucking away and doing what your doing things look dialed in,


Day 7. 1 week of 12/12. No idea how many more to go hah. My first run was from clones given to me by a more experienced grower. He pretty much told me the exact day to harvest. He grew out the mothers so he knew. The seed packs said 9 weeks for the planet of the grapes and 9-10 for the crescendo.

Running along pretty smooth. The 3 gallon pots dry out pretty quick. I see daily watering in my future. 48 hours is almost too long. The plants are looking pretty good. No signs of whatever gave them the rust spots before. A little burning at the tips on all 4 and some slight yellowing on the big crescendo. I think maybe it was getting to close to the light so I raised it a few more precious inches. The light is cranked now. 75% of 480 watt led in a 2x4 tent. They are stretching a lot. Since I only get to see them once, 20 minutes before lights out, during my work week, I can see them growing like an inch a day.3 I am pretty much out of training room so now they are growing straight up. Got the last few branches tucked yesterday.

Planet of the Grapes 1 This one not fully over her leaf twist but looking great now that I am not dehydrating her.

Planet of the Grapes 2

Crescendo 1

I should turn my light down a little before taking pictures :astonished: Have a good night!


The plants look like they’re cruisin along nicely. Now comes the fun part of watching the buds grow and explode right outta that 2x4 tent! Lol

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Hey yall. Day 11 flower. Gave them another haircut this morning. They are stretching their ass off. I hope they stop soon. I guess we will see how it goes, I wish I had gotten the taller tent!

Hope you all have a great day!


looking grape, I mean great! :+1: :+1: :v: :v:


gonna be some nice colas i can see you pulling a qp of some nice smoke in about 8 or 9 more weeks!