My Second Grow. Planet of the Grapes and Crescendo (ethos)

Hello. Day 16. Just cruising at the moment. Everything looking pretty lush and the little popcorns nugs are starting to frost up. I need to get in there and take some closer shots, they are pretty sugary for day 16. I barely had a chance to feed and take these two lame pics before lights out! Anyway just waiting now. Im down to maybe 2-3 ounces from my last grow. Tons of edibles still so I will probably make it :rofl:. The little tent is starting to stink.

These are big. I mean relatively. Big to me hah. My light is now at the top of the tent and it is 11 inches away from the top of the plants. I just moved it tonight. They were around 8 inches before with no real signs of light damage or anything but I was pretty scared. I was hoping stretch was over but (I think) they just took a day or so off from stress due to the last defoliation. Maybe 3-4 inches taller in the last 4 days :sweat_smile: There is no way to get the light any higher without some major remodeling. And really it would only give me another 3 inches or so anyway, so lets just see how much more they grow.

Here is my green little garden yall!


Hey yall. Day 21 flower here out in the boonies. In the last week between myself and my wife we have planted hundreds of plants. Holy spring yall. I should take some pics of my other gardens at some point. We have all kinds of veggies, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, melons, salad greens, snap peas, carrots, onions, celery, asparagus, garlic and more. We have grapes, blueberries, and strawberries producing. We have apple, pear, plum, and fig trees. All packed into our 3.5 acres. All while working over 40 hours as an executive chef and raising two little boys. The greenhouse is packed with plenty more to go outside soon as well. There is not much down time in my life but at 40 years old I find the more energy I spend the more energy I have. Stay busy doing things you love yall! But back to the weed lol.

Day 21. Supposedly stretch is over, and man I hope so. I kind of pushed my screen down but the light cant go any higher and the top colas are like 9 inches away. I probably should of flipped a week earlier but I waited for them to get like uber healthy and you live you learn lol. As long as the light doesn’t damage them to bad I am hoping for a good yield! They are all good and frosty and stinky and healthy and getting thicker. I did little defoliation 2-3 days ago but I guess I wont need to do that anymore, just a little upkeep from now on. I went pretty hard on pics, they look and smell lovely and of everything else I mentioned before, weed is favorite thing to grow! :sunglasses:

I forgot to dim the light before I took pics so kind of squint when looking at them, they are bright

Group shot

Planet of the grapes 1.

Planet of the Grapes 2.

Crescendo 1

Crescendo 2

Thanks for stopping in everyone!


looking great gonna rock that tent! 3,5 acres would give you some nice outdoor :smiley:


I want to man, I even was going to clone one of these ladies when I topped it, but my cat nibbled on it and my wife made me toss it. I want to stick to the 4 plant limit but I am tempted. We have a pretty epic compost heap going, I bet it would grow some good outdoors. If it didnt stink so bad id use it in the tent :nauseated_face:

These will be done in late june early july, I might try to sneak in an outdoor run before winter. I have never done outdoor but I am in a local growers group on FB and they are moving plants outside right now, not sure exactly how the outdoor growing cycles work…


Hey guys! It’s been a minute since I’ve updated the grow. Things are full speed ahead right now, everything is frosty dense and chunky.

Only hiccup about a week ago I noticed some of the tips of the top buds were turning white. Did some internet ring and determined I was frying them with my light! I pulled everything out of the tent and re-arranged the tips are now a solid 14 inches away and my wife hasn’t complained a lot about the fan so we good. Interesting but the white tips on some have now been overgrown with green growth. I wonder if I will notice this in the final product?


Bonus - I promised some pics of my other gardens.



A random nug from each plant


A white burnt tip :cry:


yes you will notice the bleached tips on end product but there still smokeable! some ppl say they end up a little less potent but look pretty lol. everything is looking good and getting close.

the fan set up outside the tent prob gives you better head space if the noise is bothering the wife you can make a sound dampening box. very simple and will make a big difference. just hang it with bunjee cord.

awesome garden i always wanted one that big but my back is toast as it is. lol


Hey y’all! Day 45 flower! Things are getting pretty frosty in there. My wife thinks it’s mold so I took some close up pictures and it’s just like a million trichomes I think. The pictures turned out pretty so I thought I would share!

The garden

Crescendo 1

Crescendo 2 (leaves seem to be turning purple)

Planet of the Grapes 1

Planet of the Grapes 2

This one is my current favorite

The vegetable garden is going nuts. I do not have any current picture but our family of four has not purchased fruit or vegetables in over a month and we are well fed!

Thanks for following along


damn those colas are stacking nicely! start getting the enviroment dialed for the dry and thats gonna be some dank smoke. great job so far man


Beautiful pics @Goat :star_struck::muscle:and great colour on that 2nd Crescendo :rainbow:

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What happened here? Got some Ethos gear just starting up.

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