My Skunk18 and '95 Silver Haze by TheNatureFarm hunt (12 of 12 popped on both)

hey whats going on. I have noticed that THENATUREFARM gets a good amount of hate on his seeds. I always wondered why because i find great expressions in his gear so far. I wanted to show how his seeds grow in my living soil, use KNF and traditional Natural Farming for the most part. Ferments FTW!
So here we go, 1st pic is '95 Silver Haze. i know he selected to the “Indica” side for the breeders. not your typical narrow leaf haze look. 12 seeds soaked and 12 seeds popped and growing. the 2nd and 3rd pic are Skunk18 he definitely selected breeders to the 'Ghani side, rubber Skunion funk. Soaked 12 and 12 popped although i will say that every single time i pop a pack of skunk18 i get 1 or 2 runtards, very bottom left of pic 2 is your first gold star award winner and pic 3 is SUPASTAH in all her glory sittin solo like a lost lamb in a field of buffalo. There are a few other things in the room as well, Ice Cream Cake cut from seed junky, GMOxJungleCake, Gelati, and a cross i made using GMOxjJungleCake male on a Corpse Flower and a lone Sour Strawberry BOG (we will see on that) but this post is about the '95 SILVER HAZE and SKUNK18

Ok so here we are 2 week’ish later. PICS 1-2 are the whole bed so everyone understands how it is setup. Just Living Soil with worms, i dont covercrop anymore. The plants just block all the light to the clover and they all die off. PIC 3 is the SKUNK18, i always pluck the top 2 large fan leaves when i get to about the last 3-4 weeks of veg. As it grows the next fans out i pluck those top ones, If i dont, the underbranching is almost nothing, at least indoor. A buddy calls them full on umbrellas. PIC 4 is supposedly BOG Sour Strawberry. few years ago i was gifted a grip of seeds by a buddy that was a trimmer up in NorCAL. They came as BOG. u guys tell me if that looks like BOG gear. Time will tell im sure. PIC 5 is a cross i made using a SeedJunky GMOxJungleCake male that was really skunky and chemmy, and i used a TNF Corpse Flower that was straight foul, full on offensive rancid rotten meat and something like a dumpster at a fast food spot, moldy wet earth skunk funk. I have a homie that is wife wouldnt let him smoke in the house or garage. after the first OZ she wouldnt let him get another, he had to get Banana OG. PIC 6 is a row of baby Seed Junky Cut IceCreamCake, with a Prezidential Skunk at the bottom. One of the ICC got ate up by rolly polly, so ill replace with a Prez. PIC 7 is GMO x Jungle Cake and a lone Gelati. What can i say, its exactly what u would think it is. Very typical, not necessarily in a bad way. Just typical. PIC 8-9 is TNF '95 Silver Haze. So far the star in the room for sure. Straight up funk! My favorite one smells like, the Priest in church that walked past swinging the smoking thurible and censer, just smoked a pine skunk fatty. Absolutely glorious, i have popped a lot of “haze” seeds and have not gotten that smell in years. For 5 of these to be smelling like true piff in veg, im am stoked to say the absolute least. I will replace males with SSH most likely. I will use Prez on the Skunk18 side. PIC 10 on a side note super glad for legit homies. Dude is busy with the whole damn world and a 10 room gro-op, but still finds time to take extra cuts for me on things he knows i want to replace. Lets me hit his moms for cuts, always has a “hype” cut for me to give my opinion plus he wants me to hussle with the newnew. so we have Lumpys Apple Fritters again, such a good breeder plus it has some pretty heavy smoke.i took a few GG4 cuts, they have been holding that since like 2013, and he hit me with a Glitter Bomb. I never take advantage of my boy, i could walk out of there with 30 cuts. I would never do that, im blessed to have homies like this and have kept these type of people at the highest regard for my whole life. I was blessed early in life to realize the few outweigh the many, so i focus on the few and they show the same.
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I really like your setup! How long have you been using the living soil approach?


Thank You Bert. I have doing the living soil, no till, soil food web since about 2015, but used supersoil type of "organics"previously. living situations forced me to flood & drain a closet a time or 2. but living organics is where i lay me head. i built this bed about 5 or 6 years ago it has served me incredibly well. i suggest any and all that can, to do the same. it will get shown more as we go, it a W or 3 row.


Please do keep posting! I am interested in watching your grow.

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right on brother. i most definitely will keep this updated. i will also show the rest of the plants, but ill make another post for that.

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Tnf has really good plants. I have grown a ton of his stuff and it’s all been stellar. The 95 silver haze is outstanding.


i have grown many of his as well. i find outstanding stuff on every pack except one. i have been waiting on opening the silver haze and a few others because my male storage is limited, and these males are worth it to me. now is that time

BEAUTIFUL SETUP, I think I’ll hide out in that far right corner, enjoy the view, learn a few things in the process. THANKS for sharing with the OG. Continued success in all things, take care, stay safe and, be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Ok so the time has come. Silver Haze is showing flowers Skunk18 is starting to get crusty. Day 21 or 22 of flower. Pic 1,2,3 are Skunk18. Rubber sour earthy hard to tell yet. Pic 4,5 are the Silver Haze. Sour milky piney spicey skunky funk .

The show has started and let’s see how they progress through flower. I have other stuff in the room I’ll do an update and keep track of. U know the regular stuff ICC, Gelati, GMO/JungleCake, plus I made a cross using a nasty Corpse Flower lady and a super skunky gassy GMO/JungleCake male and have a few phenos I’m trying to decide through still. Plus I used some clones, that will stretch, to fill the males spots, in those spots I have Prezidential Skunk made my a IG bro which is. Prezidential Kush (MTGSeeds) X Dominion Skunk (DominionSeedCo)
I also added a couple Apple Fritter, GG4, GlitterBomb, Pure Kush and an Original Diesel. These male replacement additions are for my own personal fat joint collection, so they aren’t grown for crop really, this run. What we will be watching the hardest is the ‘95 Silver Haze and the Skunk18 Uncle Festers Skunk by The Nature Farm

Ok this is what’s going on outside. I can’t really do outdoor here. So to keep them small, I go outside around july10. These are my 3 kept “phenos” of Prezidential Skunk and a single GMO/JungleCake (I have 3 “phenos” of this as well) plus there is a single SSH that is only out there to be cloned really.


So one of my dogs was sick yesterday morning apparently, she decided my favorite “pheno” of Prezidential Skunk was her favorite as well. It was completely pulled out of the bag and laying on the ground. So I layed the roots back in the soil as organized as I could and then filled the soil back and watered in. We shall see. I have 4 of each of my 3 kept “phenos” … been about 36 hours and good to go, it will be interesting to see how well she recovers before flower sets in outdoor in SoCal. If she recovers at all before flower so here’s a few pics of how she’s supposed to look, and how she actually looks after defying death. The SSH behind her is just for make a couple cuts. She has a couple weeks to get bigger, she just took off 3 days ago.