My Vida Loca Bwuahahaha

I didn’t say thank you @Pawsfodocaws , so Thank you!! So excited to run these :green_heart::grin::green_heart::grin:


No problem :blush: I’m happy you are running them!!! Stay kind :sparkles:


Ahh the perfect example of a damp off. RIP Soma#6. Wa wa wa . Ahhhhh weeeeeel, still have 5!

Ironically, the one with the ‘x’ mark, haha, I dumped the solo cup and had no hope of the seed being anywhere in the dirt. So that was a happy event to see that seed pop!


I’m excited for your lavender run. I grew some soma lavender a few years ago. Delicious flowers. I’m stoked there may be an opportunity to try it out again. :crossed_fingers:

Also, I can recommend the rainbow ylly. It’s tasty smoke. I still have a cut of that. A couple weeks til the flower tent for her.
Keep up the good work friend!


Thanks @Rhino_buddy

I had only intended to flower out and do a seed run in the solo cups, but then reality kicked in and the difficulty in flower with the smaller pots was realized.

So, they’ll be doing the solo → 1 gallon → 3 gallon dance. Hopefully get a good boy (or 2) and a few ladies and get a bunch of seeds. I plan on just Veg thru the transplants, working probably for a 6-8 week Veg then flip. Hopefully it’ll work out hahaha :joy::rofl::+1::grimacing:


That’s awesome! Haven’t seen anyone on OG run them so it will be good to see what you find in those, only person that has run the F2’s that I know of are myself and an acquaintance of mine who ran a few females each summer for a couple years in a row. Best of luck and have fun growing!


@ElGalloBlanco I love the color of them, so these too likely will be an open pollination sed run. Very, very pretty plants :green_heart::grin::green_heart::grin: thank you!


Well, we shall see! I can 100% say me and soil = not happening.

Look at these poor Ylly’s and Gs’s!:sob::cry:

Let’s hope that Soma makes it! 4/5 had tap roots to the bottom of the cup, the largest of the 5 was already starting to circle the bottom. I’d planed to wait till Sunday to move them, but they just seem to be languishing on the way to death, so transplanting it is.

Figured I’d get out my sprouting trays, the dirt just hates me!

Still fun, regardless but kind of frustrated as it’s like trying to ride a bicycle with a brain injury nothing is working :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::woman_shrugging:.

Guess we’ll see!

Edit for Nef and her memory loss - 5.8 and 2.5 ml Clonex to water these to start. Wheeee


What soil medium do you have in those solo cups for your seedlings? It looks a little chunky and typically seedlings like a lighter and fluffier mix, but don’t write them off yet though as hopefully they can grow out of it as they start to get bigger.


It’s just ffof, nothing crazy but it didn’t sift it. I’m going to transplant some of them I think and roll,the dice and se what we get


Yeah, probably a tad “hot” for seedlings but they should pull out of it, you’ll probably have a full tent in no time. Good luck!

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Yeah, they got transferred to hempy today! Kept 6 ylly and 6 gs, the seedlings that looked bad got the boot.

Dropping 4 Double Grape Meph seeds for the big pots in the 2x4. Hopefully the hiccup will be over soon!

Also have a fruity Pebbles fem going in the big tent from @TopShelfTrees1 ! Thank you!!


Awesome! Stoked to hear this ! Just wait , that line is full of epic phenos and super hardy/vigorous plants! I hope you get some stellar ones and a keeper.
Enjoy @nefrella I’m glad I could help


Bootstrap farmer trays?


Not sure what those trays are, I just got those from our local hydro store. The trays below the bigger pots I purchase from Amazon I think!


If the green and orange ones are super thick/strong they probably are. My absolute go to abymore, they never break, can hold fully wet trays full of plants with one hand…. Game changer. I just ask cuz the colours instantly stood out as I have the exact same and blue and white as well


Yep, they’re super tough and rigid, love em!


That’s them for sure! Awesome. They are imho the best ones available by far. I’ve been trying to tell people for a while as Id go through like 10-20 mondi trays a year before , now with these. Once I get another 4-5 I should never have to buy trays again and I love that idea so much!


I’ve looked at their trays many times , but now you’ve convinced me to buy some next time I order from them. Need some more shade cloth for my giant hoop house. I have been taking 32 cell trays and pots out of the trash from a place we buy native plants from, but I hate when it comes time for me to toss them. At least we get more life out of them. :wink:

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Good to see you jumping back i with both feet @nefrella