My Vida Loca Bwuahahaha

And just like that we went from zero to crazy. Good times!


Welcome back! Dibs on the 4x8! :smirk: Also, FPOG… :drooling_face:


Was a 3 pack w/5 beans. I just popped 4 because I figure these will stink the house up! Hope you’ve been well lady! :grin::heart:


It’s always fun and games till the tent shows up :sweat::cold_sweat::hot_face::joy::rofl::crazy_face::heart:


We have some Toof Decay action. Charlotte and Pebbles be slooooooow lol. I have faith they’ll Germ, sometimes theu just take longer to get dressed I suppose!

Oh - back to dirt! FFOF , I’m doing the 90 day “set it and forget it” route. This soil is amended for about a 90 day stretch with the nutes, the autos should flourish.

The hempy style is epic, but dirt I think is even easier. Finding I super love plants, but not super spending hours of watering maintenance.

Now, to just learn to NOT overwater.

Hahahahaha, going to be a long strange trip. :wink::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::kissing_heart:


@nefrella thought you should know:

Your gift is about to make a lot of folks very happy!


Aww! That is awesome! @HeadyBearAdventures Bravo & Happy Growing!!!

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Well, I’ve learned some stuff this past week.

Apparently you have to water Dirt more frequently and than the vermiculite/ perlite hempy buckets. And here I was concerned I was going to overwater…

I caused a damp off of the Toof Decay #1, so we’re down to #2 & #3, #4 was a no-show.

The Fruity Pebbles @medmanbrand I have no clue what I did to those. 1/8 cracked ground, the others after investigation the seeds cracked open, but then they just did nothing. I’m certain it was me, just bummed for the poor seeds!

Charlotte is still alive, although I did try to kill her yesterday (watering, more like desert?).

And yay, Arugula!

:see_no_evil: :crazy_face:


I’m tired of watering and my back just isn’t loving it anymore. Excited to see how well these work!

At this point, I should have an AC Infinity sponsorship :rofl::joy::kissing_heart:

AC Infinity Self-Watering Fabric…

I’m literally only mixing FFOF with Perlite (substantial amount as FFOF is dense soil) watering with 6.5 ph. Nothing else unless I see substantial issues. 90 days worth of food, let’s just set it and forget it.

Oh - and as far as those FPOG, as I had suspected - I fried them. Had a heating mat w/o a temp guide (oh, I have one now) and come to find out, ambient Temps (+) light are well at germination Temps, maybe even a few degrees too high (86.5⁰ but not much else I can do as I’m not putting another fan in that corner :joy::rofl:)


Are they like shoelaces in a rez making contact with the fabric pot?

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Welcome back! (Sorry I’m a bit late) looks great in there, sorry about the losses.

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Yes, exactly. Just a wicking system

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Hehe, thanks! Was my fault ill recover :+1::+1:

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Well I’m killing anything cannabis related but LOOK! Hahaha, the microgreens, I think maybe I’ve got it figured out.

What’s the secret? Stop doing stupid stuff repeatedly and listen to people who can repeatedly show you success. Haha, poor weed plants, I am not succeeding growing in dirt. :laughing:!


Nice! Very cool. I know a lot people getting into this lately.


Awwww, time for more plant murder, I mean success!

We have courtesy @Pawsfodocaws Rainbow Ylly :rainbow:

Courtesy @HolyAngel Gold star x Snow Lotus (Perhaps these are the seeds @ElGalloBlanco made?) Either way much thanks!

And some Greenpoint seeds I’ll be hopefully keeping alive.

Also, the Soma Lavendar from am OG auction in '20. Had 10, killed 4 awhile ago (last year).

Decided to try 'em out, thougjt ‘haha, what’s the worst that can happen, I go by more seeds?’

Well I found out this last week that you just can’t buy these seeds much anymore. Hey guess what it’s my first seed run this trip!! :joy::rofl::joy::rofl: Soma. 6/6 germinated, I think I’ve managed to damp one off, we shall see! 5/6 ain’t bad!

Admittedly I’m just popping seeds now like an addict, boy howdy!

What fun! :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:


Are you really making Lavender seeds!? That’s a coveted strain my friend.


Oh - I am, Indeed, so help me, I am… Let’s hope.I don’t Keelz them! @HeadyBearAdventures


Nice @nefrella love the rainbow ylly


Ah yes I do believe so! You’re welcome ^^