My Water Culture

Hell yeah, it can spread by leaf to leaf contact and they can spread by being in the same dirt or growing in dirt that had a plant in it with the virus before it. So I have to dump all the super soil i made because i was handling the mothers then going in and mixing the soil. So I cant risk it.

yah I forget growing in a medium is way harder to “clean up” in it’s entirety. I just toss the buckets in the shower with some bleach. And @Ginger_Rick… you can’t stop me from fermenting buds!!! lol! I’d do it right now, if I had some fresh ones. Then, I’ll correctly claim that symbiotic organisms did things to the buds. Then I’ll make the unsubstantiated claim the lactobacillus made the bud more potent. Heh heh not really…but then I’ll dry it out and thermodecarb it and put it in a sandwich… Like a pickle :wink: hah hah you may think I’m kidding, but as soon as I hatched that plan I knew it was gonna happen. I’ll do that along with various other things. Just to see the outcome… it’s a data gathering mission.
People will bitch I am ruining buds…uhhh do you think I smoke that shit? Because…no. I find smoking buds makes me cough up mucus the next day. Yah even that single old-bud spliff I smoked wasn’t good for my lungs. Instead… LOVE ME SOME HASH! I am the hash ripper, nothing more…nothing less… oh except that crazy ass tincture I made. Eventually when the buds are old I create a CBN tincture that makes you…sleep good. Even smoking 20 different kinds of weed at the contest didn’t do the “thing” for me… except coughing the next day. After 7 super dabs, I was feelin’ fine.

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I’m impressed at the sacrifices you’re willing to make for science! I can’t imagine that tasting very good, nor even smelling very good.

Weed smells delicious, but only to smoke. Even when edibles have a strong flavor I’m not a fan.

I tried water curing, the resulting bud reminded me of burning hair. :nauseated_face:

They did make a nice clean tincture that I used for hard candies though.


I still have my old jars for the “curing” process that I used to use so long ago. I think I am going to perform 4 different tests.

  1. what I always do - control
  2. fridge
  3. lacto
  4. recommended process
    There’s no predicted outcomes here, just gathering observations.

lol I forgot to point out, there’s been too many predicted outcomes, ones that conflict with each other. In the absence of a predicted outcome, you have to gather observations, and then finally construct a hypothesis that has a predictable outcome. If your prediction fails, the hypothesis is garbage.

Oh I see, you’re gonna make up some magic, crystal aktivayted sacred healing galaktik weed kombucha, eh brother? Well don’t forget to gather your rainwater naked under the 3rd full moon of the month for peak resonance! Also, you’ll want to add some blue green algae to the repipe, can’t make a sacred healing tincture without some poisonous pond scum from a shit filled stagnant lake, now can you brother? It’s Biodynamic!

Do you remember a few years back there was a short “live water” hype train rolling around? Fuckers were selling jugs of unfiltered creek water on Etsy for like $50 or some crazy shit. Nut jobs were snapping it up, talking about how healthy and empowering “live water” was. Idiots running out to scoop up random creek water and down it. Mmmmm wholesome living water!

Yeah, turns out what was living in that water was Beaver Fever, but hey I bet shitting and puking at the same time while running a 110⁰ fever for a week is a great way to “burn out those toxins”! :face_vomiting::rofl:


hah hah hah, see that’s the problem eh? I hear weird claims about beneficial microbes doing things. Now, I know there is a single human symbiote called lactobacillus which performs fermentation process. So, I propose using a method that ACTUALLY uses a human symbiote to transform the weed into something unknown. Once the outcome is observed, then reality will collapse into a single possibility from the quantum state it’s in right now:
The idea is both genius, and the stupidest idea ever, until the outcome is observed to be either genius or stupidity.


Schrodinger’s Weed

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King tuts are pumping, I will boost their EC.


yawn been thinking of sprouting those new seeds as well. I should go hunt around for a sprouting jar. I use a paper towel, plastic bag and a jar of some kind. I was thinking I could sex all seedlings in the same bucket. I dunno. I could also show how to fuse the plants together into a mutant. I did that before using jalapeno and caribbean reds. Doing it with cannabis might be freaky! Imagine three cannabis seedlings fused into one plant? nuts!

ok I boosted the king tuts to EC 3.0 ph probably 6.1, but I won’t bother testing. The larger one is down to EC 2.6 already! I boosted it up a few days ago.

I recall @AllOra does a lot of grafting. I’ve thought of maintaining a single mother plant where you graft on new strains and clip off strains you’re tired of. Would be a nice way to get a variety of genetics in a limited space.


yah not really grafting heh heh, more like “grown together”. I remembered another claim your buds would be better if you harvest in the dark.

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You mean more multiple plants in the same netpot? Super curious to hear what your idea is, even more curious to see it in action.

I get the boredom. I popped some new genetics I got on the weekend, just cause. No real idea what I’m going to do with them.

yah I get multiple seedlings or clones going in the same bucket, so they grow together into one plant with different branches. lol but I am going to be raising the seedlings to be tossed against the wall and see if they stick…or produce better than the others. I only recommend fusing plants of the same species. In my experiment with tomato and cannabis… the tomato plant will suck the life out of it.

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Buddy said to make sure to harvest in the dark also claimed the trichomes are a different shape/color/whatever in the sunlight. He said to harvest at 3am or if you are harvesting indoors, harvest in the dark…72 hours of darkness. Ok now, where is the evidence to back up that claim? Did he know, as he was saying it, that I could prove it wrong in 24 hours??? Why would someone make a claim like that?

There are two reasons to harvest during the dark cycle. One being lower temperatures, preserving more terpenes vs harvesting mid day. The other is the plant moves up to 40% of it’s sugars to the root zone to feed bacteria etc.

That being said, I have seen no significant difference between 12 and 72 hours of darkness.


heh heh…hmmm where’s the evidence of that?..says the guy running the water culture with high resolution optics… I swear… day or night…those trichomes look the same, and the bacteria is nowhere to be found.


The sugar is moved to the roots in the form exudates. The exudates feed bacteria in the root zone. Probably not going to see a change in the trichomes, sugar usually stays in the leaves, doubt it effects the hash a bunch.

This book is all about the symbiotic relationship between microbes and the plant.