Are you just going to hose em down and catch the water? Would eliminate some steps in the hash making process.
lol as hilarious as that would be…
I am just going to do a test on a single bud, then see if I can wash all the trichomes off with a stream of water. I’m not going to catch the trichomes or smoke them. It’s still only -1 over night though, so I can’t do it yet.
So just see if you can get a ‘clean’ bud huh? Man you have so much weed at your disposal that the craziest stuff goes down.
Real happy you share all this stuff, you crazy scientist.
knowledge is a priceless thing, but the buds? They grow on trees. I want to know if the water straight up scours the trichomes off.
ok Bloom time!
The pelargonium is growing! I don’t know what to do with the underwater growth… I’ll probably let it come up through the neoprene.
Thats such a great insight. I’m trying to help a friend get into growing even though I’m still learning myself, mostly because I’ve made it to harvest and he never has. He’s so precious with his plants that it drives me nuts. Take some clones and don’t worry about it. Run enough plants that losing one or two isn’t going to hurt.
Glad to get caught up, the flowering girls look good.
When I initially started growing I would trim every bud store the small ones in glass jars. Do the whole, thing. Then I realized I was wasting my time. The small buds became bubble hash instead then the waste made into oil. Then I realized the oil was a waste of time I should just compost it instead. Now sometimes I just grow it for bubble hash. Only waste a bit of time trimming a few buds.
One day I showed up at the medical dispensary with a sack of buds, I had used to make the hash. They told me it was worthless. That was a wake-up call, so… that’s what you get? In the end after growing so much weed a bud is just something you kick down the sidewalk as you smoke your crazy concentrates. Unfortunately, try as I might… There is no way you can impress that idea on a newb when they were just dropping 600$ a month on shit that’s not worth anything. Fuck me, that’s a cynical thing to say.
OK it’s worth 100$ for 28 grams, or some shit. Not worthless. Except a human being can make much more on concentrates!
LOL I just try to vet those sayings for “deepity”.
A different angle!
Big buds and a King tut. The pathogen thing is going great! I think I have finally grown a colony separate from the plant and other things, so I can easily harvest just the organism…or whatever that shit is. It’s definitely not a level 3 biohazard. yah yah I know I’m talking level 3 as applied to the plant being killed, not me.
meat breaths! in bloom! exclamation mark!!
I think I bumped them up to EC 2.0 ph 6.0 details are hazy like I just got blasted off some good hash.
I got some images of the different things around my grow. Like how I keep it clean. Did I mention…clean that shit up??
Leaves in buckets then into the compost. Also the floor isn’t all filthy, I sweep and mop that shit.
Cleaning is my single protocol to keep the grow pathogen free. I swear by it. I also have my secret spider army, but those are just for fun. They kill anything that ventures in.
ok well I am scrubbing things up! I am going to scrub a new home for the pelargonium. Ahhhh that’s where the glory is at when you’re growing weed! Pouring some disinfectant cleaner into buckets and letting it soak for a bit and then scrubbing them with a brush. ooo I can feel the joy lol! Sweeping the floors… vacuuming up the cob webs. I guess that turns some people off from growing, it’s quite a bit of effort! I have to say though when I go down there and bask in the plant growth. It makes me feel like there is some kind of sanity in the world. Got to keep it all under control, and under wraps. Or else I’ll lose my fucking mind.
wow the pathogen sample is doing great! Light plus water and nutrient holy we got life! Once all that shit dies, I’ll see what it is. Gotta dry it out.
wow the pathogen scan was amazing. I swear to fuck I seen rotifers and water bears as well as the shit they feed on AKA algae. It’s wacky to think those little buggers are in the water and then explode in growth once the food pumps up, in this case algae! It’s like a tiny microscopic ecosystem in there. Downside is… that ecosystem is lethal to plant clones. If it gets out of control, it will also be lethal to plants.
Pathogen scan was on a water drop from this piece of neoprene. Look at the gross life forms! NASTY!
here is a small slice of the life in the water drop.
100X magnification or something. I posted this shit in other threads, I found it to be completely fascinating. Mesmerizing!
Meat breath trichomes spotted!
Things are marching right along! I am going to deal with the pathogen experiment, soon. Turns out those little critters are good at killing shit. Doesn’t take the colony long to bloom and destroy things, but not an actual plant. Those colonies are good at finishing off clones though! Only a small number of little hungry microscopic critters can really cause damage. There were more than meets the eye as well. Tiny little things. ICK!
I slapped some measurements on a piece from the meat breath. You can see the trichomes are gathering size. In both the cap and stalk.
well, things are marching along! The seedling needs more water… I am almost done scrubbing buckets. Boss Is riding my ass about the deadline for the project completion. Lookit her inspecting the progress with a disapproving stare.